What is your favorite killer to face?

Im always hoping for that one killer to be in my lobby, who knows how to play the killer too. I LOVE Doctor, he's always been so fun to face because he gave me my first true scare. I had no idea what I was going up against when I got forced into tier 1 madness, and it terrified me. So happy to see Doc is getting a rework. He was also the first DLC I ever bought🖤
Another question is how often do you get to face your favorite killer? Do you enjoy their mori's? I know I love getting mori'd by Doctor as strange as that sounds. What makes them your favorite killer? Can you counter them well or are you constantly being outplayed by their abilities? Are they challenging or just well-designed?
It's very fun when I get that Huntress who's so good that she hits hatchtes across the map.
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Oni, 100%. Most people don't know how to play him to his full potential, and even if they do he has some limitations to his Demon Strike that make him a bit weaker than he should, but for me it isn't about how strong he is when he chases me. For me it's about:
A) That god-tier chase music that is hands down the best one in the game please don't @me
B) The visual appearance. If you were running for your life against a Killer, which one would make you the most afraid: A pink-haired high-schooler in a Christmas sweater and a skirt, a skimpy r34 anime ghost girl, a redneck with a chainsaw, a fat man with a chainsaw, Onision with a fedora, the Joker after he let himself go, or an ogre in samurai armor spewing ruby-red fires of Hell out of every orifice of his body?
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Spirit is my favorite to face.
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Definitely a tie between Demogorgon and Michael for me.
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My most favorite to face against are my mains: Clown, Clown, Clown, and... Hag.
I don't mind Plague, Huntress, and Piggy.
I am not fond of facing against Ghostface.
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Probably Michael. He's the only Killer that still scares me. Something about that white mask when you turn your camera to look behind you.
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Myers. I always geht paranaoid if I don't hear or see anything happen early game and expect the Halloween Jingle to play with him standing somewhere next to me staring at me menacingly thinking to myself "Dang I screwed that up badly" . Priceless jumpscares.
The everlasting threat of an instadown keeps things tense without Myers being too overbearing.
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Hag. I'm a hag main, and it's always fun to see what other hags do.
I don't remember the last time I was impressed with one I faced though. They almost always run rusty shackles, mint rag, and/or MYC.
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Generally speaking, probably Doc or Legion.
That said, Julie specifically is my all time favorite. She can do whatever she wants to me.
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"Onision with a fedora" 😂😂😂 you ain't wrong!
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Pre nerf nurse (without addons).
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Demogorgon, how could anyone go against demogorgon and say "ugh its a demo"
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Huntress, Oni, Billy and Nurse. Fun to play as and against.
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Devs: [nerfs forever freddy]
Freddy: Wow. WOW. WOOOOW, so you are so into yourselves, like you are so committed to censoring innocent people that you’re just gonna go and try and get my best build deleted?
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Myers, Clown, Tum Tums, Doctor, Huntress, Wraith.
Nurse can be fun too as long as she's decent - good. If it's an exceptional Nurse then oh boy does that take the fun out of it 😓
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I like to against Spirit and Plague
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Honestly I love to go against a good hillbilly even if he stomps me. It's sad I dont play against many I always end up going against spirit freddy or trapper.
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Trapper, Ghost Face, Michael Myers, Demogorgon and Pig.
There's some great moments to be had when VSing them, especially the scare factor that they can still give to the game.
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Unpopular opinion: I love going against Ghostface.
If you go against a good Ghostface, they use his power to make powerful mind games and such when you're in a loop. The feeling of always being on your toes because he could be right around the corner, and the fact that you have to pay attention during loops because he could make a powerful play is always fun. It doesn't become a game of killer/survivor, it becomes of battle of who can mindgame harder, which I enjoy personally.
But a bad ghostface just sucks to go against
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Nurse or huntress they are the most fun to be chased by imo.
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Amanda Young, she brings a second objective to survivors, and at red ranks, it's great to get some relief from generators. 😁🤗
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Pig because it just feels fun and balanced to play against her. Apart from the RNG of the traps there's absolutely no BS to her chase game and I like that.
Myers because I really like Halloween as a franchise, and his chases are fun when you don't get yeeted by a 99'd tier 3.
Demogorgon because he also feels pretty fair to play against, and his chase music absolutely slaps
Finally Billy (no infectious). Fast paced matches and fun chases.
