What is your favorite Outpost Difficulty for raiding and why?

When choosing an outpost to raid what difficulty do you select the most often? And why? Or maybe you choose outposts based on some other factors?

I noticed that recently I'm playing only exclusively on Brutal maps. Both in co-op and solo. Those ranked Normal are just a walk in the park most of the time and Dangerous are not much different. Also playing a Brutal map give you 1000 points and instantly unlocks the next Champion Outpost so you can progress the game super fast.

What is your favorite Outpost Difficulty for raiding and why? 24 votes

HodderfodderTragicSolitudecodex0003Ilya_Lizard 4 votes
TsulanMiniSlimeSeraphorIron_CutlassVarzinTheLegalCustodianEscalatorEd 7 votes
PureHostilitykonchokSAWIIhastarkis_DemidrolRauthrRicSimaneDarkyanmagic1236Kapitalisten_Ego 10 votes
I play all of them evenly
ironbladeToofouTheYuckBucket 3 votes


  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    i dont choose based on difficulty. i choose based on size.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,429
    edited April 2023

    I tried just playing Brutal for a while, which was fine, but after encountering 6 killboxes in a row I decided to save my time and retreat back to Dangerous. Rewards aren't great, but they're mostly just as challenging as Brutal but without the unbeatable killboxes.

    Post edited by Seraphor on
  • _Demidrol
    _Demidrol Member Posts: 35

    I choose brutal because I play together with my brother. Together, most outposts are easy because you don’t have to start from the beginning, you just resurrect and go on. And normal to easily play on the chill solo. "Dangerous" is the most incomprehensible level. It seems not difficult, but the rewards of the genmat for brutal are better.

  • magic1236
    magic1236 Member Posts: 106

    So at the beginning I exclusively did brutal, cause I like the challenge. But ya after a time of dealing with those that take an hour or so to master, I decided to diversify.

    what I do now is I focus on getting all my advisers ready for processing so I can process them at the same time. By doing this I simply choose the easiest difficulty I can do to level up an adviser. This helps make it a bit random on what difficulty I get. Sometimes they only need a normal run, another dangerous or most of the time brutal. I always do champion outposts on brutal.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,485
    edited April 2023

    Every time I try going past Normal, I die a lot and my rank goes down. I don't have much for weapons or hardware options, and I don't have cat-like reflexes, so the types of Outposts I can handle are pretty limited. I can't aim quickly and grappling is rather awkward even when I'm not rushed, so I go down rather easy to mobs. I'd like to branch out and attempt higher difficulties, challenge myself, but being punished for the effort and long-ass time spent mastering harder Outposts sucks.

  • magic1236
    magic1236 Member Posts: 106

    I just realized something. What you can try doing is go to social raids. Hit search and then any brutal outposts that come up or dangerous ones you can then try and practice on them without harming your rank.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,485
    edited April 2023

    That's a good idea! I hadn't really thought about the fact Social Raids shouldn't affect Rank.

    I wish the Social Raid feature were better handled. You can sort by player name and Outpost name, but not difficulty. It doesn't list its Prestige, death count, or Accolades. Hard to know what makes for a good practice Raid (I tried one large Brutal one, and it was a basic Outpost with pretty much only the starter stuff, just a lot of it).

    Edit: updated my criticism of the Social Raid feature

  • codex0003
    codex0003 Member Posts: 2

    i raid normal and dangerous mostly and maybe if i'm in the mood i try brutal

    i like to have fun not to torture my self thats why i dont raid brutal ( i hate death box bases)

  • Darkyan
    Darkyan Member Posts: 122
    edited April 2023

    I only do brutal because there's more exp and faster champion outposts.

    If you avoid obvious killboxes outpost and get better with the shield weapon you can breeze through most Brutal with minimal death.

    Note that it's possible to find Brutal outpost with very bad traps and Prestige level 1, mostly from new players who spammed bolt traps.

    Worst case scenario, you accidentally find a bad kill box, and just leave and try the others. If all 6 are Bad boxes, invite a friend for more fire power and abuse the revive mecanic to clear it. Or join your friend and use their brutal command center.

