Builds and state of Legion?

Recently bought Legion using some shards I had saved up, and have been enjoying them a fair bit. I was curious if y’all had any favorite builds with them or thoughts about how they stand right now. Making them a part of my main killers is definitely something I’m thinking about.


  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624

    Pretty easy to play, really you only need to get an M1 hit for your downs.

    Thanta + dying light is S tier on him/her. Thanta because it's easy to quickly injure multiple people, and dying light because the free botany knowledge it gives the obsession is irrelevant when you frenzy people anyways.

    Pop is good on any killer, and I have been using corrupt over ruin lately to prepare for the ruin nerf.

  • Lanterns
    Lanterns Member Posts: 83

    Pop Goes The Weasel, Thanatophobia, Enduring, Discordance

  • SithLordLuxray
    SithLordLuxray Member Posts: 44

    I’m not subject to pallet stuns all that often, (partially cus survivors have been a bit potato lately), what would you recommend if I didn’t run Enduring?

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    Builds : Pop, Surveillance, Monitor and Abuse and A Nurse's Calling.

    State : good at getting pips and bad at getting kills.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited January 2020

    After my experience, the Legion can be devastating against average survivors. And with devastating I mean devastating.

    But if you meet good survivors, like the infamous 4swfs that know the strengths of killers and the map they are playing on, you can go better afk. Saves you a lote of trouble and you can read in this time a newspaper or something like that^^.

    Also for people that have known the pre patch Legion, the current version can be going boring really fast, because you literally m1 everyone and from the adrenaline rush before is not much left imo.

    So... From my point of view is the Legion ok... Until you meet survivors who know what they are doing and have maybe learn a bit about the game they are playing.

    The better perks for Legion are already named here like Pop goes weasel or the Nurse Perks. I still use mostly the Legion Perks, besides Stridor (but I would not advise to do this also).

  • TheNHK32
    TheNHK32 Member Posts: 30
    edited January 2020

    Let me show you what's up, first legion is bad and needs a rework, their power is one of the most underwhelming in the game it cannot give them any downs and is nearly useless if survivors do not heal. When everyone is injured he is just a baseline M1 killer. Instead of making it easier to injure someone by increasing their speed they should of made their power actually dangerous. Imagine the killer sprinting to you, hitting you, then running away. He needs a rework bad

    Only run duration addons, iri pin, legion pin, and power gauge addons aren't half bad but i wouldnt reccomend them if you can use duration addons. with injured builds like the one I am about to list, broken pin addon is good. The filthy/nasty blades I find are pretty useless ever since you can easily make people broken. Before you had to double stab someone to make that single person broke.

    Thanat, Dying Light, BBQ/Pop/Ruin (If you have Blood Echo available replace BBQ with that) combined with legion pin of course. The goal is to keep everyone injured/broken at all times so nobody can use any exhaustion perks and everyone is being slapped with dying light and thanat

    Pop, Ruin, BBQ, Discordance/Or/IAE

    M&A, Discordance, BBQ, Pop/Ruin (m&a & discordance good combination)

    Legion also has a very nice combo with spirit fury, if you hit a healthy survivor with spirit fury up and they drop the pallet you will instantly come out of your power no cooldowns no stuns and can instantly hit the survivor, but Legion has to respect pallets so use at your own risk.

    I heard someone say STBFL works even better with them now despite frenzy hits not counting as basic hits, but he also said that is the point.

    And last tip! If you play legion right it is very dangerous for survivors to go for unhooks

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    As a ex Legion main I can tell you, yes Legion is fun, running around with FF and stabbing eveyone, vaulting everything fast. You are just unstopable. But you are not good at Killing, so if you are not going for Kills than Legion will be fine for you. If you want to go for Kills I dont recommand you that Killer.

    Against decent or potato survivors Legion is fine and you will not realize how bad this Killer is but against good survivors that know the map and your weakness. They will bully you so hard and you cant do anything against that. Since you are just a M1 Killer without any power if it comes to Killing.

    I use 2 different builds on Legion one for aggressive chases and one as a hit and run.

    Chase: Spirit Fury, Enduring, BBQ and Pop - You just eat pallets like that kid on crack meme "YAAAAAAAA" and in then you suprise ppl with a spirit fury insta kill.

    Hit and run: BBQ, Pop, Tanatobhoba and Monitor - With your smaller terror radius you can catch survivors often off guard while they are injured, with tana you slow down their healing and genspeed so you have better chances catching survivors off guard. The bigger terror radius because of monitor in chase allows you to spread your FF better around the map.

