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Start killswitching Killers...

lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

Painful to say but BHVR, you need to killswitch Nurse and Bubba ASAP.

You went overboard on gen time changes and indirectly buffed Thana and Pentimento touching gen time.

Bubba can Camp 2 people with very low effort and still get the other 2 cause Gens take longer to do. If that 1 camped guy counts as a Thana stack then you're giving Bubba even more free gen pressure.

IF anyone tries a solo rescue they most likely will fail and just make Thana even stronger and slowdown everyone even more...

Cmon BHVR start fixing your OVERSIGHTS.


  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,896

    Sure I guess after they fix maps to not be horribly balanced.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    So you have a tool to eliminate problems but you're only going to use because of bugs instead of incompetent game design? But isn't a bug incompetent game design? So why can you killswitch things when bugs happen but when it's other sorts of incompetent game design it's fine.

    I'm a killer main, 98% of my playtime is on killer, but somethings are just absolutly riddiculous. Nurse has always been riddiculous, justified to a degree but still, the update just made her stronger. Bubba was already a camping Monster but now with slower gens and oversighted double buffs to some stuff you're making camping Bubba's even stronger. If those don't call for quick corrections because of unbalanced gameplay then Clown shouldn't be disabled either. YOU CAN'T HAVE DOUBLE STANDARDS. You simply disable what is wrong and work on a fix.

    The end result is the same, you're impacting normal gameplay because of changes that weren't meant.

    And if they are meant then they're very poorly thought out and even more poorly tested changes and require IMMEDIATE attention. I don't give a damn about a winning i side, i want the game to be better simply. Making an issue an even bigger issue isn't making the game better.

    The update made every killer better. Every good aspect of the killer is better BUT EVERY BAD ASPECT is now ALSO WORSE!

    It's not my fault BHVR makes Base game changes without changing killers to compensate for those changes.

    Endurance effect was such an oversight that they corrected it immediatly. So if Endurance, which we don't really know how it would impact gameplay on live version, could be corrected by making Mending deactivating Endurance then we can surely just as quickly fix Nurse and Bubba for example.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    That speaks to how efficient and quickly BHVR can fix Clown and not to the issue at hand. If something is a problem then you fix it. What you can't do is say "Clown is a problem let's banish him to the shadow realm" and they stay silent when the game changes you made just made the most unfun killer even more unfun. Bubba got a huge Buff by making gens slower, he gets 10 more seconds per gen to camp, he has in total 50 more seconds to camp without worrying. How can this be a change that was meant to happen!?

    This impacts gameplay just as much as Clown getting perma speed boost. Are you just gonna let Bubba camp for free and make everything miserable for 4 players?

    How is that a possible line of thought?

  • S4ShadowWolf
    S4ShadowWolf Member Posts: 92

    Right? I only got to try one of my favourite killers for 1 match after the new changes and then he gets killswitched. I hope they figure out the problem soon as I love playing Clown.

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288
    edited July 2022

    nurse is the same she has ever been. everyone needs to stop complaining about nurse.

    .....the bubba thing is an issue. im a bubba main. i read the patch notes before the update and said this was going to happen. i did a gen block build (corrupt, deadlock, merciless, and no way out) pre patch. did maybe 20 games to test how it did, because i knew after the patch it was an insta win.

    pre patch, 3-4 kills camping every game. it was horrible. boring easy wins. then after than i played bubba normally and my mmr was so high i got clowned on, which i knew would happen i just wanted to experiment with the build.

    one good thing about camping bubbas, they always work their way into a place where they have to rage quit. it happened to me when i first started playing him. i still remember the first team that cucked me during an attempt to face camp and escaped, because it happened three games after and i realized i needed to actually learn how to play.

    anyway that same build now? especially if you make sure first hook is near good three or four gen ? oh god. oh god you can almost not lose. i knew it would happen and i was so right.

    but why nerf bubba? using a survivor as bait (camping) is 100% a part of the game. period. whether survivors like it or not. thats why altruism is a goal for that side of the game. and thats bubbas entire power is being able to multi hit. without that hes just michael without a stalk charge (which, can we please get a michael rework? he is literally bubba playing afk stalking half the game.)

