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I wish Building is less grindy and more free

Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,736

I like to build a lot but since you need to have lot of outposts (and they are all time limited: resources, number of players raiding them, etc.) it's kinda expensive to keep building. Also deleting / building again your owned lands doesn't reset stats (players who played it will not play it again even if it's new map on old land) and your land will be gone one day (resources decreasing or whatever that is).

Also the same currency that costs upgrades / new traps and Guards costs as well the outposts you buy. So you either grind A LOT by raiding or you just build and not upgrade for a while OR you don't build and just upgrading / unlocking for a while.

Raiders don't pay anything for playing as much as they want but Builders have to grind a lot to build outposts. I wish Building is more free (by free I mean not grindy to play as Builder). I don't mind if you will make unlocks more grindy but please at least make cheap / for free building as much you want.


  • FlamingZelda
    FlamingZelda Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 11

    I think what bothers me is the fact my outpost will be obsolete at some point. I understand they need a way to sift out bad outposts, but even once an outposts time on active or overdrive is up, it'd be nice to still be able to edit it and put it on social.

    I come from a mario maker background and a huge part of that game is just going on the profiles of players who's levels you enjoy and playing through each of their creations. That'd be nice to have.

    I think part of the reason building is expensive (buying the land) is because they don't want the game to be flooded with low quality builds that someone just pooped out to try to harvest resources.

    So I think there's a balance between keeping the active outpost pool relatively low/maintaining quality, and allowing players to just have fun building levels.