How do so many of you people on here not like vsing good players?

Zachcjjj Member Posts: 531

I just had a game against 4 players i know and they all have roughly 3k or more hours 2 of them have played in comp previously and it was BY FAR the most fun game ive had in like 3 days as billy because they don't just spam drop pallets they are good in chase which means they don't die in 3 seconds compared to the absolute bottom of the barrel survivors i get 90% of my games that die at 5 gens and make me have to back rev them because they don't actually loop pallets to curve on and in my experience this is how its always been, its always more fun to vs actually good players with braincells even if they roll me then vs dbd mobile ai that cant do half a gen before ive 12 hooked them with no slowdown. So like why don't people like going against good players?



  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited June 2022

    same here, i start to feel bad downing people who are obviously new.

    I know this may sound odd, but I have more fun getting a 2k in a swf match against a good team vs a 4k win with two DCs.

    I prefer aggressive swf matches where they play crazy to the same ol spine chill shift w scared survivors.

    Gimme 2 flashys and Bubba gonna have some fun, it is almost boring when no one is gonna try to flashlight you. I always play like its a swf when picking up survs, look around, double back.... and sometimes im like, "where are they?" hiding in a corner.... man come get some.

  • FlameLickVA
    FlameLickVA Member Posts: 158

    Online pvp communities have this mindset, but DBD is one of those ones that has it more prominent.

    You know the ones

    If they don't win everygame like some spoiled entitled capitalist child, game bad.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    This is mostly it. Whenever someone says “I don’t want to sweat to win” it means “I want to face weaker players so I can goof around and still win”. So these sorts of complaints I just disregard.

    That said there are legitimate complaints about how the meta at higher level is stale. That’s what the big upcoming perk and base game revamps are intended to shake up. So when someone says “I’m sick of always going against Dead Hard / Corrupt Intervention / etc” that’s something the devs are actually interesting in mixing things up.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,038

    I'm more in the playing to have fun camp and playing against super good people is just not fun

  • Zachcjjj
    Zachcjjj Member Posts: 531

    but its not compulsory to win meaning its not compulsory to win just go for chase its the funnest part of the game anyway

  • Zachcjjj
    Zachcjjj Member Posts: 531

    they are always just boosted players that are still easy to kill but i agree that its boring to vs those people

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Depends. Good players like me or good players like much more better than me?

  • Zachcjjj
    Zachcjjj Member Posts: 531

    thats a good point the problem i have with people who complain about vsing people that are god and not having easy wins is that they can never admit that maybe they themselves just arent that good and get rolled by mediocre teams

  • Zachcjjj
    Zachcjjj Member Posts: 531

    ofc ofc vsing bots is fun sometimes to hit clips or something but vsing them every match is soooo boring

  • Zachcjjj
    Zachcjjj Member Posts: 531

    uuhhhmmm both i guess either way you can have fun chases even if you dont win

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    Eh. I don't like facing newbies and mowing them down just feels depressing, but facing players who make almost no mistakes is a slog because it showcases just how broken most maps' resources are when utilized optimally. Running in circles around the same pallet four times to get them to drop it and move to the next pallet is not enjoyable. At that point, you have to be playing an anti-loop killer or you've got nothing to work with. And I'm worse at survivor than I am at killer, so I really don't want to be going against a Nurse that can 4k in three minutes flat.

    Mostly I want to face people on my skill level - competent, can pull off a neat trick or two, but not flawless.

  • M4dBoOmr
    M4dBoOmr Member Posts: 598
    edited June 2022

    I don't think that's 100% the case, I think its that people don't want to play 100% at their best when they just want to have a fun game in between daily stuff

    Sometimes I am "YEAH LET'S GO!"

    and then again "ahh now a relaxing game of dbd"

  • PerfectlyPink
    PerfectlyPink Member Posts: 435

    Tbh I don't care if I play against good or bad survivors, I just care about playing against dead hard.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    I personally dont mind losing since win in this game means nothing to me, I just want BP. At least if the opponent is more or less similar to my skill

    But being completely rekt by much stronger players feels bad

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,594
    edited June 2022

    It's like any other game. Some people are casual, and others are more optimal. Neither is wrong. Ultimately the devs are wrong for not offering solutions for both playstyles. It leads to both sides being unhappy. Casual players get frustrated with "tryhards", and vice versa.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,168

    I mean, I try to win every match. I feel like that's normal.

