Just got into a match against a Huntress and after half a dozen bullshit hatchet hits I just gave up on hook. The Killer started farming with the other two Survivors (someone else also suicided because of bullshit hitboxes) and I literally watched her hit a Survivor THROUGH a gen.

Especially with Dedicated Servers Huntress' hatchet hitboxes are beyond terrible. Any semi-competent Huntress beyond Rank 5 will hit every hatchet without question due how awful the hitboxes are. I have played against countless Huntress' at high ranks ever since Dedicated Servers launched (earlier today I got 4 Huntresses IN A ROW) and every single one gets at least a 2k (usually 4k) because hatchet hitboxes are so terrible.

I don't understand how, after 2 years of complaining about hatchet hitboxes, Behaviour still haven't fixed them.



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