Modifiers and Raider Streak

Entchenklein Member Posts: 35
edited March 2023 in Feedback

Outpost Modifiers:

Outpost Modifiers are random Modifiers that change the flow of a outpost and give builders and attackers more diversity

  • 1 Modifier Prestiege Level 1 (So New users are not confused about Modifiers and they can be explained once Prestieged Once)
  • 2 Modifiers Prestiege Level 5
  • 3 Modifiers Prestiege Level 9

Every Modifier can be rerolled by spending some Scrap Material (The More you reroll the more it will cost)

If a Modifier is fulfilled The Attacking player gets notified about the Modifier

Example Modifiers:

  • Only 3 Types of Traps Allowed +20% Income (Per Player Kill)
  • No Upgrade Perks Allowed for Traps +20% Income
  • No Upgrade Perks Allowed for Guards +20% Income
  • Harvester Path has to be as short as possible +30% Income
  • No (Insert Trap Here) Allowed +5% Income
  • No (Insert Guard Here) Allowed +10% Income
  • Only 5 Traps per Type Allowed +50% Income
  • Bigger Harvester (Harvester needs 2 spaces instead of 1) +30% Income
  • No Guards Allowed +50% Income
  • No Traps Allowed +50% Income
  • No Traps or Guards Allowed near the DNA +20% Income
  • Traps trigger 30% slower +50% Income
  • No Floor Traps +50% Income
  • No Ceiling Traps +50% Income
  • No Traps on the Harvester Path +50% Income
  • Holographic Harvester Path if The Harvester follows the Holographic Path +20% Income

Modifiers That can be Activated or deactivated by the Outpost Creator:

(Some of thous Modifiers could make it harder for the raider but in return give no aditional Income for the builder)

  • Traps and Guards dont Respawn after Raider Death +200% Income
  • Arrow Trap Reloads Indefinitely but activates 10% slower +0% Income
  • Harvester explodes when near the Raider and respawns at the Outpost Entrense The Harvester Path is visible to the Raider +0% Income
  • Traps Activate when beeng destroyed after 5 seconds +0% Income
  • Guards can not move +10% Income
  • Harvester can climb vertical slopes +0% Income
  • Only Teams will raid your base +50% Income
  • Only Solo Players will raid your base +0% Income
  • Traps will explode when destroyed +10% Income

Raider Modifiers:

Raider Modifiers get randomly rolled before you start a raid they are designed to provide extra challenge for the raider if he wants to in exchange for more resources and genmat

Example Modifiers:

  • Not allowed to use (Insert Wearpon Here) +20% Income
  • Not allowed to use (Insert Trinket Here) +20% Income
  • When the harvester survives your raid +20% Income
  • Not Switching your loadout till the raid ends +10% Income
  • Die a maximum of 5 Times +20% Income
  • Only use 1 Wearpon +50% Income
  • Dont use Grapling Hook (This will likely be imposible on some maps) +100% Income

Modifiers That can be Activated or deactivated by the Raider:

  • -10% Movement Speed +20% Income

Raider Streak:

Completing Raids in Succession gives you a income boost of resources raid streaks are depending on the difficulty you are playing at so there is a raider Streak for every difficulty if you lose your streak in the Brutal category will not affect your streak in the Normal category for example

Raider Streak resets if you are abondoning a raid aka not completing it and starting a different raid of the same difficulty

  • 1 Completed Raid = 5% aditional income
  • 2 Completed Raid = 10% aditional income
  • ...
  • 10 Complete Raids = 50% aditional income (It will stay there till you abondon a raid)
Post edited by Entchenklein on


  • Redbeard_Steel
    Redbeard_Steel Member Posts: 32

    I love this idea! It would be awesome to create my base around something like this (as 1 map I made I simply had no inspiration for with the size so it was just basic as he** and while everyone beat it, I doubt it was as entertaining as if I'd used some of these ideas as a theme)

    I'd even go one step further and add in a modifier that gives bonus rewards based on an accolade type. In that case, I wouldn't even mind the "Only 3 Types of Traps Allowed +20% Income" because there were plenty of levels where that's all they had-Sentinel eye, Enforcers, and Corrosive blocks min/maxed to the extreme. (Granted I'm unsure how to implement this as well)

    I'd love to see levels that were built purely for artistic or interesting reasons able to get more rewards.

