Todays Q&A video with youtube link and quick summary.

Easylife Member Posts: 163
edited June 2018 in General Discussions


In short:

  • Sprint Burst nerfed. (exhaustion will NOT cool down while running)
  • Self Care nerfed. (any healing via self care is LOST if you stop healing with SC before you're 100% health)
  • Decisive Strike completely nerfed. (see below)
  • Trapper reworked (buffed).
  • Various perks you never use buffed.
  • Aura reading defence added to some old survivor perks.

The main thing I took away from this is the DS nerf:

Obsession required still.
Skill check required still (has 2 zones, hitting the sweet spot = longer stun).
One use only still.
You NO LONGER BREAK FREE instead it stuns the killer in place extending the "wiggle time" and allowing for a possible flashlight rescue.

FINALLY a good DS change ;)

Thing is though, only some of these are in the mid chapter patch, the rest are in progress so who knows how long it will be or if they will change things again.
Looks like they want to adjust everything to do with the end game in relation to the hatch changes too.
Watch the Youtube video for all the full details, there are a LOT of changes planned.