    there needs to be more endurance perks, and there needs to be a change to those perks. personally i think making it so the entity will not block more than one or two gens at a time is a good idea. before they nerfed corrupt id run that build and have 4-5 gens blocked at a time. but even now i can have two. and if i swap no way out for dead mans switch ive still had some games with 4-5 blocked.

    and like ive said before to everyone who hates bubba. he has been in the game for how many years now? you have off the record, borrowed time, styptic agent, and frankly ive escaped camping bubbas. stop getting caught, make him tantrum, and as long as 1 gen pops before he stops camping so will the rest.

    last note: i get its boring playing against camping bubba. but i also keep seeing "every killer is camping." ok. so why not kill switch the whole game then? ive seen ghostface camp. i had to camp as legion in one game (two hooks spawned literally next to each other. sorry not sorry im not giving that amazingly bad rng up and throw my good luck out the window). ive seen blights proxy camp because of their speed, hutnresses camping with cross map hatches, nurses and spirits blinking/phasing back to the hook while patrolling

    literally every killer can camp. bubba is simply king.

    tl/dr it is not AS bad as people are saying point blank. but really is an issue but the problem isn't bubba, its the perks bubbas are all running. even with the gen time increases (which killers frankly needed, gens are still flying in many of my games as long as survivors aren't totally incompetent), the gen blocking perks on him are what are buying him the time.

    make it so no more than 1-2 gens can be blocked at a time and bubba will feel pretty much the same as he did before

    and if bubbas camps people out with out the gen blocking perks, sorry not sorry those are bad players.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    They can just revert gen speeds next update. No Biggie Smalls. That is not really a reason to kill switch Bubba. As if we even needed the extra time, lol. I am surprised survivors are pretending it makes a difference. Especially now with everyone giving up on hook.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    Yes they can revert the gen time changes and they honestly should but until then you have the strongest camper in the game being made even stronger because of a very very poorly thought out change. How is that not unfair towards survivor players?

    Will you seriously just let the problem persist? It's a problem yesterday, it's a problem today and it's a problem tomorrow UNTIL they make Camping not efficient.

    Why do you think people give up on hook? They know Camping is made easier and the changes to Endurance make tunneling easier, hit the unhooked survivor, force them into Mend and GG...

    How is this not impacting the normal gameplay?

    If Clown deserved to be Shadow Realmed then so does Nurse and Bubba, the reason of one is a bug and the other isn't doesn't really matter. What matter is the impact they have on gameplay.

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288

    facts. I don't have to camp as bubba even if i wanted to. 70% of my games or so one of more players kill themselves first hook or dc anyway so whats it matter lmao

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    Nurse is by fas better now than she was before the update. Slower gens means you're given more time to miss blinks or hits, you get even more time if you have Thana for example, whcih comes with her, so it's free real estate. giving her more time to do anything is only going to make her stronger and easier to use.

    I'm not discrediting camping as 100% valid option. I'm just saying the extreme cases of it need to be adressed.

    Why would you play Bubba and not Camp? It's just so much easier than doing everything else. And this update made it even easier because this update gives killers more time to do their stuff. which was a good change, however BHVR did not account for the extreme cases where giving a killer more time is not a good decision.

    I've posted this in another discussion and i'll mention it again.

    We got to manny changes in a row, and we didn't test any of them individually, we tested all of them at once so we have no way to know if all of them were necessary or not.

    We went from Old vs Old directly to New VS New. Maybe killers wouldn't need improved action speeds against New DH, maybe Gens wouldn't need to be 90 seconds when killers got so manny action speed changes.

    Point is we never tested changes in isolation to see if they were correct or not, we lumped everything together and now we're in a chaos of changes, the only difference right now is killers are probably the most opressive they've ever been, or at the very least the most opressive they've been since i can remember.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    The Killswitch is not there to disable things you don't like.

    Also, I play Bubba and don't camp.