  • SithLordLuxray
    SithLordLuxray Member Posts: 44

    Funnily enough, I got the adept achievement first try due to a SWF group having poor coordination and trying to bodyblock. Mad Grit won every time.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    First if all don't listen to anyone who calls Legion bad. Legion is a solid killer with all the tools availeble to beat all but the sweatiest 4man swf

    For addons duration is extremly important to be able to chain hits. You can play without but you'll definitivly feel an impact. I almost always run or the green duration or the yellowand brown one combined. For other addons the yellow and green pin are the strongest

    Pop Goes the Weasel is extremly good on them. After injuring all survivors you only need to outplay them once to down them. And if you are good at chases this can happen insanly fast. Getting a pop every 30 seconds happens quite often and grinds the gen speed to an halt

    Other slowdown perks like thana and dying light work well too cause of how easy thana is to activate

    The most important skill of the Legion is able to mindgame effectivly and win chases. So perks that help with that like I'm all ears, brutal strenght , enduring, spirit fury all help. Blood echo is especially deadly as you take away any sprint burst or dead hard shenanigens

    Enduring has the nice benifit to reduce the long cooldown of your frenzy by getting hit by a pallet

    For getting better with Legion i recommend raging_ryuga on youtube. Probably the best legion player that post content

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Well, then you had luck.

    Survivors who know Madgrit will spread out, as soon as they realice that you are running it.

    I also just wait for the day where it will getting nerfed. Sure, it has an easy counterplay, but was that ever an argument for a killer perk?

    But until then it is for me one of the best perks, a killer (and I mean here every killer) can pick up.

  • SithLordLuxray
    SithLordLuxray Member Posts: 44

    Honestly, as much as I personally enjoy Legion, it does feel like they’re lacking some oomph with their power. Add ons would be my biggest pet peeve. Did you have any ideas in mind? A few ideas I had for effects were:

    -FF not having a speed increase, but survivor auras are revealed to you for 2-3 seconds after they mend themselves

    -FF enabling you to chip down their mend timer, (Like Frank’s Mixtape), but without immediately ending the frenzy, (downside being a more lengthy cooldown)

    —FF gives you Undetectable when active, but no longer has the Deep Wound effect, (and cannot put Survivors into the dying state of course)

    I’d simply just like some more variety with the add ons, than cooldowns or the like.


  • SithLordLuxray
    SithLordLuxray Member Posts: 44
    edited January 2020

    That brings up a question I had, do the Legion add ons actually stack? It doesn’t say in their description if they do and I’m VERY curious.

    I appreciate the advice from y’all btw, I’ll definitely look at raging_ryuga’s stuff and see what I can take from it.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    They do indeed stack, any addons that has these kinda +'s in their icon should stack

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    If you’re looking for a full guide on Legion, I made a video that could be helpful.

  • Lanterns
    Lanterns Member Posts: 83

    I switch in I'm All Ears sometimes. Helps with chases.

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    context im rank 1 survivor and killer, have been every season since console release and own every killer. Now i will say legion is not the strongest killer, his changes where both good and bad but some little tricks will help.

    • when using frenzy judge the distance of how far the next target is, dont go crossing a full map for another hit, youre wasting time and others have mended and probably healed too.
    • when hitting multiple survivors with frenzy its sometimes good to stop at 3 people unless the 4th is close, usually by the time you get a hit on the third survivor the first has mended and starting to heal or do gens again.
    • if people are injured throughout the map and tend not to heal or arent healing much dont be afraid to use your frenzy to cross the map
    • Never and i mean never hit the same person with frenzy, you give them a free sprint burst for no reason if you do
    • You can still break generators while in frenzy

    Perks i use: Corrupt, thana, pop and BBQ

  • TheNHK32
    TheNHK32 Member Posts: 30

    I think franks effect should be basekit, and if you run franks it takes 4 stabs. SWS should make your DW timer go down when running but outside of the terror radius, and now it only takes 3 hits, (Legions power gauge cooldown is 20S) and maybe make DW more scary. But have legion use it less on the whole team, and rather maybe two or a single person somehow. They have to go get some special medkit in the map or have a teammate heal them

    Sure there is nothing at all you can do but it takes alot longer and is more fast paced. Additionally killers who arent nurse and spirit could never down anyone if survivors made no mistakes, m1 killers rely on those.

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196

    If ruin gets gutted then best build is: Thana, Pop, Enduring, Spirit fury

    If ruin doesn't get gutted then best build is: Thana, Pop, Enduring, Ruin

    Brutal is really good on him as-well :)