    Most of my chases end pretty quickly

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,550

    This is pretty much exactly how I feel - I don't have much fun mowing down newbs or running a clearly new killer for 5 gens, but I hate actual optimized gameplay more. I've been around long enough to identify just how good at the loop game someone is at the first loop - if I'm killing and I run into that kind of survivor, I just kind of check out of that game, honestly. I really don't have fun optimally running tiles as either side, either needing to get stunned to get god survivors to actually drop the pallet or running the same structure over and over as survivor, it's boring and repetitive. If I wanted to go in a circle I'd play Mario Kart.

    What I have the most fun with are people who take risks - on killer that's people who try the Q&Q + head on combo to mess with me, who try crazy mindgames where if I guess wrong they're two tiles away because they know the jukes, and forcing us both into mindgames where the loser is really going to be penalized. On survivor it's coming up with creative ways to run the killer, not connecting super strong tiles like how you would on Cowshed or other maps that are known for their bad RNG, but rather trying to trick the killer into assuming I'm doing A while really I'm running for completely separate structures. It comes from me not understanding how to loop well for literal that I kind of can if I need to, I still don't find it fun, I'd rather play my own way. It gets me downed faster than a god looper 90%+ of the time, but it's a hell of a lot more fun.

    That's really the be all end all for me - optimal gameplay I never feel like I outplayed the other side - a truly optimal survivor is nigh on uncatchable, and an optimal killer just snowballs to the point it's clear you were never winning in the first place. The best games are the ones where you can walk away pointing to a single moment and saying "yes, this is where this person utterly destroyed me in a creative way and I lost the game" or vice versa, where you did that to the other side. Optimal gameplay is predictable and extremely dull, and that's why I don't like going against the true sweat squads/killers.

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,227

    I don't see how people enjoy playing with people worse than them.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966

    If something isn't well balanced, people genreally don't prefer putting themselves at a disadvantage. You can argue about how unbalanced it is/isnt or whats OP or weak all you want, but thats a pretty universal truth. Some people specifically would embrace the challenge or playing at a handicap, but most do not.

  • Mazoobi
    Mazoobi Member Posts: 1,576

    I wouldn't mind playing killer but it seems like EVERY DAMN SURVIVOR brings DH so it's stressful af.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,722

    The good players i get are the ones where i sometimes get maybe 2 hooks at the end of the game...

    And after a few matches with them i get the newbies. Great.

    I don´t think this is much fun. (And that is a reason i don´t like current mmr)

  • Witchubtet
    Witchubtet Member Posts: 642

    Same, sadly with all the toxicity from survivors about every little thing it gets to me sometimes. Especially ones who scream “YOU CAMPED ME” when I was searching around the hook because of their friends in a bright pink hoodie was standing next to it.

  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 707
    edited June 2022

    Yeah this game is simply not suited to being competitive at all. The map and perk design (on both sides) and how much rng is involved mean it's pointless to take it seriously. You are just leading yourself to frustration. So honestly as a killer at least being matched up with a bunch of tryhards with 3 or 4 of them running the same bored tired perks? You may as well just stand still with most killers/builds for how effective you are.

    So you have two choices. Run the boring builds/killers yourself to compete or hope you get matched against weaker opposition so you can actually play the game. There's a lot of ways a killer can 'tone' down the difficulty on the fly if they so choose if they are obviously stronger then the opponent (e.g not use your power) so at least you can salvage some enjoyment. If you are getting crushed though, you are powerless in that game because you didn't equip the 'I want to win' build/killer.

    I myself run goofy builds all the time and mostly only kill if achievements/rituals/archives require it in the hopes it keeps my MMR down. It doesn't really work honestly, I'll still come across squads of 3-4 DH/Borrowed time/unbreakable/decisive strike etc. who then proceed to just taunt me all game if I make any attempt to chase them, especially if the map is in their favour. So I've learned the 'stand still defense'. It makes them go away and we all get on with our lives.