  • clownkrieger
    clownkrieger Member Posts: 121
    edited February 2023

    While i like the idea in general, the modifiers would have to be super carefully chosen and balanced, and (at least some of them) should come with a downside for raiders as well when fullfilled probably (which would make the whole thing really interesting imo).

    With the stuff you suggested you make the outpost basically easier for raiders, so pass on potential kills, to get more income per kills. Only few would really bother with that then, and things like "traps trigger 30% slower" would make speedrunning even easier (so should for example come with the downside "arc barrier not allowed" for raiders).

  • Entchenklein
    Entchenklein Member Posts: 35

    "While i like the idea in general, the modifiers would have to be super carefully chosen and balanced, and (at least some of them) should come with a downside for raiders as well when fullfilled probably (which would make the whole thing really interesting imo)."

    Yeah modifiers have to be balanced of course but thats something you could do with the income bonus of the modifier for example if the modifier "Only 3 Types of Traps Allowed +20% Income" gets too hard abused it can get nerfed to just give +5% Income instead for example

    "With the stuff you suggested you make the outpost basically easier for raiders, so pass on potential kills, to get more income per kills. Only few would really bother with that stuff then, and stuff like "traps trigger 30% slower" would make speedrunning even easier (so should for example come with the downside "arc barrier not allowed" for raiders)."

    Outposts essentially get easyer the question is how much easyer they get per modifier roughly the main question is +30% income gonna make up for the loss in total kills income per modifier probably needs ajustment based on how much its used

    Downside for raiders could be interesting but in this case it would be forced for the raider personally as builder i would love to disable some things for the raiders but this opens up a lot of cheese potential maybe a similar modifier system for the raider where every time he starts a new raid random modifiers roll for him that he can choose to fulfill or not fulfill


    • Not using Trinkets (Grenades Respawn Pod and so on) +20% GenMat
    • Not using (Insert Wearpon) +10% GenMat
    • No Grapling Hook +100% GenMat
    • Only use 1 Wearpon +50% GenMat
    • Traps Trigger When getting Destroyed +20% GenMat

    Unfortunately not as many idears for the raider modifiers and also a lot of the raider modifiers would fulfill automatically

  • Entchenklein
    Entchenklein Member Posts: 35

    Potentially Negative Building modifiers

    • Traps Trigger 10% Faster -10% Income
    • Building Blocks Have 0 Building Cost but are limited to 1000 -10% Income
    • Traps Trigger When getting Destroyed -20% Income
  • chezpizza
    chezpizza Member Posts: 120

    Not sure I would like the idea of being forced a negative effect when getting a burial ground. I feels like it would force builders to grind as raiders to continously reroll their maps until they find the one they want.

    The idea you suggested, modifiers for map, is fine though, perhaps it should be an option the builder can add to thier base right. With the benefit, that these downside will give you extra prestige, or resources from each kill or something.

  • Entchenklein
    Entchenklein Member Posts: 35

    The Modifiers are Optional you can do them meaning you get more rewards or you can ignore them and you get regular rewards as usual rerolling is something i am not sure if it should even exist on the one hand it would be nice to have some controll over the modifiers you get on the other hand if you can pick and choose the modifiers you want its just extra Income for you at this point so maybe a system where when you prestige you can choose to reroll a modifier

  • Entchenklein
    Entchenklein Member Posts: 35

    Updated the Suggestion a bit and added Some more Modifiers If anyone has more idears for interesting outpost modifications i would love to here them

  • Redbeard_Steel
    Redbeard_Steel Member Posts: 32

    Harvester explodes when near the Raider and respawns at the Outpost Entrense +0% Income

    Traps Activate when beeng destroyed +0% Income

    Traps will explode when destroyed +10% Income

    • Building Blocks Have 0 Building Cost but are limited to 1000 -10% Income


    So this first one removes the harvester as an assistant to the raider in maze maps, because 1x1 hallways are usually trapped so that (intentionally or not) they kill the harvester anyhow. Making it so that trying to stick near to the Harvester so you know where you're going will kill you is a bit much without any downside (as not getting bonus income really doesn't matter if you're getting extra kills via Harvester trap, then take into account the time raider spends trying to figure out the maze itself AND having to constantly watch for the Harvester coming up behind them, assuming they're on the right path, that's a lot of bonus for no negative).

