Console? - Fogwise and Alert can see Undetectable Killers
Based on the reported evidence here https://www.youtube.com/shorts/oeMeX4E2dCI?feature=share
PC - basement stairs lost blink collision (?)
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as nurse in a public match Step 3 : In-game, blink through the wall next to the generator on (i dont know the maps name) Step 4 : Get put into a wall instead of on the stairs video: https://medal.tv/games/dead-by-daylight/clips/1fgMT25osYV44n/d1337xIPsLo7?invite=cr-MSxPc0osNzEyMTY4MDYs…
blight phases through pallets like the spirit
bug happening on what i assume is all platforms had a match where from the survivor pov it looks like a pallet is downed but when approaching the pallet its not actually there, and the survivor kind of glitches through it (in my case my survivor jumped over the pallet as if they were being forced out of an area they…
Problem with comic redemption code
Hello I play on the switch and I’m having a problem redeeming the code for the charm from the comic book I keep getting code invalid every time I put it in I’ve tried multiple times and tried without the spaces and it still doesn’t work
Bloodpoint Gummies Charm Texture
Display image of the Bloodpoint Gummies charm has the textures correctly as seen in this picture. But when you put on the charm, bottom textures are missing. It's all white instead of the number and red color. I know it's not much of an issue but as a charm collecter it has been like this since it's release and and it…
Any Platform - Skull Merchant's New skin's weapon doesn't have sound effects
Title. Skull Merchant's new weapon from the Cyber Assassin set doesn't make any sound effects. What to add in the description Example Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as Skull Merchant with the new Body Cleaver Weapon from the Cyber Assassin Set Step 3 : Press M1 Step 4 : Notice the weapon doesn't make any sounds,…
Steam PC - Invalid Game Version
What to add in the description Example Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Press Spacebar to continue Step 3 : The game version is invalid. Please update to a valid version documents to add Images Logs
Users with 'link' in name getting error code 8024
I have been getting error code 8024 on both PlayStation and Xbox systems. The loads up with other users no problem. Tried all the normal routines of rebooting router, systems, clearing cache etc but still getting error code. I use Linkdouken as both PSN and Xbox gamertag. I noticed someone else reporting the same 8024…
"LETSROLL" code not working on Microsoft Store version
The "LETSROLL" code keeps showing: This code cannot be redeemed on your current platform. I'm on the Microsoft Store version of the game. Thank you!
Meet your maker - This code cannot be redeemed on your current platform
The codes don't work on the Windows Store version of the game. Anyone else having this issue?
Pretty Woman not on sale for Valentines Day
According to the sale News pop-up, the very rare skin Pretty Woman for the Canniball is listed as being part of the sale with 40% off. Currently, the skin is still at full price.
PC - Microstuttering/hitching and no speed boost upon being hit or upon using exhaustion perks.
Description Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as survivor or killer in a public match ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Character played: Nea, Yoichi, Yui, Rebecca Chambers | Deathslinger (non-exhaustive) Perks played: Balanced Landing, Boon: COH, Boon: Shadowstep, Hyperfocus, Iron Will, Kindred, Lightweight, Lucky Break, Off the…
All Platforms - Typographical Error
Enter the store Select Oni Select the "Fire Moon Warrior" outfit Select the Celestial Kanabo The "Celestial Kanabo" is listed with the description "Ornamented kanabo cleansed with moon water to keep it from rust." While this item name and description use the word "kanabo," it clearly meant to use the word "katana." For…
PS4 - Cannot Log In
Well i was about to play Dead by Daylight and then this message appeared... This problem accured to me now.
Store Discount Error? - Clown Eggs-Uberant Outfit 60%
This is likely a transposition error. It appears the Clown Outfit is listed as -60% off (480 Cells), which is twice the listed amount in the DBD News section (840 Cells). This is a tempting purchase at 480 cells but I do not want to risk getting charged 840 (-30%) to see if it works or not.
