Why are these outposts both rated dangerous? The difficulty rating needs to be reworked


  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,176

    Another thing I would like to add, is those "impossible bases" that abuse Dead Man's Switch and Corrosive Cubes can be within the "Normal" Difficulty Rating despite using a large number of traps and basically being impossible unless you just so happen to get lucky.

    The Difficulty Rating system is an absolute mess.

  • magic1236
    magic1236 Member Posts: 106

    sadly the difficulty rating is only taking into account the path HRV can take. As it’s expected they will take that path and not the fact that the path is not needed to reach the genmat

  • ErrorUserIsDead
    ErrorUserIsDead Member Posts: 8

    Difficulty should probably be based on how hard the raiders find it? or at least take that into account

  • hastarkis
    hastarkis Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580

    It's not... that easy? Wrong word, I guess, but it's needed to be mentioned here: traps have their cost no matter what, and the closer they (and their activation range??) are to the path, the higher their cost. Plus, overlapping does its work too. In result, you pretty can reach brutal difficulty with outpost as empty as the desert: you need to place armored guys in cube full of traps with no entrance and exit. Technically, rating is a potential danger and should be called like that. The only thing rating really says is "with this [danger] capacity of traps and guards this base might be SUPER HARD but actually I don't know if it's really hard, we'll see, I hope you did everything right, my friend".

    Like, yeah, maybe the difficulty rating needs to be reworked but how exactly?.. They can't search for "opens" for you and rate your nightmare base normal just because there is a hidded hole right near genmat. They can't determine poor and good (more like deadly and not deadly) placements to adjust the system, it's too complicated for devs and will be hard for players to understand. 20 holocubes - it's laughable, yes, but how can you program the real border line? How many possible combinations are here and how they are dangerous or not? How many will be year later? No surprise they just count pure value, without analysing diversity.

    Magic1236 says right thing: it’s expected raiders will take that path. It's also expected you placed traps well and covered the path to force players there. With that in mind the base (possibly) is brutal.

    I'm afraid the only real way to "improve the system" is to keep improving your own understanding of bulding and use full potential of traps. THEN brutal maps will be brutal indeed, just like rating says.

    Or just rename it as potential danger, would be less confusing.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    You can shoot falling bodies to knock them away from you.

  • ErrorUserIsDead
    ErrorUserIsDead Member Posts: 8

    Yeah the cost goes down with proximity to the path with little to no affect after 2 cubes. Traps have cost yes, overlapping I haven't found to be much of a factor.

    What do you mean "they can't search for opens"? That's exactly what I'm suggesting. Why do you assume that cannot be done through some kind of either player validation or an addition to the algorithm?

    The point is - the difficulty rating is nearly useless in the current form. The system should be improved by the developers because it seems more like a placeholder system than anything else. Just because something isn't explicitly said (the "difficulty cost" per trap) doesn't mean it's extremely complex. The image clearly shows that it's not even a good metric to use for trap density - which is currently it's only purpose.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    line of sight and traps per second over distance travelled by the harvester might help.


  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236

    Claws and Holocubes are rated as high as Incinerators and Bomb Disposals, despite being non-lethal.

    Path of the HRV increases rating even if he's just snaking around out in the open with no danger whatsoever.

    Basic blocks also increase rating. Want a nice exterior to your swiss cheese outpost? It'll cost you difficulty rating.

    These all need changing.

  • hastarkis
    hastarkis Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580

    >>What do you mean "they can't search for opens"?

    I gave an example there. Yes, I guess, maybe they can search for valid path for player (not hrv), but I definitely DON'T want normal bases with brutal setups and hidden hole near the genmat. Technically, you can grab genmat and avoid every trap but in practice nobody will be searching for several hours trying to find this damn gap. You can add several restrictions here, then I can find ways to exploit them, then you can add even more restrictions until the system becomes too complicated and kinda pointless again.

    Easy brutals are ok for almost everyone (except for builder who learn and don't get kills, that's natural) but extremely hard normals exploiting rank system? It would be a nightmare for beginners. And current system kinda prevents those. Maybe that's its only purpose, actually?

    That's why I said they can't do that.

    But I do agree that current system looks like a placeholder and don't give us any valuable information about the base outside of normal section. I just think that this specific suggestion won't work as you think and/or will backfire in a really bad way.

    And no, I don't have any better suggestion here, unfortunately. At least for now.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,176

    They usually have multiple stacked and/or have a large Surface area covered; which makes knocking the bodies away often pointless.

    The only counters Ive seen are killing Harvy with "Melee Kills increased Movement Speed" perk (rip Harvy though) OR using Arc Barrier with a perfectly block to wait out/run through the explosions; OR some mix of the two.

    There is a huge reason why the Melee Suit + Arc Barrier + Melee weapon are used a lot (especially in Brutal Rating bases)... because it deals with BS base design, exploitation (e.g. Second Wave Corrosive Cube exploitation, DMS exploitation), killboxes, and/or trap/guard spam; it basically covers everything.

  • CotePathos
    CotePathos Member Posts: 31

    Flash barrier works too doesn't it? And it solves so many other problems too.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,176

    Flesh Barriers depend on the layout as well. Definitely underrated but not an end-all-be-all for "impossible bases".

  • magic1236
    magic1236 Member Posts: 106

    I am so disappointed that apparently this is so common. And is considered the “meta” in a sense. As I decided using the shield cause I find it fun to put myself in risky situations with it. I get a bit more reckless and I like the trying to time things. Even though my approach is going slow and trying to dismantle all the traps and not just speed run though.

    And I use the sword Because, well I am more likely to screw myself using the gun and not having ammo since the shield can’t kill.

    So I do the build cause I thought it would be a fun approach and not cause of it being a “meta” build, and kinda disappointed though it is a meta build. :/

    can’t lie I really hope the suit coming out in June is defensive weapon focused.

  • ErrorUserIsDead
    ErrorUserIsDead Member Posts: 8

    No no I wouldn't want a brutal base to be considered normal because of one block missing, I am just saying that it should be a factor in how dangerous a base is. I think a difficulty rating should be something that is iterated on over the lifespan of the base anyways since you can make changes to your base whenever you want.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    i get the arc shield and light sword are used. but you start the game without it and not everyone will have it to begin with. which is why i'm suggesting you shoot the bodies. if you shoot the bodies while waiting in the genmat pod you won't die more than once. if you realize before hand what is about to happen you might not die at all.

  • 2lagged2frag
    2lagged2frag Member Posts: 8

    It would be nice if the boost that shows what is in a base, showed its average kill rate. I think that would be more useful than the generic rating.

  • chezpizza
    chezpizza Member Posts: 120
    edited April 2023

    It should be New outposts should get the title of new at least for 12 hours or until 5 raids.

    Then difficulty can be determined by kill ratio. If KR is 5 or lower then it probably normal. If it's 10 or more then it's probably brutal.

    Your difficulty rating will change as your KR changes.

  • CotePathos
    CotePathos Member Posts: 31

    Anyone talking about meta that doesn't mention the Volt lance doesn't know what they're talking about.

    Sword and board is popular because it's fun, but it's honestly kinda weak with how many meta threats beat it.

    It's almost impossible to get more than one kill against a quick yet careful volt lance user.

  • ErrorUserIsDead
    ErrorUserIsDead Member Posts: 8

    Yeah it should be something determined (or at least affected) by people playing it not some arbitrary trap limit.

  • magic1236
    magic1236 Member Posts: 106

    Well that makes me happy no know. Though also then it also shows how really all the weapons of masters can out preform the others and such or that there isn’t really a meta load out