    Traps activating when getting destroyed, so you mean the trap still goes off even if it's broken? Like I destroy an impaler trap, but still get impaled anyhow? Raiders would either quit playing that map as soon as they found it out, or shields would become mandatory to play as a raider. Either way, it's another free buff to builds without any consequence as it's guaranteed to get more kills and would just force raiders into a certain playstyle, furthering the cheese raiders/map cycle.

    Traps exploding when being destroyed is already a mod for a few (Impaler is only one I remember for sure), and generally the only time I saw it being used was on the second wave of maps that are extremely long corridors (sometimes with acid cube ceilings dropping guards from above) and every other inch of the hallway is trapped. Falls even further into the issue of "extra kills, no downside (especially if given extra income), and not only reduces trap costs by removing that mod as a necessity but gives a 3rd mod to all traps with no downside". Some people would use it in clever ways, but maps that are built that way would spike even harder.

    Building blocks having a 0 cost/limit would be a great addition, although based on my own builds and ones I saw, 1,000 may is bit high as usually 6-7 hundred seemed like the general high end count among myself and people I know. (And giant room maps only need a few hundred blocks for the floor/walls/ceiling, so having more points for traps would just amplify the issue of these types of maps).

    The others I think were fair however (especially the duo raiders bonus income, cause while one of them is likely to die more, with infinite respawns, if that person had gone in alone they would have died much more, so builders really lose out) and I loved the ideas, I think the ones I mentioned above just need a negative so that they wouldn't be abused as often.

    As for optionally removing gear for bonus rewards to raiders, as long as it's not mandatory (as was pointed out, it would be easily cheesed if mandatory) this sounds awesome. It would effectively create a challenge mode for every map, and as long as the rewards are equivalent, while I might not be able to pull it off on each map, I'd be willing to try it on every map I go to for the rewards.

  • Entchenklein
    Entchenklein Member Posts: 35

    I Reworked the Harvester Modifier a bit with "The Harvester Path is visible to the Raider" this way people can still find there way through a maze

    The traps Activating when destroyed was actually supposed to trigger on a delay not instantly since that would be way to broken also when a modifier is active the raider will know exactly what modifiers are in use so no surprises

    About the Traps exploding it has the advantage that well all traps explode but when a trap explodes the traps that are near get destroyed aswell so you can not realy do dense trap coridors anymore since you will cause a chain reaction if you are not carefull it can be used to an advantage to of course

    Building Blocks Have 0 Building Cost but are limited to 1000 -10% Income not realy sure what to do with this one effectively it just gives more room for traps

    Choosing a modifier that doesnt give aditional income would already be kind of a downside since you could choose a different one that would give aditional income in exchange thous modifiers should make your base stronger and different but yeah some of thous modifiers could get out of hand some of thous modifiers will likely need tweaking

    Maybe raiders should get aditional rewards when a modifier is active that actively makes the outpost harder for them to raid

  • Entchenklein
    Entchenklein Member Posts: 35

    Reorganized the suggestion a bit Included Raider Modifiers and Raider Streaks to potentially make raiding more interesting if people have more idears for modifiers to add would love to hear suggestions and what everyone thinks about the new idears

  • Entchenklein
    Entchenklein Member Posts: 35

    Since The game is out now i want to bring this post back to the top again

  • CotePathos
    CotePathos Member Posts: 31

    This seems like a lot of dev work for something most players will ignore. A weekly challenge to build a base following these restrictions for a mild boost in payout or one of the eventual unlockables would be neat though

    The raider side is just a bad idea in general. Restricting a raider's options will enable some degenerate bases.

  • Entchenklein
    Entchenklein Member Posts: 35

    For Raiders it would be a optional side task also the creator of the map has no saying in what modifiers affect the raiders

    I am not sure if people will ignore a potential way to make there base earn more stuff especially modifiers that change how some traps work could lead to interesting new base layouts