Re-Suggestion To Buff Hex: Blood Favor
It's a shame that Hex: Blood Favor is almost never used; the concept is really, really neat. The effect doesn't have a ton of merit to it often because the range is so short, and survivors often just keep on running once they see the effect take place. The use is really niche for a hex perk. I am once again bringing up a suggestion of mine to make Blood Favor Hex-Worthy and interesting, I hope.
I think Hex: Blood Favor should have an effect similar to Dark Devotion. Dark Devotion allows you to carry the terror radius of the killer once you've been hit. I think that the pallet blocking effect should trail with the survivor for the duration of the perk, so wherever they go, pallets within 16 meters of them will also be blocked until the time elapses. That way, the effect is threatening, still has a cooldown so it isn't overbearing, and can be disabled.
I really think this effect would be interesting as a basis to go off of at the very least, thoughts?
Doesn't change anything, it would still block pallets within 16 meters of the hit point. Meaning experienced survivors will know to not trust any pallets until they are well away from the hit point.
Of course it would surprise them at first, then it won't happen again. SWF would alert the entire team, then the surprise factor goes away.