    Don't sleep on the 3700 exp, sweet levels and sweet money maker.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,429

    It's strange how Brutal is winning this poll, and yet my Brutal outposts invariably receive less than a tenth of the traffic my Dangerous outposts do.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Yeah this gives me the same vibes as everyone claiming to be in the top mmr in dbd.

    My normal Outpost has the most traffic by a long shot.

  • Ilya_Lizard
    Ilya_Lizard Member Posts: 26

    Nothing strange - with less than 40 responders poll has no statistical meaning. Currently, It only shows that (probably) most of the casual players do not take part in the forum activity. =)

  • Ilya_Lizard
    Ilya_Lizard Member Posts: 26

    I mainly raid "Normal" outposts, and seldom try dangerous ones. I'm an old, casual player with little time to play and the lightning reflexes of a dead turtle, so I like my adventures fast, easy and fun. =)

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    There was a similar poll in Reddit with 400 something votes. Brutal and Dangerous were on tie while Normal was way behind with just a fraction of the votes.

  • Ilya_Lizard
    Ilya_Lizard Member Posts: 26

    Interesting, but it still could be the same statistical aberration - casual players just play the game, without being involved in related social activity. Or as you said - no one wants to admit he is a scrab publically =)

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Thats what i´m aiming at ;)

    Everyone is still new to the game. No shame in admiting that. It was released 1 week ago after all. People are still finding out what builds they like.

  • magic1236
    magic1236 Member Posts: 106

    If you think about it. Normal and dangerous raids are mostly quick and easy to complete, in theory. While brutal take a lot longer, in theory. So one can assume that the time it takes a person to do a brutal map, others could have done 2-6 normal or dangerous raids. This means those that do brutal might do less brutal raids than those that do normal and dangerous and how many times they get to raid. There is also the case of maybe there are those like me. Where my favorite difficulty to raid is brutal. But to keep myself from burning out I developed a method to also at times do the other difficulties.

  • hastarkis
    hastarkis Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580
    edited April 2023

    It's hard to find a big map in normal/dangerous :/

    I need synth so three tombs and tons of traps I can destroy are super important for me. If I can find dangerous map with 20 boltshots/impalers I sometimes go there and die on purpose to destroy everything couple times. But in most cases tgere are only brutals with 3 tombs for me.

    Sometimes I see super pretty appearance and can't resist, tho xD

  • ironblade
    ironblade Member Posts: 270
    I play all of them evenly

    Depends how much progress I have on one of my advisors.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,513

    Solo => Dangerous

    Co-Op => Brutal

    95% of maps on Brutal difficult that I have played just spam Plasma Sentinels and Guards in large rooms filled with lots of other traps. I just find it really annoying, and most lack any form of creativity. This is why I only really run them with friends. I could run the Arc Barrier and Sword and cheese through everything Solo but I think it is just incredibly boring to be forced to run through that combo just to counter everything, I want variety.

    Otherwise Dangerous is the best difficult, you do not have insane amounts of trap and guard spam but it still leaves room for people to be creative. I never really run this Co-Op since it becomes way too easy since death basically has not penalty with the lack of traps.

    I find that Normal is often just too dull and boring since half the bases are people who just got the game, and the other half are just there to farm brand new players for resources; nothing I will fall for since it takes about 2-4 hours of gameplay to move out of Normal difficult with basic knowledge, and with 25+ hours atm, Im definitely not dying in those bases.

  • Varzin
    Varzin Member Posts: 12

    Now that I've unlocked all the suit and weapon upgrades I want as a baseline I feel a lot more comfortable doing Brutal outposts. There's a clear difference in capability between starting with basic gear and working with a better defined loadout. I use the melee suit, fully upgraded, with the gunner suit's fire-rate mod mastered and switched over the increased speed after kill mod. I use the lightweight sword and heavy gun, both fully upgraded. I'll work on unlocking and upgrading the other weapons later, with all this I can clear pretty much any base. I also bring grenades and shield barriers as equipment. I'll probably still go back to raiding Dangerous bases when Brutal gets too tiresome, they tend to take a lot longer to complete.

  • Hodderfodder
    Hodderfodder Member Posts: 164

    Normal. Because I can't get in the door of a dangerous outpost. I suck.