Chapter- Culinary Arts of a Bloodbath (Work in Progress)

CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615
edited April 2019 in Creations

Killer: The Butcher

Lore: Coming Soon tm

Power: Chopping Block

The Butcher likes a good chase, but hates prey that fights back. When activated, the Butcher sharpens his blade with a sharpening stone which allows him to destroy pallets with his basic attack with a single and quick strike. This ability lasts for 30 seconds.


Fresh Meat - Survivor hook progression speed is increased by 10%/15%/20% when at least 24 meters away.

Clean Cut - After hitting a survivor, the chances of skillchecks while healing are moderately/considerably/tremendously increased. Any failed skillcheck causes a 5% extra regression toward healing progression

*The cleaner the cut, the better the dish*

Dead and Dash - You are obsessed with one survivor. After getting 5/4/3 hits on your obsession with a basic attack, the next hit on any of the other 3 survivors puts them into the dying state. After the 3rd hit on the Obsession, all other survivors' auras are revealed to you for 4 seconds. (MoM counters DaD and Vice Versa)

*Nothing like the fresh blood of a prized hog dripping off my blade*

Mori: Coming Soon

Survivor: Jessie Conrad

Lore: Coming Soon tm


Criticism - When something isn't up to your standards, or price, you make sure to say it. After stunning the killer, 10/15/20% of your healing progress is healed.

Acquired Taste - When you dismantle someone's hard work, you feel a sense of accomplishment. When destroying a Dull Totem, you gain a 5% movement speed increase for 5/10/15 seconds. When destroying a Hex Totem, you also gain a 5/10/15% increase to repair speed for 20/30/45 seconds

Shut In - You thrive in your happy place. When within a locker, the Killer's aura is revealed to you when within 8/10/12 meters of the killer. If you're injured, you heal up to 15% of your total healing progression over the course of 7 seconds.

Post edited by CallMeRusty420 on


  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Killer's power is not that strong

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Personally I think his power is still weak. I just don't know how you sell a killer by saying "They get bloodlust quicker".

    Fresh Meat is a good perk, encourages you to find other survivors. Really good idea.

    Clean Cut is a good perk for healing builds. Might work well with doctor.

    Dead and Dash should be edited to say basic attacks instead of any attacks. Again not a bad perk.

    Criticism is extremely weak. I pallet stun the killer 3 times just to have 25% increase for 45 seconds. Just run botany knowledge.

    Acquired Taste is ok. It would be good against killers camping totems. It can be good in certain builds.

    Shut In is another good perk. Think the distance is a bit too much. Shouldn't be anymore than 8 or 12m.

    Really good perks idea but I think you need to think of a different ability.

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    Thank you for the feedback! If you have any ideas on how to fix up Criticism please don't be afraid to put in some ideas. Also on the power, I feel getting up to tier 2 Bloodlust with only 6 seconds compared to the normal 12 seconds for the 1st tier is a decent power. But then again, with the 'must be injured' requirement, it might prove to be a tad underwhelming. Any ideas is always appreciated ^_^

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    It's not only the power is weak. It's just that the power isn't something new. It's like me adding a killer who's ability was to have 50% cooldown after downing a survivor. Your ability feels more like a perk.

    All killers have a unique ability which can be really cool and different but yours is just getting bloodlust quicker. I dont mean this in a bad way honestly mate. I think the ability would need completely changed mate. If you change it tag me and I'll give you my review of the new ability.

    Criticism could increase your health for every pallet drop? 10/15/20% per drop would be good. So if you pallet drop a killer 5 times you will go from injured to full health.

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    What's funny is that the Killer's power was originally a perk idea. So you are not wrong on that haha. Also that change to Criticism is actually a good idea. I think I'll change it to that version. Or maybe even make it so it recovers Exhaustion faster?

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    @CashelP14 The power has been changed. What do ya think?

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    If it grabs survivors then it's the same as the guy from Last Year: The Nightmare so they may have problems. If it just hurts then I think it's a huntress with longer charge up time.

    It would need clarified what happens when he gets you with the hook.

    And to your earlier thing you can take my suggestion if you want but the exhaustion part is covered by vigil so no need.

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    Man I forgot that even Last Year existed lol. I'll come up with something else in time. And yeah I do need to put in your suggestion.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    You don't need to rush it lad. It takes time to write these. It took me a month to properly write mine and even at that I changed 2 perks completely after I posted it.

    The way I think of it is, would you run this killer? Would you be ok facing this? Is the ability different enough from the rest that it can't be compared like I said your one and huntress.

    Either way I hope you have a good day mate. Really enjoyed your chapter and the pperks felt unique.

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    Thanks bud! I appreciate the feedback. It does take time to come up with these but I hate being stumped on something so I'll come up with a power for him in no time ^_^ I'm glad you liked the perks too. If you wouldn't mind, link me to your chapter idea that you hinted at above. I'd love to read yours as well ^_^

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Btw @ me if you want me to see you. Quoting doesn't give notifications anymore like it youse to. I'm currently updating it and I'll tag you in it once I have it finished.

    However this is your chapter mate, I don't want to look like I'm advertising my chapter through yours.

    Btw you can create add-ons for your killer also.