Out of All the High Tier Killers (Besides Nurse & Spirit) Who is the Best?
I believe those that are under Nurse and Spirit is Hillbilly, Freddy, Huntress, & Demogorgon (if play him well) in that order. The reason for Hillbilly being the highest is because of how his power is easily countered by survivors like destroying portals, doing gens/ being awake, and running out of your ability if the survivor outplays your hatchets.
This is all my opinion but I'd like to hear others.
When played well? Huntress. No question. Or Hag.
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Huntress. All the things she doesnt have on map pressure and tracking she compensates with brutal chase potential.
Post edited by Todgeweiht on3 -
Hillybilly, Hag, Huntress and Freddy. Hard to say who's the best but all of them are good.
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Hag, Freddy, Billy and Huntress.
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Freddy, Huntress, Hag and Michael Myers (jus a lil bit)
EDIT: Hillbilly too, somehow misread the thread as including him with Nurse & Spirit...
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Definitely Billy
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Hag is pretty strong when you get a good map.
Get a huge map though and it's GG.
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Hag is pretty overrated IMO. She's good, not great. Huntress is map dependent as well. Freddy is less map dependent but more survivor awareness dependent. Billy is a tad underrated now that everyone is calling him overrated. I'd put Ghostface in the high tier as well, but only when played with an anti-healing build.
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Hag or Billy.
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I would say after Pre-Rework Nurse and Spirit it goes. 1 and 2 are interchangeable in my opinion.
- Huntress
- Hag
- Hillbilly
- Freddy
Demogorgan is fun and all, but isn't very good once you understand his mechanics and how to play against him. If they made it so he didn't have a map wide notification for teleportation I think he would be significantly better.
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Absolutely freddy, billy can be countered be forcing him to m1 you instead of getting a chainsaw. The main reason I don't think huntress is good is because she is map dependent. If you can throw over loops or you have long sight lines then she is good but on some maps she is a m1 killer with 110% movement speed
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Also hag can be destroyed because once you pick a survivor up good survivors will run around and trigger all your traps or they will just be immersed and crouch every were. Sure set up time isn't ridiculously long but still at high ranks you have to use your time wisely.
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I've noticed that plague is pretty good, specially with the right perks, but mainly huntress
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Your ordering is correct but the reason is incorrect. Billy is also "countered" by looping. Huntress can hit over some loops, freddy can snare loops or completely shut them down with fake pallets and demo can use his lunge. Billy gets looped. The reason why he is the third best killer is because of his incredible map presence and because insta saw is borderline op. Otherwise your ordering is about right. Nurse spirit billy freddy huntress demo hag etc
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Big maps are tough in all killers Tbh. At least Hag would be able to lock down a 3 gen area.
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Hag. Her traps have multiple fuctions and does those fuctions very well.
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Michael Myers, use map control with him and use his power to keep people scared, I snowballed at 5 gens and got a 4k with him, because I would stalk them, if they hid, I'd either stalk or hit them, they had no way to get away.
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Myers, Freddy, GhostFace, and Demogorgon.
Demogorgon is especially good at some loops and Killer shack is pointless to loop with him on some occasion's
GhostFace and Myers can give the exposed status effect to Survivors, making them get one shot. They're also two of the best stealth Killers in the game and can drop on any Survivor without them even knowing it if they're not paying attention.
And Freddy is really good at placing Dream snares and stopping chases quickly around loops because of those dream snares. Even his Dream Pallets are decent, and they can fool Survivors into thinking a loop is still good with it isn't.
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Billy then Freddy
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#3 Freddy
#4 Billy
#5 Plague
#6 Ghostface
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Absolutely disrespectful towards HAG :(
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100% Hag, no question.
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Highly disagree about Hag being overrated. A god Hag is JUST as good as a god Spirit or Nurse. Hag can dominate the field. Her snowball effect is insane, probably the best in the game. She can win any map, and isn’t map dependent at all. Bigger maps = area of control. Loops are never safe. Or anything for that matter. I’ve explained in more detail before on this, so I’ll just copy and paste from a previous post if wanted.
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Hag. She has very good anti looping, map pressure, hook defense and snow ball and she can deal even with the most survivor sided maps to some extent.
I find it funny how people still think Huntress is worth of top 3, when she's legit worse than Cannibal on some maps. I would say she's pretty average untill devs decide to fix the maps for her.
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Hag is a setup killer and that needs time. So you have to use one full perkslot for "Corrupt Intervention". And Flashlights are destroying her.
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You don’t have to use corrupt at all. Flashlights don’t destroy her. More than two can be annoying, but I’ve never seen that in my Hag games. Most is usually one or two, which doesn’t destroy her.
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Hag easily. Billy is next. Then Huntress and Plague.
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Billy, Huntress, and Hag can put in work. Demo is always pretty decent when played optimally.
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Look if you're very good with Huntress you can do well against 4 survivors with 5000-7000 hours, 4 obj of obs, 2 med kits and 2 FL.
A hag would be completely obliterated.
Mastering Huntress at her maximum potencial needs thousands of hours. You probably have never seen a Huntress like that in game
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Replace Demo with Hag. His Shred is nice, but you can beat her smaller terror radius and short stature. Plus, her traps can be recycled, unlike his.
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If you think so.
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Only on certain maps. She is one of the most map depended killers in the game imo.
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She's too map dependant. Wayyy too map dependant, she can have a better performance than Hag given she gets good maps and the loops favor her. The issue is that she's inconsistent, Hag can practically do well in most if not any map and can consistantly apply pressure. Huntress lacks map prescence and pressure.
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That's a big Hag misconception. Flashlights do not destroy her, a flashlight will rarely help you in chase against her and literally 3 or 4 survivors would have to be running it for it to mean anything. Ontop of that, as killer you have prep time.. If you see 4 flashlights then run franklins and it's useless.
After Nurse and Spirit, it's Billy, Hag, Huntress/Freddy, Plague and probably Ghostface/Demo.
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A Flashlight + OoO. Not that uncommon. A swf will callout your traps and destroy the important ones or just crouch. I don't think hag is that good. Just my opinion.
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Nope. I know so ;) respect your opinion nonetheless
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It makes me happy seeing so many people say Hag here :)
But yea, Hag is top for me, but honestly I want more practice with Demo because I think he might be really good.
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OoO destroys her. I agree, but flashlights are completely hyperbolic against Hag and it needs to stop lol, it's a just a soft counter like urban. If you don't have OoO then Hag can usually hold her own against a ton of strong SWFs granted you're playing her correctly. You don't think Hag is great because you've probably never played against a really good one. But honestly many people haven't.
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If you play hag yourself you learn much about the placement. Minefield Hag is scary tho.
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But you get Lery's and you get rekt as Huntress no matter what they bring.
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OoO won't be so popular with the new Undetectable status coming.
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The only reason I have trouble in Hag games is because survivors are getting ever better at trigger them at the farthest distance so they can run to something safe in time, or waste my traps when I'm away, or just never run a loop twice so traps are less effective.
But when she works she is pretty fun.
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Huntress. Has some good add on builds beside ire head and soldier belt.
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Huntress, all the way. Her lunge is short but it isn't a problem when you learn how to throw her hatchets, how to time charge times and lead shots. She becomes as good as nurse imo, she can stop loops by throwing over props, and she has amazing pressure when she has a detection perk like whispers or spies.
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All basic killer lunges are exactly the same.
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Three specific ones: Freddy, Huntress and Hag
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Sorry, I meant her reach. Her broad axe is shorter than say spirit or Freddy's.
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No, it's not. The travel time, speed, duration, and hitbox are all exactly the same an all killers.