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I Have Another (Potentially Bad) Idea!

ItsDaEmuDood Member Posts: 192
edited July 2018 in General Discussions

Hello everyone. I am enjoying making killer ideas, and that's pretty much it. It's my favorite part of coming to the forums. Anyway, let's get started.

Killer - The Siren
Name - Veronica Salem
Realm - Creekwood Shores

Backstory - Veronica Salem was a cherished little girl. Her family thought of her as a gift. Ever since she was born, she was spoiled, taken wherever and whenever she wanted to go somewhere, fed 5-star courses every day, and smothered with jewelry and presents alike. But all of that came to a change when her parents got into an argument. It ended with her father gravely wounded, and her mother behind bars. The truth was, Veronica never liked her father, and she vowed to one day clear him out of her life, at the price of her mother being locked up. Her sights were then set on breaking her mother out of prison. She was very young, but also very clever and talented. She scurried around Creekwood Correctional Center and Prison that night, using the shadows as her disguise, and the wind as her signal. Veronica darted around the area, until she screwed up, and stumbled upon a timid guard. He was kind enough to let her pass through normally, and there she was: Karina Salem herself. She had cut her hair, gained more muscles, and her breath reeked of whatever goop that she'd apparently been devouring. But there was another scent that Veronica picked up, and it was the scent of blood. After the guard had left them alone, Veronica engaged in normal conversation with her mother, asking if she was okay here and things of that sort. Then Mrs. Salem snapped, and out of nowhere, she slammed the window dividing the two girls. She kept hitting it, until it broke. An alarm sounded, and Veronica was snatched, and taken into the night. The two found refuge at a nearby lighthouse, which just happened to be along the infamously haunted Creekwood Shores. When the ladies had fell asleep on the top floor, Veronica had awoke in the middle of the night, to a whispering sound. She followed it outside, and eventually to the broad view of the purest ocean she had ever seen. But, something was off about the sea before her. Veronica didn't smell salt. She smelled blood. That same blood she smelled on her mother at the prison. And then, as she sat in sand, wondering why she was out all alone, large, black claws descended from above her. Veronica screamed for help, over and over, but nobody came. She kept hitting the claws, but they were as hard as steel. When she got a final glimpse of the land below her, she saw her mother, tearing up, as if she'd actually possessed emotions, and then she fell unconscious. When Veronica woke up, her legs flapped in unison, until she turned to them. They were no longer legs. They were a tail, covered in spikes, and surprisingly, blood. A dark shadow passed over her, and she wailed out, beginning the hunt. She would kill all who stood in her way of finding her mother.
(TL:DR - Girl born into rich family, parents divorce, mom goes to jail, girl breaks mom out, mom and girl living rough together, find a lighthouse, Entity finds and takes girl at night, turns her legs into a tail, begins hunt)

The Siren is a delusional killer, able to use her Mermaid's Call to lure in Survivors with her mimicking abilities, attack them, and then follow closely behind as they flee the scene.
Her personal perks, Waterworks, They All Fall Down, and Hex: Splitting Image allow her to punish Survivors for focusing on objectives and helping other survivors.

The Siren's Perks
Waterworks - A deep bond with the Entity unlocks great strength. For every 30%/25%/20% of progression completed on a generator, receive a token for that generator. Each token increases the amount of regression per second that occurs when you break that generator by 1%, and that generator can not be repaired for 3/4/5 seconds. The number of tokens displayed on the perk icon will be relevant to the closest generator to you. Tokens for a generator are lost when you perform the break action on the designated generator.
"I told you, sweetie. Always pay attention to those plumbers when they come around. Nothin' special or anything, but they'll be useful to a lady like you." - Karina Salem
Teachable version available at Level 30.

They All Fall Down - Your realization that your prey was doomed from the start fills you with great strength. When a Survivor is rescued from a hook, if they are within 32 meters of you, you gain a 10% speed boost for 4/5/6 seconds. If they are further than 32 meters from you, the rescuer is put into the injured state. If they are already injured, their aura is revealed to you for 1/2/3 seconds.
"Mommy, mommy! Look! I made the voodoo doll perfectly! Want me to poke yours, or are you already sore?" - Veronica Salem
Teachable version available at Level 35.

Hex: Splitting Image A Hex rooting its power on separation. Your image strikes a lasting impression on your prey. After being in a chase for 20 seconds, you imprint your presence on a Survivor. After the chase, once the Survivor leaves your Terror Radius, they gain 1%/2%/3% action speed penalty for every 10/7/5 meters they are away from you.
"Now, dear, your beauty _will_ stick to people. You just need to learn how to stick it to them for the right time. Too short, and it'll be rushed and wasted. Too long, and it'll hurt the people you stick. You need it to be just right." - Karina Salem
Teachable version available at Level 40.

