What is Point of Hardened Skin Mod?

Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,871

Basically turns your plasma cube into a regular cube. For the life of me, I can't think of a practical purpose. You'll die if you stand on it for too long, but raiders are more likely to die falling into the cube instead of just being able to walk off it. Sometimes if you grapple onto it and hang on for a while you'll die but that is really inconsistent. Please someone make sense of this for me.


  • magic1236
    magic1236 Member Posts: 106
    edited April 2023

    I used it for a base of mine. Basically there is a drop down. I noticed speed runners would simply just jump down the hole or people would mess up on a grapple and fall down, instead of going down the Harvey path.

    I didn’t mind this, however I saw opportunity. I decided I would make it so if they go down there would be acid cubes. Issue though. Could not just make it one block or death would not happen. Two blocks would be 30 cap. And would just encourage people to go shield. So I instead used the harden mod. Total of 20 per cube instead of 30. I didn’t want to just make it safe ground people can walk on.

    also can use it for preventing people from just grappling through the cube and into your base as a hole. As I have seen many bases where they have the subs exposed so you can skip the base and just go through the acid cube to enter the base

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    there isnt one. best application is to use it for bomb rooms. but even that is a major waste of resources.

  • Onlysur5er
    Onlysur5er Member Posts: 16

    Hardened skin is excellent against people zip lining through your outpost. Usually I use it to block up possible shield entry halfway through my place. It also has a very nice red hue for decoration purposes

  • ironblade
    ironblade Member Posts: 270

    Grappling hooks doesn't work through hardened skin corrosive cube or when you have guards or traps behind it, custodians can't shoot through it and destroy it.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,871

    But all of those things are true for a regular old block too. Guards and traps can't attack through a hardened block either. Might as well save 19 pts and use a regular block.

  • Onlysur5er
    Onlysur5er Member Posts: 16

    Yes but a regular block isn't deadly to touch. Like everything else it's situational. If you have a lot of corrosive cubes and people are zipping through a few hardened skins will stop it. If you dislike hardened skin how do you feel about splatter cube?

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,871

    I rarely come across it but I've at least been killed by a splatter cube once and thought if it was used in the right situation that it would be good. Like if you have a couple splatter cubes near the entrance to a room with a bunch of enemies that shoot projectiles, even if you dodge the actual bolt the splash can still kill you. It is extremely rare to find the hardened skin cubes in the wild. I think I've only seen them once or twice and never died to them.

  • hastarkis
    hastarkis Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580
    edited April 2023

    1) I used it in fake corrosive corridor. Like this one which HRV takes before 2d wave and then it becomes lava thing. If I make them normal blocks raiders could just grapple to them with no harm and make their way out safely, if I make them normal corrosives raiders could shield through them and cut the path. If I make strait corridor without those cubes I need too many capacity points to be sure they can't outrun 4 seconds of activation and, hence, can get over dangerous into brutal with no need. Hardened skin was super useful here. Raides have to switch their direction several times bc of those cubes so they can't jump over the pit, can't grapple and can't shield through.

    1.5) You can bait chield users into normal corrosives with those.

    2) Maybe there aren't a lot of things in active bases for this mod but in social parkour (grapple/jump) challenges it would be perfect fit. You can graple to those but can't stay there for too long.

    3) Also aesthetic, you know. When you want corrosives as a decoration but don't want people to go through.

    >>I think I've only seen them once or twice and never died to them.

    Claws don't kill you too. Not all traps must kill, some of them have a support function.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,871

    That trap was pretty clever, but you can actually see the hardened skin cubes through the regular corrosive cubes. I can see falling for it once but it's pretty dumb to keep falling for it. I don't have a problem with it existing so much as I just think the cost should be different. Instead of costing +5 I think it should be -5 and refund you 5 build points. A hardened skin cube costing a total of 10 points seems fair.

  • hastarkis
    hastarkis Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580

    Yeah, that's why that was number 1.5 and not 2, huh :D

    Anyway, you've asked for purposes and possible usages, here are 3,5 of them. Tbh, I'd be happy to use those cubes in my fake-path build for 10 points only (and probably even make the base normal thanks for that) but, I guess, all people who've been trapped with genmat this way won't agree with you xDD

  • MadMoeZel
    MadMoeZel Member Posts: 685

    hardened skin i think is not functioning as intended. it prevents splatter from working entirely with one notable exception, if the hardened splatter cube is above or below a boltshot that activates it spits. this is unusual because boltshots projectiles don't trigger splatter. but hardened skin not functioning as intended i think is because you can make an entire floor of them and as long as you never stop moving you won't die. this is not the case for continuing moving through regular cubes. i can walk around for a good 3 minutes easily on top of 4 or 5 hardskin acid. but if i sit on a regular one for even a full second, i'm dead. i think that they're supposed to carry their burning effect over if you don't stop touching more hard skin, but it seems like every single step you take resets the burn timer. you can also push your body against some and nothing happens, and as long as you DONT MOVE after, you can lean into them without dying. but if you even turn your camera a little, you'll die like you stepped in it.