I'm confused what this MMR system is actually meant to be doing as I am being put with teammates and killers who are literally new to the game with like 50-100 hours, very regularly. And I have almost 3k hours in the game.

I get the occasional match where all my teammates are at the same skill level but usually the killer is still not as good as us.

So what is actually going on with this, as my games seem to just be the same as before?


  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    MMR will be adjusted the more you play.

  • GenJockeyNance
    GenJockeyNance Member Posts: 687
    edited August 2021

    Some say it feels the same before and then on the other side of the spectrum, it's feeling like misery. This MMR for me has been complete trash. It finally got better yesterday, ending my matches with tight escapes and good chases even if I wind up dead but I had to get off and go to bed so today I hop on expecting the same results and it's been so awful. Just awful. Basically the same as when the test began which is me getting people farming me or another teammate right with the killer there so of course the killer is going to throw you back on the hook if you don't have ds or clustering together and giving the killer 2-3 downs literally as soon as the match begins. I genuinely feel I'm more decent than what I'm being given here. I feel like I'm being paired with rank 20s where nobody will touch a gen or just use some braincells. Oddly enough, this is the only time where I prefer to solo gens even with prove thyself because it hasn't failed during this MMR test that anyone who touches a gen with me blows it up and sure enough, the killer comes. Had someone blow it up consecutively 3 times in a row. It doesn't matter how well I do in chase, me on gens, my teams have been absolutely been horrible. That's the real horror of dbd: teammates.

    Post edited by GenJockeyNance on
  • cyniChris
    cyniChris Member Posts: 207

    I have over 3000 hours in-game. I have escaped against the likes of Dowsey, LilithOmen, and Scorpionz, to name but a few. Admittedly, I've also died to them several times, but still - these are top-tier killer mains.

    Since this "skill-based" system has been enabled, I have had nothing but babies. My teammates sit in corners and refuse to do gens while I run killers around for several minutes at a time. I get downed and see NOBODY doing gens. I die because I run out of resources or the killer bloodlusts their way through chases, or I end up dying on my first hook because of NOED. I finish games at the top of the scoreboard most of the time - even if my teammates escape. I am very clearly more skilled than anyone else there in the majority of my games, and that is NOT me being full of myself.

    Because I'm dying to these awful killers through no real fault of my own, my MMR goes down and the cycle of bullshit continues. I am in MMR hell.

    I am 100% convinced that all this "skill-based" system does is track kills and escapes. That would also explain why my killer games are against good survivors most of the time and I'm literally facing comp players half the time on my mains.

    I would love for a dev to tell me it's not just kills vs escapes. I'd love for them to say the system doesn't reward camping, tunnelling, and NOED. I'd love for them to say teammates' actions are taken into account when calculating MMR. But they won't, because it's not true.

    All this "skill-based" thing has done is raise my blood pressure. These are the most frustrating survivor games I've ever had. I am being punished for my teammates being #########. That is in no way a fair system.

    The rank system, for all its flaws, at least led to fun games. This is torture and there is no escape other than uninstalling the game.

    Guess I'll go play Hunt: Showdown or get back into an MMO. New World's out soon, and it's pretty fun. That's right - fun, which every day feels more and more like a foreign concept to Behaviour.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    will it?

    So far its mainly a killer stomp, where the majority of games ended in a 3 or 4 escape, and my survival rate is through the roof (i play solo survvior). However, i dont go against better killers, instead i get worse teammates. i just had 1 game where i escaped alone and had 10k bp more than the other 3 combined...(28 to 8, 5 and 5).

    However, the number of tunneling and camping killers is so far down for me like i never saw before in this game.

  • gamerscrybecauseofme
    gamerscrybecauseofme Member Posts: 366

    I experience something similar with MMR. While solo queueing, I get completely terrible teammates, I either end up escaping by myself with near 32k or dying while the team do nothing. When I check hours played, upto 200 to my 2500 hours. I seriously hope that match making takes your in game actions into account, i do 3 gens, 3 rescues, clear totems, run the killer and heal my team but die, that shouldn't count against me if my teammates spent all game practicing their urban evasion skills and leaving scratch marks from across the map to come get me off hook in front of the killer.

    Killer games are as always, until you get a decent SWF squad, it's just too easy

  • PlayEvilDead
    PlayEvilDead Member Posts: 91

    Killers at least aren't gonna wanna work long enough as the honorary court jester and I do not blame them.