Prestige System Needs Changed

Digfish Member Posts: 140

I'm getting tired of having to pay to reset my levels simply because nobody is playing them before the timer runs out. I don't understand the logic behind having base activation set to a timer rather than having it be based on how many raiders attempt the base. There should at least be a minimum number of raiders (5-10) that attempt the base before the prestige timer starts going down. Honestly, I'm not sure why it's not just based on raider escapes without the timer at all. Thematically it would make more sense for base to deplete as genmat is stolen (like in the Overclock mode) without the timer element.


  • Onlysur5er
    Onlysur5er Member Posts: 16

    It's designed to keep you playing and raiding. Basically.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    i thought it was a pretty straightforward concept honestly.

    you build a base to harvest passive xp.

    because at higher levels you have to do brutal bases back to back constantly just to get enough xp to level a chimera once.

    the 5 bases help with that.

    raids are a bonus. if you get a raid and it goes badly for the raider then you get extra genmat. every time they die.

    if the raider doesn't die then at normal activation nothing happens.

    on overdrive you earn your xp at a faster rate and get a bigger bonus for kills, but raiders take your genmat when they succeed. so if your base isnt getting kills to make up for the eventual steal then you're losing genmat xp and wasting synthite.

    the point of prestiging is capacity increases. meaning more traps.

  • Digfish
    Digfish Member Posts: 140

    It still does not make sense for me to pay to activate my base if no one's going to play it and I'm going to have to just pay to re-activate it the next day. I think most people could care less about the passive genmat gain from an active base. Most of us just want to see people run our bases. It's a bad system, and so unsatisfying. At least make sure I get a few raiders before I have to reset the base if I'm not going to be able to prestige it. If no one plays the base, there's no way to prestige it. It literally has nothing to do with the quality or playability of the build.

    This is just going to discourage people from activating their bases except for during times when they know traffic is going to be especially high. And even then, brutal bases seem to generally be ignored by raiders before becoming champion outposts at Prestige 5.

  • Applecrow
    Applecrow Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    I'd love for the ability to leave the base active with no passive gain just to get prestige points, or at the very least have the timer not start until someone actually raids the base.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,434

    How did I get 6 raids with 43 deaths and still not get enough prestige points? 510/575

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,491
    edited April 2023

    I think deaths stop counting after a bit for a single Raider. So one Raider can't go in and die 100 times to give an Outpost all the prestige points it needs, it has to be spread out across multiple Raiders.

    Edit: I say that because usually I get like 2 or 3 Raiders with 0 deaths and then some Raider throwing off the average with 20 deaths or something. If the deaths on your Outpost are evenly spread out across multiple Raiders, then I have no clue: neither I nor the best mathematicians in the world understand how BHVR's math works. I mean, I don't know what the cutoff is for when they stop counting deaths for a particular Raider.

  • Oh_Bob_Saget_86
    Oh_Bob_Saget_86 Member Posts: 15

    My assumption behind why they put it on a timer is due to capacity. Since each player can have 200 outposts, the game is swamped with them. So now they make them deplete at time intervals to open up chances for others bases to have a chance to be played.


    I do not agree with that method, and instead, agree with the original posters idea.

    How to bring balance to the issue? Honestly, i don't know. Because if something was changed about the timer, soon people would be upset about the fact their base is never played because there is simply to many available ones, never allowing theirs to get in the queue.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,491
    edited April 2023

    My assumption behind why they put it on a timer is due to capacity ... if something was changed about the timer, soon people would be upset about the fact their base is never played because there is simply to many available ones, never allowing theirs to get in the queue.

    Each player can have five active bases at a time. Bases being alive for longer won't change that, so there wouldn't be an increase in the number of bases in the queue it will always be a max of five bases per player (and many/most won't have five active bases). Outpost death should be based on number of Raiders, not time. The number of Raiders an Outpost gets is way too inconsistent for basing it on time. It's not like all Outposts in the queue are getting played as is. I've had Outposts that only get one Raider during their entire activation (which is why my Outposts are probably staying deactivated until this gets addressed).

    The reason there's a timer is because BHVR is focused on the grind. With the way BHVR's mechanics work, the Outposts are not for level design, they're for generating GenMat, which is why we have to pay Synthite to activate them and why they run on a timer.