  • DootLord
    DootLord Member Posts: 26

    Killers get a chance when survivors make a mistake. It's possible not to make a mistake as a survivor and due to how the game is structured most killers can't do anything about it.

    The effectiveness of a team of survivors blows how effective a killer can be by miles.

    In this scenario only nurse gives killers a chance.

  • Sepex
    Sepex Member Posts: 1,451

    I'll gladly pass on my lobbies to you brother.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Yes and no, most people want easy wins but also a sense of acomplishment, Ive seen streamers complaining over and over because they had a string of DCs on the other team which handled them very fast victories one after another, they clearly werent having any fun with those cheap victories. Now comes the tricky part, how do you design something where people can stomp and still believe they had a real challenge?.

    Now onto the thread, I like to verse players of my skill level, I dont like being stomped by extremely good players but I dont like when I face people who are obviusly much worse than me which ends on them being stomped.

  • Zachcjjj
    Zachcjjj Member Posts: 531

    but the thing is you dont need to 4k so wouldnt you want more interesting/harder and engaging chases rather then 4king bots?

  • Zachcjjj
    Zachcjjj Member Posts: 531

    if it means im not 4king with 12 hooks at 4 or 5 gens every game then i will gladly take it

  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 707

    Sure but not too hard. If it feels I may as well stand still that's what I'm going to do. I invoked this today actually. Wasn't pleasant chasing them from one pallet to the next with no counter play. I dropped chase a few times but two of them were doing it and the pallets just kept coming lol. Didn't have a chance with the killers I play. No bad feelings but yeah, just outclassed.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959
    edited June 2022

    The obvious answer is that most "good" (i use that term loosely because let's face it most survivors are just hard carried by dead hard and iron will) survivors are also complete jerks and #########. It happens constantly that dude dead hards to a pallet that he shouldnt' have been able to make and is then pointing at you and teabagging. or the guys where their team got 1 gen done and dude is noise spamming at the hatch so you can watch him leave. or he's clicking his flashlight non stop then you mindgame him and you're about to down him but nope he gets to E to the pallet. it's a joke. Blows my mind that people can have an ego and taunt while they're playing the actual baby side of the game

  • Zachcjjj
    Zachcjjj Member Posts: 531

    i wouldnt take it to serious man people taunt in every game its just how it is sometimes its funny to have a bit of fun and taunt especially if it means the killer commits to you

  • Risky_Biscuit
    Risky_Biscuit Member Posts: 95
    edited June 2022

    I don't necessarily mind going against good players. I just hate the cockiness and arrogance they exude in everything they do. Like, they will stand at a pallet to drop it when they know you're chasing them, instead of just running and gaining distance. You lose a chase to them and decide to abandon it, then you'll hear them keep making noise to draw your attention back to them because they know you can't beat them in a chase and want to waste your time. It's pure cockiness, and I hate it.

    I had a Laurie on Lery's last night. The entire survivor team got out after steamrolling me as Dredge, despite my best efforts. The Laurie was hiding around the debris at one of the exits, I hit her, and she ran to the gate. Instead of leaving, she kept spinning around in circles, almost as if to mock me because she knew she already won. I downed her, and actually managed to pick her up and get a 1k because of that cockiness and arrogance. While I'm glad this player got punished for this with a trip to the entity's domain, it was still infuriating to be on the receiving end of this type of toxic survivor behavior.

  • MilManson
    MilManson Member Posts: 939

    Because games are meant to be fun, this isn't a big competitive game it's meant to be horror.

    Key word being HORROR.

  • Zachcjjj
    Zachcjjj Member Posts: 531

    it doesn't have to be competitive it depends on how your mindset is and unfortunately the game isnt scary after 10 hours

  • Sludge
    Sludge Member Posts: 768

    DBD's mechanics fall apart in high MMR, simple.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    I and many people consider 4ks to be wins. By no means am I saying that I expect 4k every game, but when I lose it should feel like I had a chance if I made some better choices. High rank DBD does not feel this way; the outcome feels predetermined. I’m not a bot that exists to make sure survivors have fun. I have mostly quit killer because it isn’t fun.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,130

    I can probably count on my hand the amount of times I've gone against good survivors. Literally the rest was just ego inflated survivors that have their perks buy so much time that it doesn't matter what I do, they still get 5 gens done with a 2 out.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Primarily because the game isn't balanced around good survivors. If you're facing a strong, coordinated team of survivors and you aren't Nurse, Blight or Spirit, you're going to get stomped on 90% of maps unless they get INSANELY overconfident and let you snowball

  • Wampirita
    Wampirita Member Posts: 809

    For me a lot depends on the side i'm playng.

