Would love to be able to see recent posts and recent comments.

ZiNc Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 250
edited December 2022 in Feedback

It's a little cumbersome to interact with the forums by going through each category and seeing if there's anything new. Am I missing something, or would this be possible to add?

The "activity" area could work if it allowed for filtering by a type of activity.

EDIT: Just found this page by poking around on the DBD forums... however it shows ALL new discussions, between both forums (dbd and mym) without distinction:

Can this be displayed in the sidebar, same as the other forum, and distinctly show threads from either forum?


  • ChickenCat
    ChickenCat Member, Administrator, Community Manager, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 13

    We're looking into this! As you mentioned the recent discussions currently shows ALL discussions, including DBD, which isn't ideal here. Once that's resolved, we'll re-enable looking through MYM recent discussions! :)