We need a nerf on cheese builds

mojohellcat Member Posts: 12

I think that there should be a max amount of traps within a certain range of each other. For ranged traps the distance should be significantly higher. Something they could attempt to try and see if it helps with them. It's pretty much the only thing I end up getting anymore. I'm so sick of these impossibly difficult maps I even built one myself to see how it does compared to my actually respectable build. And yes it's keeping the genmat safe but people will just rage quit after a few tries. While my actually respectable build gets 30+ kills and people don't rage quit and still get the genmat (everyone is happy in this scenario) . People will likely just start quitting these maps. But not before it becomes the only ones you can even find. And on top of that I'm barely getting any raids before my outpost runs dry they need to extend its life or people are gonna lose interest in spending the very few synthite they have on builds that aren't even recuperating losses


  • chezpizza
    chezpizza Member Posts: 120

    Honestly I feel if all weapons were available so even a level 1 could to swap to whatever weapon loadout it would reduce the animosity people have towards these cheese builds.

    See the shield is very affective against the tight kill box build.

  • mojohellcat
    mojohellcat Member Posts: 12

    The problem is they aren't all tight boxes. The one I made is quite spacious and the shield doesn't last long enough to make it through and the pistons prevent anyone from escaping the room fast enough to avoid being shot. Ranged isn't an option because I have 5 of those plasma caster things and 4 ranged guys. Along with the grabbing claw things and incinerators throughout the room there's literally no way through it and while I'm proud of the fact that I made one impossible to run even for the speed runners and shooters I'm really disgusted how easy it was and how toxic it is

  • chezpizza
    chezpizza Member Posts: 120

    Don't be too sure it is impossible. I have seen replays with folks just speedrunning bases with various killbox types.

    Just saw someone speed run my base in 52 seconds. Granted my base is small with a kill ratio of 5, i wasnt going for impossible. This guy though was shooting and reloading so fast the ammo count didnt budge, and they simply sped walk through every trap (i dont think they bothered with the grapple shot). Im guessing they have dropped some serious hours and unlocked all the gear upgrades.

  • Entchenklein
    Entchenklein Member Posts: 35

    personally i feel like the shield is way to strong anyways yes it counters killboxes kind of however it also makes other bases kinda trivial aswell oh no i get atack sound *plops shield* a few seconds later *plops shield again* ironically trap spam is still kinda the best option to deal with shield also minionspamm

  • Entchenklein
    Entchenklein Member Posts: 35

    About the outposts dying to quickly i am suggesting the outpost just stays active till a certain amount of raiders steal your genmat this way you can be sure you are at least getting raided a set anount of times and have the oportunkty to make kills with your outpost