Dreadshore is a missed opportunity

TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164
edited June 2023 in Feedback

This should've been an event. There should be developer-designed areas that lead to the discovery of Dreadshore. There should be in-game lore that players learn organically through exploration (so not just a bit of text, and especially not text hidden in the buried codex). MYM is world building without any actual world building, and it certainly doesn't take advantage of the interactive world-building and storytelling that the video game medium allows.

Like Dead by Daylight, the content is just dropped into the game. But MYM isn't DBD, it's not only a new game with much less visibility in need of something to pull players in but it's also sci-fi. This game is all about the world and the environment but it never bothers to attempt immersion. The backstory and history are presented as afterthoughts to shallowly explain the purchasables and the Sanctuary's appearance.

Is there any new dialogue from the advisors? Does the Chimera have at least one new evolutionary stage? From what I've seen, there are a few new toys to play and that's it. The burial sites are a new background with the same old Red Sands names. The onus of new content to interact with is on the players and there's no story or world building to get players truly interested.

Dreadshore doesn't even get a new page for burial sites, the purchase area remains a single page with Dreadshore and Red Sands mixed together. Getting desired burial sites was already an issue when it was a single Sector.

I'm not asking for the game to have a single player mode or a full story, but there's not a lot of content and despite the codex suggesting there's an interesting backstory players are given nothing more than a sandbox and some weapons.

BHVR, you're doing a bunch of things half-way. You held back on the level design and raiding aspects, so gameplay gets repetitive quickly, and you didn't take advantage of the lore to add any depth to the player's actions. This isn't a full game, it's part of a game. It's the window dressing without any depth to the gameplay. You didn't focus on one thing and do an amazing job of it, and you didn't use the pieces to strengthen each other and make a larger whole, so all you have is a bunch of unrealized ideas. That's not a game, that's potential, and potential without follow-through has no longevity.

The Builder Elements

The new blocks are boring. Their design has little to no distinction from the other blocks already in the game. However, when placed next to those other blocks, the colors are wrong. The new blocks are slightly rustier than the red blocks but redder than the rusty DBD blocks. They clash. Blue blocks with new textural designs and rust decals, that's what the Dreadshore aesthetic hinted at. These blocks provide no new design options for the artistically inclined.

The game started with bold red blocks, Hellscape was added with new red blocks, the DBD blocks were changed from unique grey to brown rust, and now the Dreadshore blocks are dull red with rust. We've had very little new content and it already feels uncreative and same-y. Worse, a lot of the blocks don't look good next to each other, so it's not like the packs were done this way to allow for visually pleasing mix-and-match designs.

There's still no basic option to change the color of blocks, nor the ability to select an existing block and rotate it or change its block type.

The Gameplay

Some new QoL features were added, but I wouldn't say they were all done well. Players being able to fill all five slots with P10+ Outposts infinitely allows for the death of fresh content. Without tags, Raiders still have no way to recognize bases they're more likely to enjoy. Builders can't re-roll the bedrock of a burial site if they get frustrated trying to build on it.

The rainstorm is worse than the sandstorm for visibility, but shots can still get lost in the outskirts. Finding the ammo out there is already time consuming, but it's really difficult to find your way back to the Outpost area when visibility is damn near zero. Wandering around searching for lost ammo and then wandering around looking for the actual gameplay area is not fun, there's nothing positive about that. Ammo should either not be able to go into the distance, or it should always be highlighted outside the Outpost, and there should be something small and unobtrusive on the HUD to guide a player back to the Outpost from the outskirts. I complained about this when it was just Red Sands, but Dreadshore is even worse.

AFAIK, the Chimera and Advisors are still capped at level 100, and materials are still capped at 100k. I wouldn't necessarily know because I capped everything out during Sector 0, so I had to stop pressing the "Evolve" button or I'd just be throwing materials away with nothing to show for it.

The Suits

The suits are all-or-nothing. There are only a few options, even with the paid DLC, and helmets can't be matched to different bodies. The lack of visual customization for Raiders leaves the important raiding aspect of MYM feeling like an afterthought.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • MadMoeZel
    MadMoeZel Member Posts: 685

    i for one do not want my content locked behind mandatory maps. i'm quite happy that i was able to log in and unlock it all.

    the color palate of the blocks doesn't concern me i'm more concerned about our limited shapes and lack of rotation ability, free placement, our inability to point traps at certain angles, or put them on certain surfaces due to them not being a full square. we should have ramp shaped acid available that can be placed against a ramp of a regular block to let them form a single cube of half walkable space and half acid.

    suits have always been skins, once the skills are mastered you can wear any suit with any loadout, no suit has an inherent ability.

    personally i think they do have a game, i think you just care less about gameplay and more about lore and cosmetics. i care about neither so i enjoy the game quite a lot.

  • Apotheon
    Apotheon Member Posts: 9

    Is deadshore cosmetic first, yes.

