Should 2nd wave augment be removed from corresive cubes until the bug/exploit is fixed.

chezpizza Member Posts: 120

So should the 2nd wave augment be removed from corresive cubes until the bug/exploit is fixed?

If you are not already aware - some builders are putting traps behind Corrosive cubes with 2nd wave augment however these traps are being triggered even if they do not have line of sight.

Personally I haven't seen many outposts that utilize this augment unless they are intending to use the exploit too. I mean once you've seen the entire room is going to be a lava pit upon grabbing the genmat trick, it's pretty obvious the subsequent times. Maybe if we got to choose the skin the block mimics, like it needs to connected to another block to mimic it.

Anyways back to the question, I'm seeing this exploit more and more frequently especially in brutal. I feel the 2nd wave option for the Corrosive cubes should just be removed at least temporarily until the bug is fixed.

Should 2nd wave augment be removed from corresive cubes until the bug/exploit is fixed. 10 votes

Yes, remove the augment until it is fixed.
30% 3 votes
No, keep the augment.
50% 5 votes
Meh, I'm fine either way.
20% 2 votes
