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Benefits of SWF, over SoloQ play, spoiler "not a skill issue"

Piruluk Member Posts: 995

SWF using comms got the following advantage over Solo:

Mapwide Bond, you always know where are the other survivors on the map.

You always know what other survivors are doing on the map, for example one doing gens, one being chased.

Speaking of being chased, while you are chased, other survivors knowing where are the killer, its like seeing they are seeing killer aura while you are chased.

Once a gen/totem seen, others also know about that gen/totem location.

You know when a pallet used up by others. Also informed about pallets location.

You also have a limited range Kindred gramted, basement camping Bubba won't work, you just tell others he is camping near you in basement.

Did you ever wonder why streamers who are only playing survivor in SWF(also playing dbd for a living daily 8+ hours) , ALWAYS using comms even when playing with other streamers? Now, you know why.

Just think about Otz/Dowsey survivor challenge, it would have went very different without comms;)

The truth is that killer balanced around 4 stack SWF who are communicate all the time.

DbD expects Solo player to play like a team without any tools to do so.

Understand that playing SoloQ extremely unfair, and the deck heavily stacked against you, its not a "skill issue", its a matter of conflicting game design, on one hand killers got power to be competitive, while SoloQ struck into 2016's toolset lack of information, yet expecting them to play like a competitive team.

So long as stays, SoloQ is waste of your time


  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,985

    Things you aren't taking into consideration:

    1. Every SWF is not a 4 man SWF. Today I played with one friend. The shared knowledge is only limited to what me and my friend see.

    2. Sometimes I and others play in SWF WITHOUT comms. We could be sick, sore throat, or just not be up for socializing but we want to play with someone we know is reliable.

    3. A point I will emphasize on every one of these threads: SWF does not and will never make up for raw skill. A group of friends playing together could have one pro player and 3 noob or average players and no amount of communication will make up for the fact that those lower skilled players are dogwater at looping, hitting skill checks, knowing the exact timing to go for a save, and just general game sense. You can't talk skill into someone and idk about your friends, but if I tried to tell my friends what to do in game, they would tell me to stop backseating them or they would stop playing with me.