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Should Parts be used to prestige outposts instead of synthite?

mojohellcat Member Posts: 12

We all know that since the beta synthite is very difficult to come by. And working so hard for enough to open a new outpost is impossible when you have to spend all that hard earned material just to keep the very few we have open. Should parts be used for prestige instead?

Should Parts be used to prestige outposts instead of synthite? 8 votes

Iron_CutlasshastarkisMellcorGgjusticeHideSpikes 5 votes
PureHostilitywydyadoitSeraphor 3 votes


  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,197

    I thought it was pretty obvious that Parts are the 'raiding' currency and Synthite is the 'building' currency. So I doubt that's going to change.

  • hastarkis
    hastarkis Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580

    I'd be happy to spend my parts here instead of synth (so - yes), but I don't think it's possible. I think, they want us to be in need of synth so we raid and raid and raid again. Without this we won't be in THAT need and won't raid enough to secure traffic.

    I'm not sure it's true, of course, but that's my understanding of their thoughs behind current synth economic :/

  • mojohellcat
    mojohellcat Member Posts: 12

    I thought it was pretty obvious I was creating an open discussion to debate the topic not have its function explained to me when it's fairly obvious I already know how it works. 🙃

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,197
    edited April 2023

    My point is, parts arent going to be used to prestige because they're not the 'building' currency. But feel free to sass me some more.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    if you look at the venders:

    parts = equipment, suits, and gear

    synthite = traps, guards

    cells = everything


    to get synthite you break traps, kill guards, and open forbidden vaults.

    you get parts the same way as synthite.

    cells you get from leveling your chimera. which is done by completing raids mostly. 1 segment per successful raid. though i think building mechanics also can allow you to get segments in some way. idk.


    idk the purpose of leveling the venders past 5


    killing raiders is a passive way to earn all 3 currencies.


    the vender's icon is the vender's xp source. you mine it or raid the bases where players are mining it. you can do 3 tiers of raids where you get exclusively 1 type of xp, or you can get all 5 on the same raid at a lower amount from the white icons when they show up.


    nah. seems pretty straightforward to me. mine xp for venders. level your venders to get cells. earn parts and synthite from killing raiders or raiding.

    if synthite seems to be in short supply for you might i suggest boosting your values for synthite drops and taking on a brutal base and just destroying everything piece by piece.

  • mojohellcat
    mojohellcat Member Posts: 12

    Again. Don't need it explained to me. I know how it works. I'm saying there's not enough to spend parts on and too much to spend synthite on

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    currently there are only 2 vendors using sythite and 3 using parts.

    if anything base building not having synthite as an option would mean synthite is useless after a point. parts already suffer that issue. the only thing you can do with it is craft gadgets like grenades.

    if you've bought your base - meaning 1 base that's active - and have bought all the base items and traps - what is there to do for builders? nothing. there's no incentive to even raid. and if no one is raiding then there's no reason to build a base.

    the 200 bases total isn't meant to be a goal, but until more content is added that's what it's for.

    you can only have 5 active bases. the rest wont be farming or burning out.


    my point is this: there has to be a grind mechanic to ensure replayability. there has to be a currency sink for all currencies. synthite doesn't have a currency sink if you take away base building.

  • mojohellcat
    mojohellcat Member Posts: 12

    You're still not getting my argument. This is for prestige not buying outposts. You're not building a new one you're simply Restocking it. So I don't see why that has to be strictly synthite. After 10 they can't be used again. Currently people aren't getting enough plays on their maps to even get a prestige which makes you wonder "why am I spending all my synthite on bases that aren't even getting played? "

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,197

    Because it's the 'disposable' use for Synthite.

    One-time unlocks, upgrades, etc. all cost Cells + [Currency] (either Parts of Synthite) because Cells are the progress gating currency.

    Meanwhile 'disposable' uses are items (grenades etc.) for Parts, and purchasing/prestiging outposts for Synthite.

    Purchasing/Prestiging an outpost are functionally the same thing, you're replenishing your genmat to farm more genmat/currency. Prestiging an outpost is the building equivalent of restocking on items.

