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[BUG] Harvester fails to find the valid path

Rythis Member Posts: 3

In my first outpost I'm getting an issue where the harvester cannot create a valid path even when it exists. I have tried breaking and replacing all relevant blocks and nearby paint/accessories but it hasn't helped. I have screenshots of the issues attached. Basically, as far as I can tell, my harvester hates inclines. Telling him to take a turn after an incline (even when given extra space between the blocks) doesn't work as the path shows he gets blocked even though there is nothing there. This happens in multiple locations throughout my outpost, which is a recreation of an outpost I had in the alpha that had no issues with the same structural design.


  • Varzin
    Varzin Member Posts: 12
    edited February 2023

    I just started playing the beta today, first time on MYM, I'm running into the same problem. It does appear to be an issue with inclines I Tried making my first outpost but couldn't finish it due to the Harvester not connecting what should have been a valid path. I cleared the map and experimented with what should have ben extremely simple and easy to follow paths that led relatively straight to the gen-mat to no avail. It does appear to be an issue with inclines.

    I just went back into the game to try and experiment a bit more just to get my facts straight. The game saved on one of the super simple layouts and now it's showing that the Harvester can connect to the gene-mat. So maybe saving the map, exiting, and re-entering is a workaround for whatever the real issue is? I'll try building a real outpost again and will report back with what I find.


    I went back in again and re-created the outpost I was trying to make the first time. I had to finagle it a bit but it does appear that save/exiting and re-entering fixes it.

    Post edited by Varzin on
  • Kharel
    Kharel Alpha Surveyor Posts: 21

    Back in the closed beta there was an issue that may be relevant; the path break shown was sometimes not where the actual impassable area is. Check the whole intended path, not just the spot showing as broken. Look for places shaped like a |_\ (hard to draw in text - look for places where there's a triangle overhang with no place for HRV to walk except directly through it). Those are your most likely culprit, as HRV can't fit through them.

  • TorQueMoD
    TorQueMoD Member Posts: 134

    You need to make sure that there's nothing blocking him. Sometimes it could be the fact that he can't cross over the outside blocks. Other times, it's because he can't walk around an angled floor piece if there's not enough space. Rule of thumb, make sure it's at least one full square of space for him to walk through at all times.