Who can be an exploiter?

MadMoeZel Member Posts: 685

1- Raiders

2 - Builders

3 - Both

4 - Neither

Who can be an exploiter? 11 votes

DreamnomadSeraphorDodonator 3 votes
TsulankonchokSAWIIhastarkisMadMoeZelDarkyanAmaroq64Nahasno 8 votes


  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236
    edited May 2023

    An exploit is taking advantage of a mechanic that was not intended to be possible. Currently only two of these would appear to exist in the game, and they are; opaque second wave corrosive cubes hiding lethal traps, and one-way 'gaps' using two corner blocks. Which means only Builders are currently capable of exploits.

    Raiders may be able to employ cheese strats, but these are a matter of balance, not taking advantage of exploits.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236
    edited May 2023

    You see, I interpreted your second post comment as being a flippant claim that only your answer was correct and all other options were wrong and therefore 'not up for debate'. You might want to put that in the first post, rather than immediately after your own answer.

    And conversely, placing 'blame' on a particular group of players without the ability to explain the reasoning behind that, is more likely to result in flaming. At least I've justified why only one camp currently qualify as exploiting. Without that justification, my vote in this poll could be interpreted as a partisan "Raider-biased" position, which is not the case.

    Without the ability to explain my reasoning, I would not have voted at all. You cannot delete votes, and they are not anonymous, so I won't be deleting my comment.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236

    I will gladly delete all my posts to keep you happy, the moment my vote is deleted. I did not post to disrespect you, your post was misleading.

    If you cannot respect that, I don't know why you would expect the same from others.

  • Darkyan
    Darkyan Member Posts: 122

    Who can exploit ; Both

    who should exploit ; Neither (:

    Raiders can melee and destroy traps that were meant to activate a whole hallway later through floors and walls if certain conditions are met.

    Builders can soft lock raiders using specific cube placements.

  • Nahasno
    Nahasno Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 48

    Both b uilders throught the already named exploits and the raiders can at least cheat which is essentially an exploit. Because those codes maybe part of the game but they are not part of the mechanics the devs implemented for the players.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236
    edited May 2023

    You could edit your first post to include your request and make it clearer, in order to avoid the misconception that I already stated I had about it. Rather than reading as a "kind" request to not discuss anything (on a discussion board), it reads as a challenge TO debate your position.

    I was willing to concede that I was equally at fault for misunderstanding you to begin with, but screaming at people on a public forum that "NOBODY CARES WHAT YOU THINK" when you're actively trying to gather opinions, is entirely unreasonable.

    Opinions do not exist in a vacuum, and I already explained how my vote would have been different without the rationale behind it. That should highlight the folly of asking for votes without context.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Darkyan
    Darkyan Member Posts: 122
    edited May 2023

    This pool is kinda redundant anyway, you voted builders, which is totally understandable with the exploits known to the community abused by builders.

    But if I were to tell you, there's a way for the raiders ( Its a coop lag thing ) to destroy traps placed inside, from outside the outpost with the sledge melee, you'd consider this an exploit as well, hopefully, which basically just makes this pool impossible to tally through a fair count.

    edit ; don't forget the alt-f4 exploit which doesnt count your death on outposts.

    This is just Moe doing Moe things and being angry at people who use the word exploit on the forum.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236

    If you can destroy a trap with a melee attack, with a solid block in between, then yeah, I'd consider that an exploit too.

    There are a lot of ways traps can be destroyed 'indirectly', and you can clip the corner of traps from a diagonally adjacent tile even though it's not entirely within your LoS, only a thin sliver of the edge of the trap, which I'd say probably isn't an exploit, but with no part of it in sight at all? That probably is an exploit.

    I was struggling to think of a set up that could allow this, but I realised I came across an outpost that had completely blocked off it's Forgotten Tomb, completely surrounded by blocks, and I was actually able to clip the edge of it with a melee attack and break it for the exp, though the contents remained trapped forever.

  • Darkyan
    Darkyan Member Posts: 122

    That's the one, clipping between the two diagonal blocks and hitting the trap hitbox with the wide sledge attack, essentially as long as the game thinks you have line of sight on your cursor and the trap, it just triggers the 8 meter lunge and destroys it.

  • chezpizza
    chezpizza Member Posts: 120

    I mean currently its just builders have the tools to exploit the game. Haven't come a cross a situation or bug that allows me as a raider to cheat an outpost.

  • Amaroq64
    Amaroq64 Member Posts: 109


    You occasionally get a raider who just quickly and casually strolls through your outpost and handles everything perfectly, even though they've never seen it before.

    1. Nobody is that good at this game.
    2. Nobody is that good at this game and still doesn't know what a Tomb is.
    3. Nobody is that good at this game and doesn't possess basic pattern recognition. (You put the same decal next to the first two tombs and they have no idea what it means when you put it by the hallway that leads to the third tomb.)

    9 times out of 10 it's PC players who are "suspiciously good" like that. But every once in a while you do get a Playstation player who is really good too.

  • Darkyan
    Darkyan Member Posts: 122

    I'm inclined to disagree with that one though.

    I casually stroll through outposts just because, i mean, it's a linear path it's hard to not hold "W" and bypass the traps by just jumping around in lots of normal/dangerous, you kinda very loudly hear the type of trap and the general direction so it's fairly possible to do what you described.

    As for the tombs, I ignore them if they're not instantly visible, just because I'm too lazy to slow down and look at the pit.

    I know you put the decals, I know i can smash it for loot, I won't tho. Unless I really feel like it.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,871

    I haven't seen too many things I would consider an exploit. I did encounter a tomb trap once that was literally impossible to get out of though. There was a drop down to the tomb, but there were two pyramid blocks lined up in such a way that it was completely impossible to get out of. you either had to suicide into the acid cube or abandon the mission. I consider than an exploit. There should never be a way to force a raider into that choice.

  • MadMoeZel
    MadMoeZel Member Posts: 685
    edited May 2023

    so, hitting this trap 2 spaces away with a sword through an impassible door that you (which you'll call an exploit) that you don't travel through. is this an intended mechaninc? or an exploit? cause your melee weapon not touching it, and it exploding as a result seems pretty exploity to me.

    edit - for the record i'm totally fine with this interaction. it provides a reliable actionable counter to this specific layout.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236
    edited May 2023

    I would test something like this yourself rather than relying on replay footage, which is very unreliable in terms of player positioning due to latency. They could have been closer than they appear.

    Two whole blocks between (essentially a 3 block gap) does not seem reasonable.

  • MadMoeZel
    MadMoeZel Member Posts: 685

    that trap is behind a 2 block gap, 1 way door, with an acid in front. he went to the door, above the acid, and broke the trap 2 spaces away with a sword. it's repeatable.