    As a survivor

    i'd sell my left kidney to play vs a cracked curve Billy or good Trickster/Blight/Pinhead/Twins/PH/Bubba. I love the thrill of chases with them. Even if I lose, it's an another experience to my skill, and i can try again next time i meet a good player like them.

    But if it's cracked nurse, i won't even try, because there's no point in trying. I do have mad respect for her players, cuz i know she's not easy to learn. But I don't feel like trying to out-mindgame a mastermind. There's nothing that past experiences vs them can help me in future use, cuz nurse doesn't play by any rules, she makes her own.

    As a Killer

    we have to define good players here. Cuz i don't think that 4-man genrush build team are good players. Game will end in 2 min and no one will get many points for that, so what's the point. 4-man clickers who think they're good but then proceed to get killed by their altruism? That's not it.

    I main probably the most hated killers in the game, aka Bubba and Doctor, and the reality of matches as them is sad. Game starts, survivors see what killer it is, 1-2 DC on spot, i finish off the rest of survivors to just end the game quickly and move to the next one. It takes me like 20-30 games to find one game where everyone will stay in the game without DC/Suicide on hook.

    But then that one star of a game happens, you get a team that's not scared of you, team that knows your killer and how to run you. They proceed to give you the absolute chase of your life. Do i get kills or they will escape? It doesn't matter, all that matters that they were absolutely freaking good, they gave me an actual challenge in the sea of easy games. Sometimes i'll end up with 2 kills, sometimes i'll manage to kill them all, but sometimes i won't get a single sacrifice, but i'll end the game EXTREMELY satisfied no matter the outcome. And the best part is, those survivors are NEVER mad at me or throw salt in the end game chat.

    In conclusion, there's no better feeling than a challenging match-up. Good players are always a good sports after the game too. That 1 in 30 game makes me still wanna play, they get me hyped up and give me energy to wait for another meeting like that.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    because high end play is often highly competitive play.

    Competitive dbd is blandly efficient, there is one thing that works best so you do the one thing one way all the time.

    Games tend play out the same way with maximum efficiency and minimum fun. It’s kinda draining sometimes.

    So yeah I don’t mind good opponents as individual interactions can be fun and challenging but the overall game is basically the same every time once you hit a certain competitive level.

  • nanasi_K9
    nanasi_K9 Member Posts: 501

    I think there are several reasons.

    I think the underlying cause is that this was a problem before SBMM and it is still happening because it has not been resolved.

    I mean... The problem is that because we have been balancing between skilled killers and novice survivors, there is no balance at all at the same skill level.

    As a result, Killer complains about being torn to shreds by terrible balance and SWF.

    And survivors complain about killers who overturn such balance.

    This is what I felt as I played and viewed the community.

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    I enjoy good matches against good survivors. But what is a good survivor? Is someone that relays on E after I mindgame him/her a good survivor? Hard to say.

    Sometimes I want competitive games and sometimes I want to have some fun. In anycase, there are some BS mechanics that makes games not enjoyable for both sides.

  • Persephone_
    Persephone_ Member Posts: 157

    I like balanced matches - can be anything between 1 and 3 kills but the feeling that both sides had the potential to snowball needs to be there. Some of the most fun matches I've had were 1 or 2 kills vs competent teams!

    I think the matches that people complain about are on either end of the balance spectrum. I don't necessarily even enjoy 4king, especially when it was against obvious solo queue babies but the problem with this MMR is that I can also not let them go as I'll face more babies. I actually don't want that. 😉 Likewise it's not fun to only get 1-2 hooks. Whether the other side are graceful winners is another question, I've actually also had some very nice survivors after these matches where I was outclassed.