Why survivors don't use map with Red Twine and Stamp to cleanse totems really fast?!
Its a decent counter for hex perks. Map with Red Twine and Odd Stamp tracks totems within 20 m range, you can destroy totems so fast, too easily prevent "Ruin for a whole match" situation and NOED will not appear. Thats too amazing when you save tunneled Survivor from death by NOED..
Because they would rather complain about how it is too much work and that hex totems need nerfs.
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I've not used maps much so far but after reading this I'm giving it a chance. I always make it a point of looking for totems because I'm kinda tired of NOED and Ruin abuse. As killer I have never used either one as I think it's a cheap way to get a 4k. If they outplay me then so be it.
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Those maps (and keys) burn out way too fast even with longevity add-ons.
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even so its better to do gens than wandering around the map to find them 1 surv has to be in a chase and 3-2 if 1 is hooked doing gens. 1 needed to go rescue... its just a lot sometimes and looking for totems isnt woth it most times
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No, in last patches devs fixed bug that caused map and key lose charges for filling the strip
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Because most of the time healing yourself faster, doing gens faster or rescuing someone is more effective.
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Idk, I always feel like I am wasting time cleansing normal totems instead of doing generators. Should I cleanse more if Noed is a problem for me?
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I enter into a match planning on facing NOED, as it seems the norm anymore. If I should see a totem I'll cleanse it. It really doesn't take up that much time. If you want to boost repair speed on the gens run prove thyself and have a team mate, or 2, help you repair. That boost can be a blessing.
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Once you learn totem spawn locations you don't need a map or a perk. You just go around the map and check the spots. A top tier survivor can find you totem in less than 60 seconds on every map but Lery's and swamp.
Also Rainbow Map with double stamps is a better choice.
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If I am playing survivor, I just cleanse the Dull Totems that I happen to come across that are hidden or out of the way. If there is one near a gate or a generator, I leave it alone because if the killer is running NOED, that's where I'd want it to spawn. No need to burn any more time than needed trying to counter a perk the killer may or may not have.
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I use the bead add on to spam the beam. 🤪🤪
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Hm, I'll have to check that out. I stopped using them because of that.
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Like @thesuicidefox said, there's no point. It's incredibly easy to find totems, and cleansing dulls is almost completely pointless. Better get that NOED once it's lit.
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Don't dulls give you some emblem credit now with the latest update?
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@darktrix yep, they do now. But I don't think it's going to change things much. It's smarter to do gens, simple as that.
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I had a ton of maps on my nea for ages, thought they were useless. Then the blood hunt came and omg, all the ruin and noed. Ran the exact item combo OP listed with small game, evened the odds considerably, stopped a lot of early game insanity and end game loss. Might not be to everyone's tastes, but personally would thoroughly recommend if you are getting a lot of ruin / noed matches.
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As a killer, I do use ruin on some characters; nothing wrong with it, it's an available perk and easily countered by finding and cleansing totems. Ruin can slow the game and so all players will do more actions and more points get scored by all.
As a survivor, I cleanse all totems I find (I notice a lot of survivors ignore dull ones). Apart from the points, it prevents NOED from activating - these days I assume all killers run it (used to run it regularly myself when I first started playing). I run with small game and/or Detective's Hunch. Makes finding totems pretty easy.
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I usually use map with glass bead, and black silk cord if it's not a rainbow map. you can track the lock while it's invisible, so a good idea is to run around the map, wait for hatch to spawn (if it gets to that), use the map to locate it, then use the glass bead to mark it so everyone knows where it is. If you die, other survivors can see it and run for it. If you become last survivor, you know where to go to escape.
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I only have 4 maps even after about 100 bloodwebs. That's why I don't regularly use them. Additionally, it's a waste of time for me to be running around reading a map and looking for totems when I could be trying to prevent my team from three genning themselves or I could be preventing a generator a killer really doesn't want done from regressing.
You seem to think it's so easy to do anything but gens or be chased. With no coordination on comms, that kind of extra stuff is a nightmare to the chances of any survivor escaping through the exit gates.
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Not smart enough.
I tackled this issue many times, but people just refuse to do totems (cleansing all 5 prolongs game by 20 seconds... totally not worth it...) and then complain about noed. Which is underpowered af actually.
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Honestly, I feel the Small Game perk works better for this. The map with the cord has the potential for false positives (because it will now pick up generators, hooks, totems, and traps if the Trapper is the killer in play) so when you see that Map Scout event pop up, you either have to investigate manually or burn some map charges to confirm that you found a totem.
With Small Game, the only time there's a false positive is if the Trapper or Hag set a trap within range, which is much more useful info.
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For one solos (or even 2 man swf who cannot communicate with each other) unless each look themselves for all five or evidence of all five, are never sure all the totems are destroyed. In these cases it is NOT worth it to go searching through an entire map for a perk that the killer probably does not even have. And that is 20 seconds just working on the totem, you are not factoring in the time it takes to move through the map with an active killer around and find them.
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I actually like the combination, even though i prefer going with rainbow maps.
Not only are they useful, but they also increase the objective points you get by a good margin, which is always a nice plus. 👍️
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Maps (for me at least) are one of the rarest items in my bloodweb - plus I don't run self care so I bring a medkit a lot of the time when playing Solo, so I don't always have the ability to play with a map.
I don't complain about NOED though, I've usually got the totems out before I even start on a generator...I used to leave it until 2 gens were left but now with the new Endgame I get rid of the totems at the start of a match as much as possible.