Weapon: Mermaid Dagger - A dagger given to Veronica by her father on her sixth birthday. It is the same dagger used to draw blood from her at birth. When she hits a Survivor, she will hold the dagger upside down from its handle, and let the blood drip. Would look like that video from my other post: 1:34 - 1:40 (that brown bottle)
Mermaid's Call - A delightful tune that ultimately leads to pain and death. Can be channeled to mimic common actions of your prey. There are two parts to channel. When channeled for the first time, your terror radius drops to zero. You will take on the form of a Survivor that is at least 24 meters away from you. Your Survivor clone will run slower than actual Survivors, and will always have a sinister smile on their face. Then, if you channel a second time, then your Survivor proceeds to act like they failed a Skill Check of an action that can be done by themselves. You will receive a "Mimic Action" prompt when you are able to fail a skill check on an action. You must do an action for 4 seconds for the failed Skill Check to happen. The volume will be increased so anyone within an 8 meter range can hear it. When standing still, you will be able to mimic self-healing. When in front of a hook, you will be able to mimic sabotaging. When in front of a generator, you will be able to mimic repairing it. You can re-activate Mermaid's Call after disguising to drop your disguise.

Add-Ons For Mermaid's Call
Common - Slightly increases the range the failed Skill Check can be heard
Common - Slightly increases how fast the failed Skill Check happens
Common - Slightly decreases channel times
Common - Slightly increases the running speed of Mimic Survivors
Common - Slightly increases movement speed after revealing yourself
Uncommon - Moderately increases the range the failed Skill Check can be heard
Uncommon - Moderately increases how fast the failed Skill Check happens
Uncommon - Moderately decreases channel times
Uncommon - Moderately increases the running speed of Mimic Survivors
Uncommon - Moderately increases movement speed after revealing yourself
Rare - Considerably increases the range the failed Skill Check can be heard
Rare - Considerably increases how fast the failed Skill Check happens
Rare - Considerably decreases channel times
Rare - Considerably increases the running speed of Mimic Survivors
Rare - Considerably increases movement speed after revealing yourself
Very Rare - Considerably decreases how fast the failed Skill Check comes
Reveals the Auras of Survivors within a 10 meter range
Very Rare - Your Terror Radius stays at zero for 4 seconds after revealing yourself
Very Rare - Allows you to teleport before revealing yourself, and enables vision of the landing area of the teleport
Very Rare - Survivors within a 10 meter range are Hindered for 15 seconds when you reveal yourself
Very Rare - Reveals all Survivors' Auras for 5 seconds when you disguise as a Mimic Survivor
Ultra Rare - Revealing yourself takes 3 seconds to happen
When you reveal yourself, all Survivors within 10 meters are Exposed for 30 seconds

Adept Siren - Achieve a Merciless Victory with the Siren using only her Unique Perks.
Mimicry - Attack 500 (100) Survivors after revealing yourself.

Hi there! Thank you for taking the time to look over this Killer Idea. As usual, I'll be reading comments and feedback every now and then, and yes, I do come back to old discussions and threads to reflect and see what I did right or wrong when making new Killer ideas, so please leave helpful and constructive criticism, as it helps me in the future. Thank you, and Good Luck out there in the Fog.

Post edited by ItsDaEmuDood on


  • JusticeZERO
    JusticeZERO Member Posts: 173

    Is she a killer thats a child or has their been age progression since the entity took her?

  • ItsDaEmuDood
    ItsDaEmuDood Member Posts: 192

    @JusticeZERO said:
    Is she a killer thats a child or has their been age progression since the entity took her?

    She did age, but it kinda got speed up, so she looks around her late 20s or early 30s.

  • ItsDaEmuDood
    ItsDaEmuDood Member Posts: 192

    @ItsDaEmuDood said:

    @JusticeZERO said:
    Is she a killer thats a child or has their been age progression since the entity took her?

    She did age, but it kinda got speed up, so she looks around her late 20s or early 30s.

    In other words, she's an adult, but she's a babyface.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    The amount of hours people put into this. Holy moly

  • ItsDaEmuDood
    ItsDaEmuDood Member Posts: 192

    @Nick said:
    The amount of hours people put into this. Holy moly

    Get used to it Nick. You've gotta love the close-knit community over here.

  • Laurie
    Laurie Member Posts: 1
    I’m in LOVE with this idea
  • ItsDaEmuDood
    ItsDaEmuDood Member Posts: 192

    @ItsDaEmuDood said:

    @JusticeZERO said:
    Is she a killer thats a child or has their been age progression since the entity took her?

    She did age, but it kinda got speed up, so she looks around her late 20s or early 30s.

    Lol. Don't think MCote would allow a little baby to serve the Entity, no matter how cruel.

  • ItsDaEmuDood
    ItsDaEmuDood Member Posts: 192

    Guys, please take a second look at this discussion. I'm lonely.

  • ItsDaEmuDood
    ItsDaEmuDood Member Posts: 192


  • Kale
    Kale Member Posts: 61

    Well, this post it's long but I will just say: +1 friend.

    I just read the perks and addons, they seems ok but I think the Hex perk can be better