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tryhard swf squads. best way to deal with them?

Heroiq Member Posts: 1,134

I've been using omegablink eboni nurse but i don't think that's enough. is there anything worse?



  • 8obot1c
    8obot1c Member Posts: 1,129

    Try ruin + haunted grounds or Devour Hope + Haunted Grounds

  • Xboned
    Xboned Member Posts: 461

    They hate being dragged into the basement in my experience.

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    Play to the best of your ability first. And if that doesn't work then go ham.

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    In my experience, any time a group of 3 or more SWF load into a game they are almost always tryhard. Multiple Toolboxes with bnp, key, map, DS, BT. Without a doubt they will body block swarm to save their friend, and of course throughout all of this they are on coms communicating to each other where the killer is and who they are close to.

  • Heroiq
    Heroiq Member Posts: 1,134

    *4 blendettes with medkits equipped to all of them* (an example).

    or sometimes. it's 3 toolboxes and a key. but you get the point.

    and also i check profiles almost every time a survivor joins. and if i find them in each other's friends list. it's almost guaranteed that they're swf.

    also add to my comment what @MeatBycicle said.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    You could always try MDR&prayer beads spirit with ebony.... if those are the teams you're hunting?

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    Then you get called the sweaty try hard at the post game screen.

  • Heroiq
    Heroiq Member Posts: 1,134

    the point of this post is to find the most tryhard killer builds (and hopefully annoying) to use against a sweaty tryhard swf squad.

  • AngryFluffy
    AngryFluffy Member Posts: 443

    I just think it's sad...I mean, i can understand, i play both roles and also had to deal with "toxic" survivors a lot. But I never judge before the game actually starts and I see if they are actually toxic or not.

    Maybe it is because as survivor, I always play with friends to have more fun. Sometimes with one friend, sometimes with three friends, but it doesn't make a lot of difference because 90% of the time we don't eve n talk about the game but more about private stuff, just talking, maybe mentioning who gets chased by the killer, but I think you get what I mean.

    We don't even care if we survive or not, we just play for fun and having conversations, but playing against a omega blink nurse with ebony , who asks for a even more aggressive build, is not really fun.

    I totally get your point and I know playing killer against such a sweaty team can be more than frustrating. But all I want to say is, that not every swf team is like that. Just to remind that there are still some non toxic swf groups, even when items are used. It doesn't gave to be an instaheal that's in the medkit or a bnp in the toolbox.

    I think with nurse you already have a really strong killer to have a good chance against strong swf teams.

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968
    edited October 2019

    @MeatBycicle You cant say someone is sweaty when your sweating too.

  • iBetClaudette
    iBetClaudette Member Posts: 299

    Lol, that's a lot of work for just a game

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    You are right that not every SWF group is try hard. I find it really depends on the ranks, if its an SWF in brown-green they usually play for fun, its really only the purple and red ranks that almost every SWF group is try harding.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    Ignore their teabagging and flash-clicking and keep an ebony mori in your back pocket.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I think the point is just that unless you've played with those same people before, you have no way of knowing from the lobby alone if they're sweaty tryhards. And assuming that they are based on their items or past experience with different people is both unfair and harmful to the community by contributing to divisive stereotyping.

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    "Almost Every SWF", ill let you pallet blind me any day.

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    Freddy with.

    -Regression addon

    -Dying light + Pop + BBQ + Make your choice ( Maybe Ruin or Save the best for the last )

    Works perfectly for me 😋

  • will_i_am_14_85
    will_i_am_14_85 Member Posts: 489

    Find a corner of the map, look into it, open up Youtube and watch a video.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Mother Daughter Ring

    Prayer Beads Bracelet


    Haunted Grounds

    Devour Hope

    Thrill of the Hunt

    Hell, may as well chuck an ebony in there too.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    Three Blink Nurse with Range. Meta Perks.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146
    edited October 2019

    Don't give in to T bagging or clicky clicky flashlights as someone else said. These are more than likely, but not always, the ones who know where the loops are and how to use them. Try to find the weakest link and hook them. The team will then turn ultra altruistic and throw themselves to the hook.

    The important thing is do not camp because they will be told you are there. I hate camping in any form but proxy camping seems to work, use make your choice if you have it and down the unhook. Rinse and repeat until they die. The better loopers will try to get you away from the hook, only follow them a little but keep an eye on the hook. Some survivors who are injured and have a pallet near them may even loop you near to the hook for a short time until the pallet is dropped.

    I dont normally suggest tunneling but you may need to do this too, just leave the game at the results screen before the chat starts.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    THOTH + HG.

    Watch as they waste their time going for your useless totems.

  • FriendlyKiller
    FriendlyKiller Member Posts: 337

    Impossible skillchecks doc on lerys or game😀

  • GayMyers
    GayMyers Member Posts: 5

    Maybe just git gud?

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379
    edited October 2019

    Play to the best of your ability, learn, and have fun don't get overly pressured. However if they just start popping 3 or 4 generators within only 3 minutes

    Just go afk and watch some youtube videos. I enjoy running into players better than me because it's always a learning experience and I always get better because of it and they are the matches I remember most.

    But if you know you got a team completely on coms, and just rushing the heck out of the gens at such a rate that will ensure you'll end up depipping and barely making over 30k with a BP streamer no matter waht you do because you'll never have enough time to get the hooks

    "Ain't nobody got time for that" just go defend the basement chest or something and let them finish their M1 simulator

  • Heroiq
    Heroiq Member Posts: 1,134

    i'm already slaying them with nurse.

    but playing nurse is frustrating for me. even if i'm winning. i get frustrated.

