Just got into a match against a Huntress and after half a dozen bullshit hatchet hits I just gave up on hook. The Killer started farming with the other two Survivors (someone else also suicided because of bullshit hitboxes) and I literally watched her hit a Survivor THROUGH a gen.
Especially with Dedicated Servers Huntress' hatchet hitboxes are beyond terrible. Any semi-competent Huntress beyond Rank 5 will hit every hatchet without question due how awful the hitboxes are. I have played against countless Huntress' at high ranks ever since Dedicated Servers launched (earlier today I got 4 Huntresses IN A ROW) and every single one gets at least a 2k (usually 4k) because hatchet hitboxes are so terrible.
I don't understand how, after 2 years of complaining about hatchet hitboxes, Behaviour still haven't fixed them.
I absolutely love playing against huntress but man do the hatchet hitboxes kill the experience for me
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They fixed once and literally killed the huntress. They just cant (they don't Care) Fix the hitboxes she as broken as she Is. Just play safe.
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Idk why they don't just give up on dedicated servers, they've made the game so much worse.
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Yeah the hatchets do look way more incorrect after dedicated servers, I get the frustration with that.
You'd think they'd be better w/ servers, but apparently not.
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There is latency with dedicated servers i really don't feel like the hitboxes are awful it feels better than it did before because i can actually throw hatchets over cars and such in loops.
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I love when i move to the side and it doesnt even go near me and then DOWNED
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I main huntress and hatchets sometimes hit things it shouldnt (like a survivor or gets stuck in a map object) and sometimes it doesnt hit things that it should. For example a fully charged hatchet WILL go through a survivor if he is right next to you or vaulting a window.
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Giving up gives the developers a 0% chance to solve the problems with Dedicated Servers.
Trying on the other hand, gives the developers a chance to fix the problems with Dedicated Servers.
Two negatives never make a positive. 😕
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yes. totally agree. i will visually see that the hatchet flies past me yet i’ll still get hit. the hatchet should have to hit you directly (coming into contact with player model) to register.
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how DbD's hitboxes even function makes this impossible
because the character model doesn't always line up with the simplistic hitbox, when they tried to "fix" it, huntresses hatchets would often fly through survivors without doing damage
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Huntress is broken, hope @Peanits and the rest of the team will do some work on her. That and the broken addons make for hilarious killer rounds but are unhealthy to the game.
You can throw where just barely to the survivor and get hits no matter what. The hatchet is sometimes like 4-5m off and oh boy a hit.
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Been watching some Puppers videos of the new patch and he's been saying the PTB has been REALLY smooth, as others on those same videos were agreeing and that he never wanted to leave them. I'm wondering if perhaps those are fixes to dedicated servers that will make it into the next patch.
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Hatchet hitboxes have always been bad
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if you feel like you're getting sniped from a huntress it's not because of the hitboxes it's because the player is pretty good or lucky
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Played on PTB and... this is a ######### lie.
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They'll probably never be perfect :(
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They already do that sometimes
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Damn the Spirit changes aren't even out yet and we are already switching focus to the Huntress being "unfun" and "uncouterable"?
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My Favorites are when she hits you through the wall of the s hack with a thrown hatchet. Like throws it directly gazing at the wall you on the otherside of.
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Damn the latest balance patch made a Killer slightly worse and we're already asking for buggy Killers who have been broken for 2 years to not be fixed because "Survivor mains won't stop QQing"?
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The data shows that she is pretty balanced. If she is so buggy that its one of the ways she gets kills, as everyone in this thread is complaining about, then she'd become, statistically, the worst killer in the game easily if she was "fixed".
Its obviously not that bad, but ok.
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Plague is statistically "balanced" because statistically she goes up against potatoes constantly and gets 4ks, but also goes up against derankers who stomp her. Freddy statistically had about a 40% kill rate before his rework which is why he took so long to be reworked.
Statistics mean nothing in this game since they are so heavily skewed by all the bullshit in this game. What matters is that playing as Huntress feels more RNG dependant than playing Pig with 6 Jigsaw boxes, and playing against Huntress feels more RNG dependant than running Autodidact, Up The Ante, Ace in the Hole, and Technician together. You can't dismiss the fact that Huntress has been broken since launch with "nuuuuu u tok muh Spirut no taek mi huntrass u no want gud killurz?"
Give an actual reason why you want the game to be objectively worse due to bugs. "Nerfs already happened" is not a reason. By that logic Mettle of Man should've remained the way it was on release because Sprint Burst was nerfed. But considering that I have seen some people operating under that ass-backwards logic I wouldn't be surprised if Killer mains thought that way too.
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If you think the huntress feels like RNG then you dont know how to play against her.
I play huntress all day and the hatchets that look like they shouldnt have hit are just a small percentage of all you throw in game.
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This ^^^