Update to Dynamic Difficulty
So today they changed the way the skull difficulty is calculated. What used to be a one and a half skull difficulty yesterday is now a one skull difficulty today. This means what qualifies as a normal difficulty map has been expanded. Likewise, what used to be a 3 skull difficulty yesterday is now a 2 and a half skull difficulty today. Which again, means that dangerous difficulty is a more dangerous place. Things that used to be dangerous are now normal. Things that used to be brutal are now dangerous.
I'm going to withhold judgement for now and see how things play out. I do think that keeping an outpost in normal was a bit difficult before. Basically had to make an outpost for potatoes. Hopefully we can put more than 6 poorly positioned naked guards in a normal outpost.
I can say it has had a good effect on my 'sustained nornals'; though I am concerned we will see the resurgence of 'min/maxing in normal to prey on new players for easy kills and more raids per activation.
On the note of raids, it may have just been mid week plus US holiday, but my normals did not hit the usual 30 raids per activation after this update.
Theoretically that may be because the 'pool size' shift, and now the raid pools are more balanced across the board.
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It doesn't have anything to do with the holidays. My normal outposts went from 20-30 raids a day to around 8-11 raids a day. Dangerous went from around 7-9 a day to 5-7 a day. I think this is largely due to the fact that more outposts qualify as both normal and dangerous now. Metaphorically speaking, there is a larger piece of bread but the amount of peanut butter remained the same.
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Lets hope for an influx of raiders (more peanut butter) from the physical copy release in Japan. Fingers crossed.
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One can hope. That would also mean more bread though =p
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I ran 2 dangerous outposts today and they both got a whopping 3 raids each. If this trend continues then I might as well just activate brutal outposts.
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I think it's a side effect of increasing synthite gains. Firstly because everybody is building more and raiding less, which results in everybody getting fewer raids; and secondly because builders have a limited amount of synthite but they also have a limited amount of time, so increasing synthite shifts the balance towards low-effort outposts because they take less time to build. I'm not saying it should go back to what it used to be but maybe it should be lower than what it is now.
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No. It's not that either. The synthite change was quite a while ago. I did notice a slight drop in raids when synthite gains were changed. The big change happened literally overnight when they changed the way normal and dangerous difficulty is calculated.