A Preferable "Builder Verification" Alternative

Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

I am strongly of the stance that Builder Verification is a bad call; a lot of players might be aces at building bases, but not-so-hot when they're raiding. If Builder Verification is implemented, such people will not be able to build to their maximum potential, and it will make the whole process of building much more tedious; having to replay your own bases repeatedly when you change things, or prestige, or whatever. It works in something like Mario Maker because you don't have to tweak or make your maps any more than you desire, but in Meet Your Maker you're required to re-make, prestige, and re-post your bases a minimum of 10 times for maximum effect, which will not translate to having to play your own base 10 times, but probably two, three, maybe even four or five times at least, per prestige, so even if you're only tweaking your bases a little bit you've got to clear it 30 times, per base, in a game where lots of people have dozens of bases; basically meaning a good chunk of your Saturday afternoon is going to be spent playing through your own bases some odd 700 times.

Instead, I propose a much more streamlined and easy-to-impingement alternative: Just display some statistic related to clearing the base on the Outpost's listing. Something like Average Deaths, Fastest Clear Time, Total Clears (per current prestige), or something like that. Any such metric would be more than enough for a player to eyeball an Outpost and surmise whether or not it suits their fancy. This, combined with the decision to remove the penalty for Abandoning an Outpost would be more than enough to leverage just a little more choice and overhead, so they can deduce if they think they're walking into a fun time, or a wall of Sentinels, and does nothing to make the building process slower or more tedious. Full-on brick walls of Kill Boxes will likely see a decrease in runs, Raiders won't have to hop into any bases just to get blindsided by mob walls, and the Builders can keep on building freely.

As for which metric exactly would be the best, I am not sure. If you wanted to just show 1, to still keep some mystery as to what to expect for people not buying their boosts, then that's okay, but you'd have to be very particular on what metric you showed. In this case, Average Clear Time would probably do the most to help with just a single metric, I think; but their could be a better one. If you're willing to show more than one, then really any two combined would be more than enough information to work with when choosing which Outpost to run next; not even necessarily taken from the ones I've listed here.You could, alternatively, show a generalized value for the average. Like "Kill Rate: Low," "Clear Rate: Stable," "Clear Time: High," or something. A vague, generalized heads-up of what sort of time to expect. Just one though.

TL;DR: Builder Verification/Validation/whatever = bad. Showing a metric that lets the players deduce whether or not they think they're walking into a bad time = good. Retains freedom and choice on both sides of pay, just giving the Raiders a little more info to work with to make more informed choices without ruining the mystery of what to expect out right.

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  • Member Posts: 27
    edited May 2023

    Not I. Builder verification sounds like a balancing feature and would showcase your abilities beyond spam plasma reap rewards, or a proverbial funnel with a meat grinder attached to the bottom.

    I think i should leave it at that. I have plenty more to say, however. It would limit the broken b's maps and that is the main thing.

    I suggest however instead perhaps a challenge for raiders. Unbeaten maps with a jackpot based off player deaths for the first to complete the level.

    This would make sure that people are rewarded for putting up with b's maps. And prove whether a b's map is b's or just hard.

    Post edited by UnethicalOctopus on
  • Member Posts: 27
    edited May 2023

    Obviously once beaten said map could enter the pool as per usual. This gets rid of the terrible raider-builders problem and rewards good raiders.

    Alternatively its just passive farming with cut-and-paste builds.

    However I still think it best that you beat your own map before upload. This mainly because it would be a testimony as to both your ability to raid and create. Also it had to do with accountability, if you can't put up with your own b's, why should anyone else? Just think of the Frankenstein's monster. First thing it did when brough to life was kill it's maker...

    Here I was saying I would leave it at that, oh well 👋

    Post edited by UnethicalOctopus on
  • Member Posts: 27
    edited May 2023

    It may also be best to look at each creation as a level in a game, since that is essentially what it amounts to. If you wouldn't enjoy playing it, why build it?

    My current design philosophy is to entertain the raider and challenge them. Perhapse these should be new accolades? (Challenging and Entertaining). However I like your idea about the metrics, but I think that is what is attempted by the suit upgrade guy's boost.

    Perhaps instead just displaying the accolades, and whether the map has ever actually been beaten, alongside the number of people killed. (I dont know if the game actually does this somewhere before you sign up for said deathtraps)

  • Member Posts: 27
    edited May 2023

    Hmm, strange. Lost one of my comments.

    My current design philosophy is to entertain and challenge the raiders. These creations amount to levels in a video game. If I didnt/wouldnt want to play my creation, why should anyone else? I said other things, but this was the most important point.

  • Member Posts: 685
    edited May 2023

    Behavior already said Verification by builder will not be added but i would love to see more details on map performance. also LET ME SEE IF ITS IN OVERDRIVE. i want to target overdrives.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 48

    There is this paragraph in the tutorial section for champion maps there should be an best time/ death list of all raids for that outpost. At least that's how i unterstand it, did it never got implemented? I can see those outpost as extra in my raidselection when i got enough "normal" outposts, but nothing else distinctives them from the others than the Rank and that extra place?

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    I've heard this from other people online, but I haven't found a place where a dev or rep said it. I hope it's true though.

    Targeting Overdrive-ed Bases would be tight tho.

  • Member Posts: 685
    edited May 2023
    Post edited by MadMoeZel on

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