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A (hopefully) fair way to dissuade Survivors with RBTs from staying on Gens

TAG Member Posts: 12,871
edited January 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

One problem with Reverse Bear Traps that can be reasonably agreed upon is that for good Survivors, they do not pose enough of a threat to make those Survivors want to stop working on a gen with an inactive Trap on. This causes Reverse Bear Traps to effectively have a delay against these people on when they begin to stall and buy the Pig time. Some ideas have been proposed by players to remedy this, including:

-First box never has the key

-Rules Set No. 2 is base kit

-Doing gens erases time off active RBTs' death timer (some extreme suggestions suggest killing the Trapped Survivor(s) if a gen is done while the RBTs are active)

One issue these suggestions have in common is that none of them solve the problem of getting the good Survivor off the gen while the Trap is inactive. They simply won't go for boxes until the timer starts ticking. One could argue that this is fine because then they are risking dying to the Trap because they chose to wait to search boxes instead of doing so while the timer was inactive. However, given how the RBTs are designed to theoretically always be doable under even the worse circumstances (let's say a gen is finished while still on the Hook, and the Killer is using both Jigsaw's Sketch and Tampered Timer), way more often than not, this just means in practice that the Traps are not lighting enough of a fire under those Survivors to get them off the gens.

I aim to remedy this problem at its source in a way that makes people always want to search boxes not long after they get the chance to (if not immediately) while also making sure to still make things fair for Survivors who are lower-skilled. Here is what I settled on:

1) Reverse Bear Traps automatically become active as soon as they are placed on a Survivor. The Pig no longer has to wait for a Generator to repair for the timer to start counting down (timer is still paused while being chased, Dying State, or on a hook).

2) The base time on the Reverse Bear Trap is increased by 30 seconds (from 2m30s to 3m00s).

3) ONCE per Reverse Bear Trap, completing a Generator will cause all active RBTs' timers to decrease by 30 seconds AS LONG AS THE SURVIVOR WEARING THAT RBT IS NOT IN A CHASE (notably, the time penalty still occurs while in Dying State or on a Hook). Reminder, this only happens once per Trap; doing two generators will not cause a single RBT to lose 60 seconds.

4) Since this idea effectively undoes the EGC nerf, the EGC death timer is now paused while someone is wearing an RBT. Also, once all the Generators are finished (NOT just when the Exit Gates are powered), Survivors will automatically have the RBT timer reduced by 30 seconds when a Trap is placed on them (so Traps placed after all the gens are repaired effectively have the old base time of 2m30s).

5) Closing the Hatch renders all RBTs inactive unless all the Generators are already repaired.

This makes it so all Survivors will be forced to do boxes soon after they are unhooked instead of having to do boxes, BUT as long as no one finishes a generator, the Survivor in question has extra time to do the boxes. If someone finishes a Generator, that Survivor loses the 30 second buffer. It is now the Survivor team's choice as to whether they want to slow themselves down to give the Trapped teammate a lifeline or if they would rather power through the gen and effectively force them to work on a 2.5 minute clock (barring any add-ons that adjust the time).

This DOES mean that if the timer penalty kicks in while the Survivor has less than 30 seconds on the clock, they will instantly die (unless they are being chased when this happens), but I think this is more than fair because that would mean that the Survivor in question had more than 2m30s to do the boxes AND it means that the other Survivors didn't do a single gen in 2m30s AND it means a Survivor(s) saw how low the timer was and decided to pop the gen anyways. The reason the timer reduction is not applied while in a chase is to make it so the Pig can't count down to the last 30 seconds and then forcibly chase a Trapped Survivor until someone does a gen to lock in a Trap kill. The penalty still applies in Dying State or on Hook so that Survivors can't cheese the penalty by finishing a Gen before the Trapped Survivor is pulled off the hook (if the timer penalty reduces the remaining time to zero while they are hooked/in the Dying State, they instantly die as soon as they are off the hook or healed back to the Injured/Healthy State). The Hatch closing shutting off RBTs is in my eyes a fair trade off for making RBTs active from the start.

TL;DR - Trap timers auto-start instead of waiting for gen to pop. Base timer increased from 2.5 minutes to 3 minutes. The timer loses 30 seconds if a Generator pops while not being chased (only happens once per Trap, so you can't stack this penalty by doing multiple gens). EGC timer pauses while someone has a trap on. Closing the Hatch deactivates all Traps.