Matchmaking for survivor

Are you going to do something about the survivor matchmaking, it usually takes 0-30 minutes to find a lobby. Usually takes around 15 minutes.

For comparison:

For killer it is usually around 0-5 minutes, it often happens instant or around 1 minute to find a lobby.

Platform: PS4


  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    That would mean they revert the SWF-change with is the cause of those long queue times. And obviously they never revert anything, so: nothing will be done.

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    If killer player numbers do significantly drop, I could see bhvr awarding killers even more bp through some new system implemented. Essentially bribing them to keep playing. Say a 25% bonus of base bp's you earned in the match.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    It’s so annoying to play survivor just because of wait times. You spend more time waiting than playing on ps4.

  • Nabskull
    Nabskull Member Posts: 8

    It's really horrible on PC too... it's never been this bad before. I hope they fix it soon because DBD is just starting to become a chore when you have to wait 15-20ish minutes to get into the next one

  • HybridLPangel26
    HybridLPangel26 Member Posts: 119

    Right now i have been waiting in the lobby for 30 minutes and no matches taking way too long and im on ps4