    I'm just searching for another great build to smack tryhard swf squads with other than omegablink eboni nurse.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184
    edited October 2019

    Keep a cool head. You will start making mistakes if you let them get to you.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    Gen stop build + Tunnel your first kill then p´lay normally a 3v1. Hope this helps.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    I mean if you feel Nurse with stacked addons and a mori isn't enough you simply have to improve. Luckily, that's a thing you can do as Nurse.

    I don't mean this in a "git gud xD" way whatsoever. All I'm saying is that there's no realistically achievable peak to how much you can improve as Nurse in particular, her skill ceiling isn't even remotely reachable by a human so you can always improve bit by bit. So just take games that are hard and learn from them. Even rough games might have isolated events you can learn from for the future.

  • PoisonN
    PoisonN Member Posts: 624

    Well, don't fall for the flashlight guy. He knows how to loop and will try to stress you

    Of course, if you're not a Spirit

  • Heroiq
    Heroiq Member Posts: 1,134

    once again.

    i'm already slaying them with nurse.

    but playing nurse is frustrating for me. even if i'm winning. i get frustrated.

    I'm just searching for another great build to smack tryhard swf squads with other than omegablink eboni nurse.

  • Lookahook
    Lookahook Member Posts: 49

    Tryhards are any survivor or swf that outplay the killer.

  • Drazen
    Drazen Member Posts: 400

    lobby dodge ezpz especially if they have 1000+ hrs u know u gonna have a bad experience

  • Heroiq
    Heroiq Member Posts: 1,134

    i'm hunting them. and i'm already doing a great job at killing them. i was just searching for another build that can be as deadly as an omegablink eboni nurse. since i get frustrated when playing nurse.

  • If they are all at the exit gates tauntingly you, just go away. Currently there’s is a bug where the EGC timer isn’t de synced between survivors and killers so just wait for the timer to count down and go break somebody pallets or something.

    for a more permanent solution do a 3 gen hag build with lev 3 surge

  • JnnsMu
    JnnsMu Member Posts: 249

    Softcamping works wonders. If you facecamp anyone, they will tell their mates and you get genrushed but if you just patrol hooks heavily, they will usually go for unsafe rescues just because they're SWF. Then you just need to slug a little bit, keep up the pressure and use that powerswing to snowball the game.

  • Heroiq
    Heroiq Member Posts: 1,134

    i would like to inform you that this bug was fixed in the recent patch (3.2.2). that was released today.

    also abusing errors and bugs in the game to earn free kills is not the right thing to do. yes. it may be a really sweaty match (probably an omegablink eboni nurse versus a tryhard swf squad). but that still doesn't mean someone has to abuse errors and bugs to win.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I just play normally.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,221

    It sounds counterintuitive, but killers tend to load up on gen stall and not enough tracking against SWF. You're probably not going to outpace the gens with hook states if they're the super sweaty types. Have to slug and snowball them.

  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636
    edited October 2019

    Franklin's, NOED, Insidious, Nurse Calling. The killer is somewhat irrelevant as long as you bring the perks to counter the cheese.

    Franklin's screws their items. NOED allows you to down them after they complete gens and Adrenaline. Insidious removes Borrowed Time saves. Nurse Calling allows you to see them healing the people you slug.

    Don't worry so much about winning but making them miserable and fail at getting everyone out alive with all the high end gear they bring in.

    Tunnel and camp them into oblivion.

    If you turn the tryhards into cryhards in after game chat, you win.

  • Yeah I get where your coming from, but the motto for this game is “I don’t care whether or not your having fun”. But I still glad they fixed it.

  • DarqPhoenix
    DarqPhoenix Member Posts: 34
    edited October 2019

    my advice is to play like you always would and don't get mad because someone is playing with their friends, even if that gives them an advantage. this coming from someone who plays both sides. even if you beat them it's not going to change how they play or anything like that, you're not teaching them a lesson or anything, you're playing a video game. but also making assumptions that people are swf is kind of dumb, because those assumptions aren't even always right. I've seen lots of killers get mad and call everyone swf when they were just good and slightly coordinated while I'm playing solo.

  • StupidPallets
    StupidPallets Member Posts: 395

    Franklins Demise + Hex: Third Seal

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    To understand they're like 1% of games, do what you can and move on. Learn from the challenge.

  • Blackowt_9120
    Blackowt_9120 Member Posts: 300

    Ebony Mori or Hawkins offering

  • AngryFluffy
    AngryFluffy Member Posts: 443

    yeah I do play killer and I can get the point, but I still think it is not fair to think that every SWF group is automatically toxic and deseved to be moried and the most toxic killer build. That's simply not true.

    After the game has started you will see if this is a toxic group or not. You can't tell it only from the lobby. I think it is not good to punish every swf group, even those who play fair and for fun, just because there are toxic survivors out there. Not everyone is like that, even if they look like it.

    I main Nea and I mainly use her most noticable cosmetics, simply because I like them the most. But this doesn't mean that I'm a tbagging, flashlight klicking, "instaheal in your face" survivor. I have respect for all the other players, killer and survivor, as long as they show the same respect towards me.

    Same when I play killer. I try not to tunnel and never facecamp, unless the survivors show me their disrespect (tbagging, flashlight klicking, swarm me,...), then I don't give a damn anymore and would even tunnel, if the unhooked person is the first one I see again. But this is something I decide after the match has started and not in the lobby and take an ebony with me because four poor souls just happened to spawn at the same time.