The problem with HRVY

Esoteric_Gamer Member Posts: 2

First off, thank you for this wonderful game. I absolutely love it. From base building to raiding; it's a lot of fun. However, the harvester has become the bane of my base building experience.

I've had this idea for a base that has two paths; one to get in and one to get out. While I've made a base that had this option, my current idea isn't possible, because HRVY doesn't know what a holocube is. It refuses to take the alternate path because of the holocube concealing it. Guards however, have no issues with holocubes. Why does HRVY?

Also it would be nice if we could paint holocubes so that they match the esthetic of the base. Painting traps would be cool too.


  • eyedeeoneohtee
    eyedeeoneohtee Member Posts: 34

    The problem with letting Harvey walk through holocubes is that builders could make an outpost that kills Harvey in the first few rooms and then leads the raider into a giant holocube maze that they can only navigate through trial and error. Unfortunately, anything that can be abused will be abused.

  • Esoteric_Gamer
    Esoteric_Gamer Member Posts: 2

    While that may be true, the same could be said for any complex base. Harvey is often taken out fairly quickly when the raider is following him; leaving them alone in there quest for the Genmat.

    The very nature of the game is trial and error. Whether it's building bases or raiding them, it's about what works and what doesn't

    Now to elaborate on my issue. During tests, Harvey has no issues collecting Gennat during the first phase. When phase two starts, it gets stuck. The holocube that was obstructing it disappears the moment the Genmat is taken. Harvey should have no issue, yet it does.

    After thinking about it, I believe the problem may be less a Harvey issue and more a build mode issue. If I put down a second phase corrosive cube, it isn't recognized as a viable path, when it in fact is; at least for the first phase. This means Harvey only recognizes the alternate path. If you block this path for the first phase, it's seen as inaccessible which prevents you from activating your base whether it works in testing or not.

    It's rather frustrating.

  • MadMoeZel
    MadMoeZel Member Posts: 685

    your issue comes from how valid path is calculated. it's a one time calculation. HRV needs a valid path at ALL times, but will ALWAYS walk the shortest route he is able. so you can get him to walk over a route on the way in that is very difficulty to go back through after genmat is touched but there still needs to always be a valid 2nd route. the poster wants that route to ONLY be valid during 2nd wave by puting a holo block on it in 2nd stage so that the raider can't go through the back of the base and negate the challenge. but you can't block that route with a holo cube or it's considered invalid, meaning that you have to leave the back door open.

  • Amaroq64
    Amaroq64 Member Posts: 109
    edited June 2023

    You're gonna have to just bait the raider into using your second path, by making sure they see the holocube disappear.

    Or one neat thing I did is: Have a boltshot pointed at the genmat from the left or right covered by an eagle-eye holocube, so it fires the instant they touch the genmat. Then on the opposite side of the room, have a holocube that gets destroyed by the boltshot so the raider sees the new path open up. Put a decal that points to it, or a special decal under it, so they get the hint.

    Another thing I've done is have the genmat room be like a final battle arena. Drop some guards in, and have an eagle-eye second-wave holocube leading to the back door. While they're maneuvering around in there to fight the guards, the cube will get opened up and then once the fight is over, they'll go examine the new path that opened.

    Some builders I've seen will just put arrow decals pointing to the 2nd path they want me to take, and I'll honor their intentions and take it.

    Another trick I've done is put a piston under a holocube and make the piston 2nd wave, so after they get the genmat, the piston destroys the holocube for you. I've used this in a situation where I have a masquerade holocube that releases guards, but they might bypass the cube during 1st wave, so I put a 2nd wave piston to destroy the cube and let the guards out. So if they missed the guards on 1st wave, they will have to fight them on 2nd wave.

    You can also use explosions to destroy holocubes. Like a death piston that explodes when it dies, so they see it pistoning-around and then they shoot it and then they see the path open up.