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Trapper's my 2nd least favorite to play as, but i like playing against him a lot.
I always follow him and disable his Bear Traps, then use ninja tactics to avoid being caught.
Idk, just feels good somehow.
I keep that up until i can escape or get killed.
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Nurse was fun.
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Billy is fun sometimes but on console we pray for nurse.
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Hands down it has to be Myers. That chase music seals the deal for me.
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The chase & stalk music and the creep factor of Myers suddenly being there, or seeing his face staring you down is phenomenal.
It's so much fun to play as & against Michael Myers, love the different builds Myers can have too: Scratch/Vanity Mirror, Tombstone Piece, Infinite Tier 3 and of coruse, Tombstone
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Between Spirit and Huntress
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Fun to play against:
- Bubba (usually because they play in a very predictable way which is fun to punish and fun to drop pallets on him when you know what he is going to do if he catches you).
- Hag (a lot of them are only playing her as a daily, and normally aren't very good with her/miss a ton of swings and it makes me chuckle IRL).
- Clown (a lot of them are memers for whatever reason).
Unfun to play against:
- Huntress (her hatchets hitboxes allow her to get a ton of BS hits and since she is slow she doesn't seem to go far from the hook and attracts people that play in a very "sweaty" way).
- Trapper (attracts people that seem to catch someone finally and not go too far from the hook ever and just chase the same person over and over again).
- Legion (broken killer.. annoying to be constantly injured the whole effing match and have them constantly do that to you on top of running thana+sloppy.. super unfun to play against).
Honorable mention:
- Plague (just find it is unfun to play against her because you get chewed out for cleansing.. lol).
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Hag. Love the jump scares.
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The Shape and Ghost Face: they are the two killers that bring a great scare factor into the game with how quiet they can be.
The Demogorgon and The Oni because they're aesthetically very intimidating.
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when he does that demon dash it makes your heart beat outta your chest and makes your butthole clench (sorry for weird word usage.but I ain’t wrong tho)
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I like to play against pig
Her rbts give you something to do other than gens and I thats pretty cool
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Billy and Bubba. hearing a chainsaw from across the map, and then hearing it suddenly VERY CLOSE is a surefire way to get me shitting my pants in a most entertaining way
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Oni. Before him... The Pig.
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Demogorgon is pretty fun to go against. His theme, those screams, and that lunge. He's easily one of the most coolest and different looking Killers. Best atmosphere too, legitimately makes me feel that powerful, feral presence with the stomps and screams. I don't think any other DLC character feels like they came straight from their property.
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Edit: as much as Demogorgon does.
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Billy. I love being chased by a competent Hillbilly who knows how to use his chainsaw
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Definitly Nurse then Demogorgon and Oni.
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Mrs Piggy, so I can try booping her snoot and stun her for a cute sound
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Idk probably Hag and Billy.
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A lot of killers. Leatherface, Gorgon, Huntress, Billy sometimes... Doctor
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I haven't laughed so hard in a minute... Thank you for that XD
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Even though I know they are not the best killer I still find Myers to be my favorite match up.
I really enjoy not knowing who it is by a terror radius making you a little jittery at the start of a match.
I really enjoy hearing that first EW tier 2 music pop and the instant "oh ######### is it me!?".
I LOVE the constant fear during a chase that at any moment that EW tier 3 might pop.
To me I think Myers is the only killer that I get a true horror feeling from. I enjoy the thrills and chills he gives me from start to finish. Ghost face is a close second for a lot of the same reasons I just find the "LOS" noise that plays when you break him out of stealth sort of ruins the immersion for me.
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Billy, Oni, Piggywiggy, Ghostface, Spireh, Doc, and Demo are my FAVORITES to face.
I don't much care for Plague and Legion because they run the exact same forever build every time.
And i ######### HATE Trapper.
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Nurse, the chases agaisn't her are the most different from every other killer.
Second is billy, because that mofo is LETHAL and third is plague, because they're 99% bad and its just funny to see them struggling.
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Um I would have to say clown for me. If I go against a good clown we both always outplay each other throughout the match.
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I like going against Pigs, Wraiths, Myers, and Onis.
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Clown because I love him and he's my main. Also like to face Oni and Demogorgon with their cool sounds and they are both a quite unique.
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You sound pretty entitled. Id love to face u...