    Are they any good, they are useable in both themes

    Does the dlc this time around only feature 3 sides represented twice on either of the cubes, yep. Would i rather have this toggleable for mirroring the normals on both sides rather than losing details maybe.

    Still worth it,

    Even if BHVR has a lack of content and metas in this game and this accursed currency system everyone rants about. (*in the unofficial discord)

    I enjoy MYM since it gives u a rather rythmic experience with great coheasive limits there is a Balance.

    Even if ur disapointed right now i think if we get out of Early Access the new commers will have something to enjoy and the veterans to teach.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,873

    I liked being able to just log in and burn a bunch of points I've had saved up to get the new content. Unlocking the content is only the beginning. It'll take quite a while to learn and experience the new content both in building and raiding.

  • Hodderfodder
    Hodderfodder Member Posts: 164

    The game has a barebones story as is, story is not why people play the game, so anchoring content to story is pretty bass ackwards there.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164
    edited June 2023

    locked behind mandatory maps

    I didn't mean it like that. I never said mandatory or "have to." The option isn't there at all, though.

    no suit has an inherent ability.

    I never suggested they should have an inherent ability.

    suits have always been skins

    Yes. I was pointing out that there are so few skins and the options aren't expanded by allowing players to mix-and-match the helmets and bodies. Builders have a ton of purely cosmetic options and Raiders don't. (And I'm not saying Raiders should have as much or even a quarter as much, it's just that Raiders have almost none.)

    i think you just care less about gameplay and more about lore and cosmetics.

    The devs are the ones who made lore important. They could have focused on making a dungeon builder plus FPS. They split their attention and added the Chimera and the Sanctuary. This is why I said they do things half-way, because they didn't give enough depth to the gameplay (build mode is severely lacking, you seem to agree with me on that) and the devs only use the lore as an explanation for the grind. The devs' resources would've been better spent on further developing building and raiding.

    I've written a lot of posts on the MYM forums, and they've mostly been about the gameplay. I'm not going to repeat everything I've said before. This post is mainly about the Dreadshore release, and Dreadshore is largely a cosmetic update.

    I played a lot of MYM and was really enjoying raiding, but raiding solo got kinda lonely while dying to de-sync in co-op became too frustrating to play through. I badly want the game to survive. I'm disappointed because I see a lot of squandered potential.

    Not anchored to; bolstered by. There's a difference. I never said content should actually be locked behind it.

    The devs are the ones who split their attention between too many different elements without refining any of them. Building is very limited, raiding is a basic DOOM-like FPS, the replay function is pretty much broken (and replay is the thing that makes MYM different from other level designers, so it needs to work), and the lore is barebones and only utilized to explain the grind.

    The replay function (which is broken) and the lore are the two things that differentiate MYM from other map builders/level designers. That's BHVR's doing. If they're not going to utilize the lore, they should've put their resources into making the gameplay amazing. MYM overreaches and doesn't excel at anything. And for as limited as building is, it's not even easy: it's awkward and clunky and it can be extremely frustrating just doing simple things like placing a single block where you want it to go. I can't even blame the player when I see a PlayStation Outpost with guards slapped on the default layout.

    I know it must sound like I don't like the game, but I do. I enjoy raiding. I want to enjoy building. I wouldn't bother sharing my opinion if I didn't like the game.

  • Amaroq64
    Amaroq64 Member Posts: 109

    It seems like people on this forum are only here to bombard the developers with their ungratefulness until the devs get demoralized and quit.

    This game is amazing. The only things wrong with it are:

    1. Lazy builders putting a room of death with a ton of bs piled into it.
    2. The raiders drying up 1-2 hours after you activate your map.

    And you can at least do something about the former.

    The only thing I'd ask from the new DLC is, if you're gonna give us the new trap/guard/suit/weapon for free, at least charge me an increment of 5. My synthite is going to be an increment of 5 minus 1 forever now, lol, and I'm gonna be OCD about it every time I look at it.

  • hastarkis
    hastarkis Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580

    Loool, yeah, increment of five would be better xD but lazy builders now have to be more creative bc new shield suit and new weapon own them. Also with new rank point system I don't mind dying that much.

    BTW you can farm some maps until debuff makes your incomes 1 point of resources and fix your numbers! I don't say it's ok now if you can fix it, it's just a way to help OCD :)

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    The only thing I'd ask from the new DLC is, if you're gonna give us the new trap/guard/suit/weapon for free, at least charge me an increment of 5.

    The items are actually completely free if you grab the free Dreadshore DLC. They're all automatically unlocked (not including the upgrades) without paying a single Cell. I did that on PlayStation and I know the free DLC pack is on Steam, as well.

  • MadMoeZel
    MadMoeZel Member Posts: 685

    "This game is amazing. The only things wrong with it are:

    1. Lazy builders putting a room of death with a ton of bs piled into it.
    2. The raiders drying up 1-2 hours after you activate your map."

    counter offer

    1 - lazy raiders who don't want to learn how to beat rooms with more than 5-7 threats in them.

    2 - no, you right on the money here.