Glad I Stockpiled Equipment

Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,871


  • The cost to craft Hardware has been increased slightly by 5 Parts. The new crafting costs are as follows:   Spike Drive: 15 Parts 
  • Blast Grenade: 15 Parts 
  • Flash Barrier: 25 Parts  
  • Phoenix Pod: 35 Parts 

That's from update today. Honestly, this isn't a big deal though. Parts have always been a pretty easy resource to acquire. Equipment was trivial to use. Frankly, it still is. Message to devs, that doesn't mean you should continue to increase the costs of equipment.


  • Darkyan
    Darkyan Member Posts: 122

    Legit think equipment shouldn't cost a thing.

    So many times I see raiders not use their grenades or shields in a situation they absolutely would benefit from them, simply because of consumable fear?

    It's like that thing in mmorpg where you stockpile 2500 health potions and never use them.

    Dropping parts from a tomb is the worst feeling to me cx

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,871

    They basically don't cost anything once you've been playing for any length of time. There needs to be some kind of resource sink otherwise the resources themselves start to lose all meaning. They really need a better cell resource sink as is. Once you've unlocked everything about the only thing to even use cells on is the suit and trap advisors. The suit advisor is super cheap too. Only 50 cells for 5 hours of info on raiding? What an absolute steal. Maybe equipment should be purchasable with either cells or parts? Maybe there should be some kind of way to purchase resources using other resources? I'd gladly buy 100 synthite for 250 cells for instance.

  • MadMoeZel
    MadMoeZel Member Posts: 685

    *casually looks at my stockpile of 300+ of everything.*

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,871

    Lol, same. I stopped buying after 300 or so of each. If I were to buy all those now then I'd have to pay 6000 more parts. (300 x 4 = 1200. 1200 x 5 = 6000)

  • Darkyan
    Darkyan Member Posts: 122
    edited May 2023

    That's kind of the issue.

    Long term players have so much parts that its practically infinite, but still don't use equipment because of consummable fear.

    New players don't spend parts because they're worried about future item costs so they raid without equipment.

    Moe has over 300+ equipment, and probably enough explosive to engage in a nuclear war. ( That's not good, we're trying to save the world ): not destroy it more. )

    The same rule kinda applies to Buffs,

    If you're rich, you spend money to get money, which you're already overflowing of so it's infinitely meaningless *Except for the radar buff*

    If you're poor, no buffs cuz they last like 20 minutes at low level and cost as much as a new trap. ( Not exactly, but it's the feeling I had when i looked at the price when i was a newbie )

    I'd love to see currency used for new blocks, new decals, armors cosmetics instead of whatever weird cycle of infinity we're going through.

    Edit ; In terms of sink tho ; outpost resources overdrives (mark it in the command center to get more players attracted), active traps boosts ( faster deployment, deploys multiple times )

    Boost your builds for raiders to get more rewards, and for you to get more kills.

  • MadMoeZel
    MadMoeZel Member Posts: 685

    i forgot until i looked. i actually moved to 400 this past week on my stockpile XD i did that same math earlier. and like, that 6k wouldn't even dent my current stockpile. i could probably afford to buy it all again from scratch had they wiped it out.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236
    edited May 2023

    Increase by another 5 please, and add a "buy 100" option too, buying 10 at a time just takes way too long and I still have too many Parts.

    Yet I still don't find the need to use much in most outposts, most can be completed without any grenades or shields.

    Consumable fear is not related to the cost of equipment, it's related to your limited carry inventory, only having 3 grenades available at a time, means no matter how many you buy or how much they cost, you only have 3 chances to get it right.

  • Darkyan
    Darkyan Member Posts: 122

    Yes and no, I spent a little under 2 whole weeks without using more than 5 consumables in total because I was worried about part costs, despite hovering around a reasonable part amount.

    Yes the limited amount per mission was part of it, but I was also thinking "Oh I don't need to use it here, I should keep it for another raid where I really need them because I might run out"

    Consumable fear isnt really related to cost or capacity as a whole, take the mmorpg 2500 health potion example I mentioned earlier. It's all about having a resource limited by a number which tricks your brain into going "I don't need it now, maybe in the future" even though you have a practically unlimited supply.

    I actively skip on using equipments at time because I'm worried I might start a mission without realizing I used up all my consumables and now I don't have them when i really need it. It's a really stupid worry to have when the game gives you enough resources to buy an infinite amount of something.

    Is there really any wrong to having infinite equipment, but limited uses per outposts?

    All it does is remove the tedious of purchasing them for vets, and allows newbies more freedom with grenades.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,871

    Part of being a good gamer is learning to adapt. If your fear of running out of equipment is holding you back then that sounds like something to improve yourself on. It's not the games fault you hoard items without using them. If the game didn't provide you with adequate resources to purchase equipment then that would be the games fault.

  • Nahasno
    Nahasno Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 48

    It's the same with the volt lancer - three shots.

    In some outposts there are trapcombos, where if you shot the first trap on sight you won't have enough bolts to clear the whole combo which you would have to do to get to the first bolt. So you have to either use a consumable or speed grapple through and /or shield one or more of the traps that are still active. But if you look at the combo and shoot the "right" trap in the beginning you can go through by just shooting the traps in the right order.

    Then there is the problem that if you use grenades there are these stupid halfblock glitches. It's just annoying to unintenionaly blow up a tomb you couldn't see through a halfblock and then perhaps dying on the way to the tomb and possibly loosing all that orange.

    The fear of running out of consumables should now be reduced because there is no penalty for quiting, rearming and reentering anymore.

    And if you join a raid without consumables it's most often than not your own fault for not checking your gear - happens to me sometimes, use 150 grenades in a week and just forget to buy new ones.

    But that's my own negligence in checking my stocks and i know that i don't need to use those many in most raids, but one the other side they would be just getting rusty in stock if i don't use them and i like when things go boom in games.

  • MadMoeZel
    MadMoeZel Member Posts: 685

    the way i calculate items is as follows. my highest death count is 47. if i were to use 3 grenades a run i need at least 150 to guarantee a clear using 3 grenades every run on the hardest content i've ever seen. so as long as i have at least 150 of everything, i can't run out in a raid is my logic. as long as i can't run out mid-raid i can use as many as i want freely, and refill after.

    my current stock is 500 of everything

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    50% price increasement on grenades isn´t just slightly.

    Wanna know who got really unlucky? I had the game open prior to the patch. Read the patch notes with the game still open, but closed it for the patch before reaching the part with the hardware price increasement. *duh

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    haha the same thing happened to me! My friend had the game open, the patch went live. I was reading the patch notes out loud, and just before I got to the part about the increase in hardware prices he closed the game and started updating it. Had he been patient a second or two longer we could've stockpiled. I mean, I already have a pretty decent stockpile, but I'm almost maxed on Parts so it would've been a perfect time to buy more.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,871

    Is there a cap on resources you can have? I'm sitting around mid 30,000's on cells and parts.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    I have a stockpile of 100 but would have prefered to get some more, if i would have known.