Unpassable way

Skarlaxion Member Posts: 50

I tried hooking trhough this gap but stucked. I saw this problem before but i don't remember it. Idk if this problem is local to hellscape blocks or blocks in general

5 votes

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  • Finn_Furwolf
    Finn_Furwolf Member Posts: 5
    edited April 2023

    It is in general. Block type doesn't matter. Encountered this today, too. If you got these 2 angled blocks AND you have to jump, so no block to walk through, you can't go through.

  • Darkyan
    Darkyan Member Posts: 122
    edited April 2023

    If you see 2 downward wedge above a hole with a trap behind it, consider leaving the outpost, report the user for Wedge exploit in the game using the report feature, and block the user so you never have to deal with that builder again.

    People don't accidentally make a wedge flamethrower glitch on their paths, it's intentional and completely against the spirit of the game.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236
    edited April 2023

    Unless it's specifically stated as an exploit and a bannable offense, do not report them for it. You're only congesting the system with spurious reports, which itself can get you punished.

    Although this is in bad spirit, it is only using the tools that the game provides you with, so it's not punishable.

    It's also not exclusively in used bad spirit either. Someone could design a 'maze' type outpost, and use this configuration simply to make a 'one-way' door, with the intention of committing the raider to one option with that option being entirely valid.

    Although I haven't used this (yet), I have used second-wave corrosive cubes to remove the primary path to the genmat to force the raider through the second part of my outpost. The sad thing is, by watching the replays, a good portion of raiders will attempt to bypass this and speedrun back through the corrosive cubes as they're transitioning, then have a tantrum and smack them before leaving, presumably assuming I've tried to 'checkmate' them into certain death, despite the fact that they've just ignored over 75% of my outpost and missed the very well signposted lost tomb.

  • Darkyan
    Darkyan Member Posts: 122
    edited April 2023

    Corrosive blocks are an omitted bug/feature which don't make the outpost impossible to complete, more often than not, there's a playable space between** the cube and the trap.

    One way doors forces you to leave the game and lose ranking on purpose just by existing.

    There aren't any punishable exploits mentionned by the devs as of right now.

    But we should definitely report exploits which are literally game breaking.

  • MadMoeZel
    MadMoeZel Member Posts: 685

    no, it's against your desired experience. setting something up that makes you decide "do i shoot this and risk losing my ammo" or "do i ignore this and play around it" is an economic decision that is 100% a fair choice to give to a raider. that trap you described only hits the very middle of a hall, hugging either wall avoids it.

  • MadMoeZel
    MadMoeZel Member Posts: 685

    i intentionally build all my 1 way doors on those as no entry, not no exit. trapping a player in a box is bad form and doesn't generate kills, or content. i receive no genmat for trapping a raider so i have no incentive to do so.

  • Darkyan
    Darkyan Member Posts: 122

    As much as I respect your building attitude, using good traps and ideology, I dare say, you're not 99% of the other users who purposedly build their trap like that.

    Trapping their tombs behind a one way wall, making it extremely tedious on 4 floors worth wedge flamethrower traps which forces you to walk on the sides, and then blowing up the entire hallway with warmongers essentially forcing you to disable the exploited trap and losing resources and bolts, which are intended by the game to be retrievable to some extent/risk.

    Just because you use it fairly, doesn't make it 100% fair. If the trap forces you to press the Menu option to get unstuck from a soft lock, then it's obviously not a fair trap.

    And if you, as a builder, intend to use a trap that can cause a soft lock, despite all of your efforts in trying to hide or prevent it, then I can only look in shame as all of your efforts and respect is denied by that one ######### trap you used.

    TL;DR Don't use exploits, that's how you get blacklisted.

  • MadMoeZel
    MadMoeZel Member Posts: 685

    DAMN ALL YOU PEOPLE WHO BUILT WELLS THAT SOMEONE WITHOUT A LADDER MIGHT POSSIBLY FALL INTO!!!!!!! how about don't go in the hole? like get caught in the trap once, then don't again. i'm so so very tired of hearing everyone cry "exploit" it's always ALWAYS pointed at builders. i made a joke post daring to say shooting guards from outside the map was an exploit and raiders defend it's an intended mechanic to be able to shoot a mobile enemy with a clear line of sight thats running into an invisible wall. if thats not a double standard i don't know what is. both sides are using the tools given to them and if you can't recognize a one way door after seeing it having been caught in it before, you're an idiot.

    TL;DR stop blaming builders because raiders are stupid and forgetful. you do everything in your power to win too.

  • Darkyan
    Darkyan Member Posts: 122
    edited April 2023

    One way door -> Tomb -> Intended goal -> Soft lock.

    There's no defending that exploit and you know it. I don't want to repeat myself, but JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE COMMON SENSE AND USE IT FAIRLY, DOESN'T MAKE IT A FAIR TRAP.

    The analogy doesn't work neither because you essentially told the raider to jump down the well and grab a shiny coin, promising as the builder that you will provide a ladder to go back if they try hard enough, and as soon as they jumped to get the shiny coin, you shut the lid on them and locked them in forever.

    Now you might be tempted to say ; "I never softlock my raiders", I make sure they can't fall for it", to which my answer remains the same : "You're not the other 99% of the players using this exploit"

    This is a game with a rank.