My Ps4 isn't telling me that Dbd's bug fix patch isn't out
When my friend invited me to play, it said I can't join due to the lastest update not being out. But when I went to check, all it said was that the latest patch was installed, which was the Artist chapter. I live in west coast, so when is the time for the bugfix patch to come out and update. Also, I've turned off and then…
Servers Down
Eu pc timeout game
ESC loading into match - unable to move
Right after loading into the game, if you press escape (to eg. see the offerings) there is a possibility that the pause menu will come up too quickly without actually showing up and you will be stuck with a slighty darker HUD while not being able to move at all. I can't "unpause" the game either and had to "get" myself…
Clown's bow tie is still bugged in 5.0.0
EDIT: Bugfix Patch 5.0.1 has solved the problem with Clown's bow tie colors, the issue has been solved. Despite the 5.0.0 patch notes saying that they fixed the issue that caused the Clown's bow tie to display an incorrect color, it is still displaying the wrong color, as all of the Clown's common and uncommon recolors are…
Adept Trickster Broken
You can't get adept trickster if you use knives because those hits/downs don't count towards your chaser emblem. Please look into this as it makes adept trickster damn near impossible unless playing at very low ranks
Ui not tracking health state
Have noticed several separate instances of the new ui not changing to reflect current health state for killers. The most common factor as I can tell is; Injured survivors running adrenaline will heal on the final gen but ui will still state that they are injured. This was most notable as I witnessed the bug in chase,…
Feng Min Cosmetic Sale
The Spring Festival Feng Min cosmetic is not 30% off like the rest of the new year cosmetics that were announced to be on sale. 02/12/21 on the switch system.
Blessing a totem with a boon does not disable Decisive Strike
I'm going to assume this is a bug/devs missed this since you can bless over a hex and get rid of it like cleansing does.
Jake's K-Pop Outfit No longer in My Inventory
Platform: PC (Steam & Stadia) Description: I opened the game and saw that Jake wasn't wearing the headpiece to the K-pop cosmetic (the one with the short bowl cut and round glasses), and I went to go re-equip it. When I went to his cosmetic list, all 3 parts of it were gone and it was missing from the outfits list as well.…
Nancys new outfit can't be bought!
...Please. Fix this :)
Unable to Heal
I noticed yesterday and today that I've been unable to heal some people after unhooking them. It's quite frequent now. At first it seemed to happen with all "Adam's" that I unhooked and today it's happened to a "Meg". Played other survivors and the same is happening and across different maps. Playing on PC. Thanks.
Gas heaven wall glitch
Im playing on PC and while i was playing on Autohaven wreckers that david walked through a wall just like that, it wasnt a cheat, becouse i could get inside a wall as well, just couldnt walk through entirely. I have a video that shows how he just dissapeared, its just an empty texture. That was the first time i encountered…
Rancid Abattoir Bugs on Xbox
Played a few games of dbd on Rancid Abattoir on Xbox and noticed a few bugs. Pallets around the abattoir seem to bug out whenever you’re trying to throw them down. I’ve had a few chases where the killer is right on me, and I try to throw down the pallet but it’s not thrown. (Occurs very often) just today we tried to do a…
Newly updated Gas Heaven
Survivors and killers can phase through the wall in the car shed/garage... Making it impossible to pick the survivor up or see the killer in certain instances... Very broken indeed and is ruining my gameplay :( All platforms ( I believe) Every match
Maps not tracking totems
Platform: Steam Description of the issue: Maps aren't tracking totems. Tried both green and rainbow map with and without addons. Not even track killer belongings addon shows totems. Steps to reproduce: Just take a map and hold M2 How often does this occur: So far every game
DLC not working
A friend gifted some cosmetic DLCs to me. I received only a few of the outfits, meanwhile my friend was able to get outfits I didn't get. Is this a bug or something? How can I redeem the outfits I didn't get?
I keep getting kicked out in game.
Ive been trying to play on Dead by daylight for a while now,And i try to get into a lobby i would just get errors or party creation failed.But most of all im getting (No Network Connection) when my network is fine. Even when im playing in a match it kicks me out and then i half to wait 1 HOUR for doing nothing. Im getting…
Bug inviting friends on console ps4
Me and all of my friends are not able anymore to invite each other in a group or even join each other. An error message comes everytimes we try it. Can you fix it please ?
Game instant crashes at start
Hey guys, When I start DBD on PC i immediately get a crash report. However I hear the intro video (currently the Chains of Hate). I already verified the game files, uninstalled and redownloaded the game. I even installed it twice. 1st time on my 1st m.2 drive 2nd on my ssd. Even repaired / reinstalled easyanticheat. Still…
DbD crashes whenever I boot it up
Hello, since 3 days ago or so my DbD does not want to launch anymore. After I press play on Steam the application pops up but I cannot enter it and I can still hear the intro in the beackround and then I also get this window named "Dead By Daylight Crash Reporter": I also was not able to launch Dota 2 back then (it…