To people complaining about new Hex: Ruin
They've all been nerfed, and in my opinion, are all trash. I hate situational perks like that. Adrenaline requires you to make it to the end game, which is impossible depending on your team, though without ruin, maybe easier. Unbreakable means they slugged you, and if you're down for that long, you should be able to get up. Dead hard is a pretty basic perk, and a killer can just get a little closer before attacking to avoid it, and it doesn't even trigger half the time with dedicated servers. And Desicive Strike has already been nerfed alot. Since the nerf, i haven't been hit by DS, nor have i been able to use DS. It only lasts 60 seconds, so a killer can just wait if they know when you got off. And if I'm using DS, I'm not going to go run into the killer to get him to let me use it, because he can just chase you down after. Borrowed time is just an anti tunnel/farming perk, and half the killers avoid triggering it anyways.
All of these perks are very situational, and they have all been nerfed before. I wish they would stop nerfing, and just buff weaker things to make the game have more viable options.
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Borrowed needs a buff, not a nerf.
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I forgot about Dead hard. Yeah is fine imo
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But the main problem is the map, if there was no god lop you would actually have an chance
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Dying is not a counterplay
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Do I ever sayed something about bullying killers? This is not an surv sided post bud
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Your right, dying isn't counterplay, but neither is complaining about her just to get her nerfed again isn't either. You have to keep moving to counter her and if she can't catch after phasing she'll just drop the chase.
And with these ruin changes the game will become a bully simulator for survivor's sense killers 90% of the killer's lack map pressure
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I am definatly trying out the new ruin and I am already playing without ruin on the majoraty of the Killers. I dont like it and dont need it. But the reason why I am upsad about that topic is that they just straight nerf ruin without adressing the core problem of the game or even MENTIONING it. They ONLY talked about "frustration to play AGAINST", they didnt care at all about the Killers. And that is really annoying to see as Killer main who supports the game for 3 years.
Yes Ds, BT, Balanced Landing, MoM got nerfed I know. But come one, Ds is STILL meta and really strong, BT is STILL meta and one of the strongest perks. Balanced is decent atm and MoM is kinda trash agree but it was just waaaay to op without any counterplay or effort for the survivor (same goes to old Legion). But what I want to say is all "nerfes" weren't even nerfs, the most of the changes were just ... yeah changes. New Ruin is just a change aswell.. but a nerf in that way that it was the BEST early game slowdown perk, and we only have corrupt besides old Ruin.. the biggest problem with genspeed is the early game, that is the core problem that needs to be fixed and killers tried to fix it with that perk.
To sum up:
All surv perk "nerfs" are still meta or strong for the expection MoM.
Survivors are still way to strong especially in SWF. Killers are forced to play EVEN harder and better with new ruin compared to survivor changes.
Devs dont understand the true problems and just fix the symtoms.. but not the core problem.
Maybe the devs plan in the future to fix the gen problem... but that takes too long AND the Ruin nerf is definatly not a good start with that.
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Ruined by no one?
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That is just luck, Spirit counterplay. What I want is just to know when she is using it. And ruin is not even good, and it was buffed
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Blah Blah Blah ruin this ruin that! That's nerfing her, if they do that, might as well delete her because if she gives some kind of indicator that she phasing, it defeats the purpose of her power.
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corrupt does nothing.
it does not block all gens
It does not stop gens being done at normal speed or prevent toolboxes\
It only lasts 2 minutes
Survivors can just wait it out and you are down to 3 perks
You are still only 1 killer v 4 survivors, you can only chase 1 survivor at a time and there is nothing to prevent the others sitting on the gens.
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The best way to counter Spirit is to play her.
When you get a stand off with her, you're guessing what she wants to do next, and what she thinks you're going to do next.
Most Spirits aren't that great and it becomes very easy to extend a chase against her for 3 gens. The uber Spirits that everyone worries about are very very rare. Like everyone says about survivor de-pip squads I guess.
Spirit is like Nurse, it's not about looping it's about guessing your opponents next move and conditioning them to predict yours. I wouldn't want to face Spirit or Nurse every game and spirit was overused but I find these two killers a nice change of pace as it's a much more cerebral battle.
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can you plz discuss instead of just not accepting my opinion and just saying I'm #########. I do not want things to be nerfed, you could buff Spirit if you just put an way to know if she's phasing, I don't care too much for her being strong, just boring too play against. plz don't be a man child
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The best counterplay is to DC
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What I personally hate about ruin changes the most, is that they have completely reworked it and changed its purpose. It was an early game slowdown perk and now it's *cough* mid-late game clutch perk. So basically we're forced to CI.
But hey! I guess baby killers should git gut and adapt....
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I already told you, you have to out run Spirit, if she can't catch up to you while Phasing because she's going the wrong way she'll have to drop the chase. Spirit has to predict where you are/going when she phases. If she predict's correctly than she's going to use the rest of her power to catch up to you. If she doesn't predict correctly she's forced to come out of phasing to see where she screwed up at and see if she can track you again. Like @ClickyClicky said
Your better off playing her to understand her better. When I switched to PC and got to the purple ranks I hated dealing with Nurse and I would always complain about her because my console usage of her wasn't enough knowledge to face her on PC. So I picked her up on PC and just by using her I learned her weaknesses and used it against other Nurses. Sometimes it takes being one to understand one!