Feedback for patch rework from Q&A

Master Member Posts: 10,200
edited June 2018 in General Discussions

First of all, I really like the idea of supporting more stealth play via perks like sole survivor etc.
However, perks like calm spirit are kind of badly designed if they only affect 2 killer powers, it would be a gamble basically and if you dont face the specific killer, then the perk is useless (nobody cares about crows)

One thing I really dislike however is the change made to dark sense. Such a perk should simply not be a thing in a game where SWF can communicate. Its the same as OOO, only that as killer you dont even know that survivors use that perk. It provides them with way too much information, especially considering how fast gens pop.
You should rework perks in such a way that SWF dont benefit from them, but rather solo survivors gain an advantage comapred to SWF, this is a completely flawed design.

While I like that tinkerer is being reworked, I always had problem figuring out what addons are affected, I dont think that the new perk will see much use. The idea is cool that you can sneak upon someone with 0 terror radius, but when a gen is completed at 90%, then you will most likely dont make it in time anymore (unless nurse/hillbilly). I would have wished that you showed some love for the other killers that are so weak atm, but well.....

Predator finally a perk that doesnt hurt yourself? :+1:

I heavily dislike the change to whispers. By changing its effective radius, it will be really weird to always keep in mind how big it should be.
The change also means that you cant find the last survivor anymore if he is trying to hold the game hostage, 49 meters is just too much that you can still locate his position. I dont think whispers needed a rework at all^^

Sloppy butcher still wont be used, I wish it would make survivors bleed out faster such that it is useful for slugging