    The game is pretty neatly divided into two roles, raiding and building, if you're only raiding you're only using Parts and Cells. If you're only building, you're only using Synthite and Cells.

    Now maybe the prices of things like items and prestiging should be revised so that they're not so lopsided, but it wouldn't make sense to swap them around.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    i get what you're saying and i still disagree.

    because the main point of the game is raiding. not building. you get the most currency from raids.

    one of the biggest issues i've seen is bases aren't utilizing tombs and sometimes raiders aren't even looking for them.

    forbidden tombs are essentially currency vaults that drop anywhere from 50-100 mixed currency.

    the size of the map (not the difficulty) determines how many spawn. between 1-3.

    besides that if you spend more time building than raiding then there wont be enough raiders doing bases to make it worthwhile.

    you can get a healthy chunk of synthite from vaults, but leveling up the chimera is also a decent strategy. if you're not playing the brutal maps after a certain point of course it's going to feel like you're not getting enough currency because you're not getting xp for your venders which in turn means you're not getting levels for your chimera.

    a 4500 map with 9000 xp resources costs a little under 1200 synthite. ~60,000 synthite to buy 5 maps with 15 vaults. takes half a day to process them for the 9000 xp resources. so 45000 xp.

    on the other hand you get 5000 varied xp or a little over 3000 specific xp for doing a single brutal raid.

    do 15 basic brutal raids and you've made a half a day's passive income. maybe more. do some curated ones and they count for basically half.

    bases aren't the main game.

    but over the course of 15 matches you'll earn way more synthite.

    so maybe you're not raiding enough

  • Ggjustice
    Ggjustice Member Posts: 22
    edited April 2023

    Just do 15 BASIC brutal raids boiz :D

    WIth that said i would be for -> not SHOULD be used for prestige but COULD be used would be a better option i would say or 50/50 current economy is very flawed...

    Post edited by Ggjustice on
  • Mellcor
    Mellcor Alpha Surveyor Posts: 40

    the amount of parts you get vs the rate you consume them at in regular gameplay is disproportionatly lower then the rate that you gain synthite and spend it

    1000-3000 parts gets you 100 consumables

    a map costs 600-1200 synth per map, you can have 5 up at a time so make that 3500 - 6000

    prestigeing a map costs 600 -1000 based on level, again x 5, so 3500 - 5000

    so it costs between 3500 - 5000 synth per day to keep 5 maps active, this is not optional as a builder

    it costs 70 parts per raid attempt IF you use all of your consumables every attempt, but using any at all is optional

    doing 1 brutal level with max advisor boost gives approx 7/8 of a level, doing a champion brutal gives approx 1/4 of a level.

    doing brutal you can do a champion base every second raid.

    leveling up the chimera give 250 parts/synth

    it takes 5 brutal raids and 4 champion brutal raids for 1 chimera level, so 250 parts/synth divided up over 9 raids is approx 27 parts/synth

    every 3 raids you get the champion bonus of 125 parts/synth, so we can divide that by 6

    you get approx 100 parts and 100 synth per run if you kill traps and guards/ get tombs and plus the 20 from dividing up the camp bonus and the 27 from dividing up the chimera bonus means you get around 147 parts/synth

    you need to do a min of 20-40 raids (based on map cost) per day just to keep your levels active, meanwhile you get enough parts to make 100 - 600 consumables from the same amount of raids, consumables that you might not even use at all, anyone who says they use all the consumables every raid is just lying.

    so im not a genius when it comes to numbers but even i can see that whoever decided the rates for parts/synth messed up

    IMO, either the rate for synth needs to be doubled in the chimera lvl up rewards and champion bonus, or the amount of parts need to be halved, and either way there needs to be a way to convert 1 resource into another

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,197

    I think an easier route would be repricing things. Consumable items should cost more Parts, say 25 for a grenade instead of 10, etc. And then the cost of all building things should be reduced.

    After all, you need to unlock traps and guards in order to build, which requires an outpost to be purchased, all are required. Meanwhile for raiding you can buy as many grenades as you like, or you can choose to upgrade your weapons, or your custodian, its all independent.

    So maybe reduce the prices of outposts, the price for prestiging, and the price for researching/upgrading traps/guards by about 20% across the board.