I dunno where to put this but ######### it, fan made chapter idea for... Yugi/Yami Yugi. Why? I dunno.
Yes, I made a a chapter idea for Yugi from ‘Yu-Gi-Oh!’ Cuz I’m one huge ######### nerd, so there isn’t gonna be lore for this cuz I’m too lazy to make lore for him, so... perk time!
Rare perk:
In the end, friendship is all you have, and it’ll save you.
When 3/2/1 of your teammates are within 4/8/12 meters of you, this perk activates and then will enter a 10/20/30 seconds timer, during this time, any damage you or your teammate(s) would take would instead put you in the deep wounds state. This perk can only be used once per trial.
Very Rare Perk.
Heart of the cards.
Luck or fate, you always get what you need when you believe in yourself, and most importantly, your draw.
When you get put into the dying state 3/2/1 time(s), this perk will activate. When the killer is picking you up, you have a 100% chance of slipping out their grasp, at the cost of putting you into the broken state for the rest of the trial and being slowed by 3/2/1%, these drawbacks will disappear when you’re saved by a teammate from the hook.
”Heart of the cards... guide me to victory!” -Yugi Moto
Very Rare Perk.
The Millennium Items.
You feel an odd connection with your most prized possession, and that connection can give you great strength.
Whenever you find an item by any means, it’ll become a ‘millennium’ item, which will grant it great power to that item.
(What exactly the perk does)
Your item will be granted with a bonus depending on the type of item and the ‘luck’ stat.
Medkit effects:
-10 more charged to any medkit.
-20% faster healing to your teammates.
-10% slower burning rates of the medkit.
-All of the above, however this is a base chance of 5%
Toolbox effects:
-10 more charges.
-5% faster generator repair speeds.
-20% slower burning rates
-All of the above but with a base chance of 5%
Honestly, I don’t wanna type more into this stupid idea for a DLC, but I would appreciate feedback from anyone who actually finds this.
Vote up for yugi!
How about this though (yes stealing the name)
Heart of the cards - Inside every great duelist lies the heart of the pharoah. When you are unhooked your inner power shines.
Once per trial after being unhooked; you can activate this ability to spring at 150% speed and heal one health state. You become afflicted with the deal wounds status effect and become exhausted for 60/50/40 seconds.
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And just because new killer idea
Seto Kaiba - Can call upon the power of the mighty blue eyes white dragon. When activated, Blue Eyes strafes the map, ignoring ceilings and floors, in a straight line across the whole map. Any survivor in that line becomes marked for 60 seconds. The line is 32 meters wide.
Power 2 Trap cards. Kaiba can place trap cards around the map with different effects based on add ons. When a survivor walks over one it activates. Base effect is 30 seconds of obliviousness.
Passive Kaiba is obsessed with being the best. Every 30 seconds kaiba gets a notification of where the survivor with the highest score is located.
Silent doom - when a generator is completed, you gain the undetectable status effect for 30 seconds.
Cloning - you can attack a map object, generator hook chest totem, to give that object a copy of half your terror radius. It lasts for 20 seconds and has a 60 second cool down
Fiendish chain - increases the range of your lunge by 50%. Increases you succesful attack and missed attack cooldowns by 50%