    You can get your cheeky kills with smart traps, but anything that forces your raider to press the menu button to come back is an exploit, even if you swear up and down that raiders are supposed to be smart and know the way of the world through the knowledge of the old gods, they're not.

    Use your tools however you want. Don't use exploits.

    Edit ; Now, mind you, my discontent isn't from you using the trap, but rather it being available in ranked playlist. This is something that belongs in Social for fun, One way doors are an interesting thing to play with, but they're also a very dangerous thing to give to people with the building skills of a 2 years old, because we all expect builders to be like you, and not to be like garbage that enjoy soft locking people.

  • Kyslapeth
    Kyslapeth Member Posts: 7
    edited May 2023

    We are there, people starting to use this bug, it is impossible to pass between theses triangle and there are 2 complete lines on each side of a corridor full of traps making this outpost 99% impossible because it's impossible to destroy the traps (plasma + incinerator obviously) since one cannot recover ammos.

    Please, this bug must be fixed as soon as possible before it is massively abused...

  • MadMoeZel
    MadMoeZel Member Posts: 685

    a fire trap has a grid of 9.

    this layout neutralizes 8 of the 9 fire points. don't stand dead center of the block. why is this so hard to avoid?

  • MadMoeZel
    MadMoeZel Member Posts: 685

    once you've seen a one way door once, you remember it. then you treat a one way door on a tomb identical to a blocked tomb. yeah, people are jerks with how they use it. but this path isn't harvey valid which means entering it is ALWAYS the wrong way.

  • Kyslapeth
    Kyslapeth Member Posts: 7
    edited May 2023

    Firetrap has a 5 block range and as you can see on this screen (maybe not rly clear but you see a part of them on the first screen on the left side) they are 2 block behind the unpassable triangles so they cover the corridor on the 2 sides with plasma turret. Everything here is full upgrade.

    Also plasma on the ground explose after behing destroy so you can't pass this with the bubble shield cause that damage perce trought your shield and the corridor is way too long. It's a 24 pistons corridor and it's not a straight line so you can't push this, and you can't go slow cause you simply can't destroy the traps. That's why it's soo hard.

    Traps behind the triangles are also 1 block above the ground so you can't grenade this.

    And if you think you can go out for retrieve ammo accross the wall/cell you can't cause cell and ground are doubled.

    It's just pure exploit and if you try to pass this triangles you can also be softlock inside the space between the structure.

    Edit : more screenshots with better view.

    Post edited by Kyslapeth on
  • MadMoeZel
    MadMoeZel Member Posts: 685
    edited May 2023

    the map looks like a joke to be honest. and i also know the counter to the plasma fire floor, you don't. unfortunately for you i'm not willing to share the counter at this time as i'm still USING that tactic.

    i also, seeing that, wouldn't have shot them. why did you?

  • Kyslapeth
    Kyslapeth Member Posts: 7

    I'm here for report a bug/exploit, not talking about strategy.

    If you think this exploit is a joke and easy to complete, good for you but that's not the point.

    Problem here is not the traps in the corridor but the traps on the 2 sides cause they are indestructible.

  • MadMoeZel
    MadMoeZel Member Posts: 685

    they're not indestructable, they're an economic decision. you can't get your ammo back from them and that displeases you.

  • Kyslapeth
    Kyslapeth Member Posts: 7

    Being able to destroy only 3 traps in the whole outpost when there are more than 100 seems normal to you ? No need to continue this discussion.

  • MadMoeZel
    MadMoeZel Member Posts: 685
    edited May 2023

    100 traps of anything that has range and any lethality would cost 50 base cost before mods or 5000 capacity. to make the setup requires an additional about 40 blocks each if you want the ammo to be unrecoverable which is another 4000 totaling 9000 capctiy. seeing as the highest base caps out at under 7000 that argument loses weight. on top of that, the seupt reduces the traps targeting to about 20-30% of it's full ability, heavily nerfing the trap that cost full price to place, and more to shield just to make it LESS DEADLY only so you can't get your ammo back. then, god forbid the entire base is one gimmick, you have a base full of NERFED TRAPS that see 30% of the normal stuff and have 70% of their damaging surfaces BLOCKED. which means genmat is either COMPLETELY exposed, or is at the end of a straight tunnel that you can just walk down and ignore every single trap.

    also, maybe if you're seeing 100 traps like that STOP PLAYING BRUTAL. to go into the highest difficulty and they cry it's too hard is shameful.

  • Kyslapeth
    Kyslapeth Member Posts: 7

    But you seems soooo good and better than everyone so I gonna make this outpost just for you and I gonna let you a chance to show me how it's easy for you.

    Be prepare to assume your words.

  • anonymousCitrus
    anonymousCitrus Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2023




    ObviousGamer4 (Steam)

    I have

    a replay on this map dated May 7, 2023 9:22PM EST. Even if there is some magic angle that would permit you to traverse back through this triangle, I don't think it should be so magic that it takes crazy luck or foreknowledge to achieve.

  • MadMoeZel
    MadMoeZel Member Posts: 685

    i'm M75 i know what i'm talking about too. the difference is i enjoy the added challenge of identifying this threat and avoiding it. while you are offended by it.

    your behavior and opinion won't change after i've beaten it please tell me how this benefits me in any way.

  • Kyslapeth
    Kyslapeth Member Posts: 7

    You enjoy exploit, very well, have fun.