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288

    nurse is better because all killers are better. only bad nurse players got an indirect buff here. High tier nurse players were hitting most every hit every game anyway. Im not mad that the games most difficult killer got a little easier. I am not. Gens got 10 more seconds each. thats fifty seconds. do you know how many 20 second increments my teams waste on totems? How many waste time on chests? Frankly i do NOT care about the gens taking longer, because half the potatoes i play with never touch a generator anyway so thats a moot point. Not a single person has addressed that gen speed is irrelevant if you're team isn't doing gens. not to mention how many of my killer games i win because MULTIPLE survivors want to taunt me all match and leave 1 or 2 teammates to do all five gens. (see my 14 page post for the amount of survivors i had who just wanted to showboat and never touched a single gen when i was killer)

    100% agree extreme hard tunnelers and hard campers are an issue more than before. no denying that.

    i dont camp as bubba unless forced or people BM and are toxic. frankly he is an underated killer. he has an instadown AND shreds pallets. How many killer can say they have a permanent built in insta down, that hits multiple survivors (i love when i use no terror radius perks and find them healing. as you said its free real estae.) AND ignores pallets? only CRACKED survivors can use pallets against bubba. he is VERY fun to play without camping. thats why you should play him without camping. plus i get some fantastic messages in my inbox when i 4k without camping. people are just blown away at how he can be played when optimal. thats why i don't want him nerfed.

    Oh boy. You are on the money here, i thought i was the only one saying this. I love this patch personally......but this was like 20 patches all at once. As happy as I am with these changes the devs seriously can't ever do this again. i bet dollars to doughnuts if this had been done incrementally no one would have even cared or noticed. imagine if every patch for the first twenty big real serious updates hit all at once. game never would have even lasted six years.

    yes killers are the most oppressive they have ever been. the devs directly said that was the goal. Considering its a survival horror game i am happy with that. I'm happy to be oppressive in the LITERAL SERIAL KILLER/ MONSTER role, and im happy i have to play strategic, smart, stealthy to survivor in the SURVIVOR role. They literally call the roles survivor and killer, and i think people have loss sight of what those words MEAN after playing a video game for so long.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    "i play Bubba and don't camp" So why are you here? I'm talking specifically about the Camping problem. Go read what Wewantjason posted...

    The killswitch exists to killswitch problematic issues that impact gameplay, should they be a bug or not, using it only for Bugs is a dumb mistake. Just because Camping is a valid tactic it doesn't mean it's not a problem. And BHVR made it an even bigger problem when they decided to give killers more time to camp...It's an oversight on their part.

    Unil they fix Extreme Camping that Bubba is capable off then Bubba deserves to get killswitched because his Camping is extremely detrimental to the game. Even from a killer sided perspective...

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    People complimenting you on not Camping as a Bubba is a symptom of the disease. Bubba will forever be "Damaged" because of extreme Camping reputation he got.

    I don't want Bubba nerfed either, i just don't want the Extreme Camping problem to persist and if we disabled Bubba then at the very least you're showing people that Extreme Camping is a problem that isn't directly linked to Bubba wich is good on both fronts. It makes it clear Camping is running rampant because there were too manny changes at once that ended up benefitting Camping and it needs to be adressed and it shows that while being a very big offender of extreme camping Bubba isn't the only guilty party.

    Bubba is great to play, he's plenty powerful and fun, the only problem is that he is very effective at camping and camping is easy so when both are combined it's a problem.

    I'm happy with a killer sided patch but again too manny things at once. Too manny things not accounted for. It's like BHVR said: " screw it, complete power shift, problems? yeah we'll figure it out later..." which is a very BHVR thing to do.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940

    if someone need to be killswitched it's oni, he gets his power non stop and unlike clown this bug happens 100% of the time

  • RinsDoormat
    RinsDoormat Member Posts: 121

    Just make sure the killer has a licensed skin and they won't get killswitched, ez.

  • HPhoenix
    HPhoenix Member Posts: 598

    I don't want to live in a world where the dev takes till the next chapter release to fix Clown :S.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,890

    Hell, I don't even camp with him and I get this. Among the rare occasions I use Bubba, half the time I get DCs as soon as they hear the chainsaw.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    If the Killers (or Mechanics, Perks, etc...) are working as intended, they should not be killswitched. Being annoying to go against does not warrant a Killswitch.

    That being said, I dont get why they are not killswitching Overcharge, which does not work as intended...