Special Event Expeditions

Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

I was thinking about the Battle for Fort Hope and how it would be really cool if they introduced special expeditions. The way I would envision it working is when the player is on the expedition raid menu, off to the side is a pop out window that would have some kind of marker or exclamation point indicating that there is an unfinished special expedition available to the player.

The player then clicks the icon and is presented with the options for whichever special expeditions are available. The special expeditions themselves would be composed of outposts the developers make (like the battle for fort hope) or perhaps they could hold contests for the community with the prize being their outpost featured in the special expedition. The rewards for completing the expedition could be a decal or two and higher than normal resource nodes.

The expedition raids would reward players just like normal outposts do but once the outposts have been completed, players can attempt them again for fun but they would only be rewarded the same way social outposts do. This would encourage completing them but not farming them.

The advantage of adding special expeditions is providing guaranteed quality content for player and special rewards.