5 more days people!

Jan 23rd, mark it in your calender. Amanda's 2nd DBD birthday is here soon!
Snoot booping for all!!!
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@ProSnootBooper I love that name so much.
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2nd anniversary of the worst killer in the game to play against. Most unfun, toxic killer in the game.
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Thought last years year of the pig was gonna be her year for buffs.
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You can't- most of them are too busy trying to tunnel one person into the ground; using the RNG bs traps to help them do it.
They tend to be some of the most toxic people to play against, with a kit that supports boring and unfun playstyles. I've had an enjoyable pig to play against maybe 1 in every 12 of the games with them. I hate them more than any other killer, survivor, perk, or map in this game.
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This sounds like my experience with The Pig for the first year. They spend their entire game tunneling the one person who isn't doing gens due to the RBT, then post game they cry about genrush. Well duh.
Having said that a lot of Pigs have been surprisingly chill recently. They'll slug if they walk past you on a jigsaw box but they don't actively wait around hooks anymore. I think all those kinds of players moved on to Ghostface.
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I play sometimes Ghostface and I never camp :|... Well... Ok... That's a lie. Sometimes I do. If you play like a jerk and I have a bad mood then... maybe... can it... happen. cough
Still.. I am watching you! Don't you see me behind that tree over there? :P :).
But the 2 rounds I had play as Pig thanks to red offerings were 4ks. So she seems also to be a great killer.
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I think so too.
I'll be that 1 in 12 for you one day <3 don't be mad when I 4k though promise?
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Except, traps arent RNG. When you get a trap, a key goes into a box. You just have to pick right. That's luck/probability, not RNG.
Sooooo theres that.
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That is RNG, how do you think it's selected what box the key is going to go into? and either way it's still a giant load of bull regardless.
If you don't tunnel and use the traps as an excuse to say you didn't, and if I didn't get screwed over by the RNG aspects of them I wouldn't have an issue with any of it. Thing is most Pig's tend to play and act toxic as hell. Even in postgame chat a lot of the times.
Then you have the whole "Omg she so cyoot" people who will forgive them for ANYTHING and even sandbag teammates because they love her so much. It's gotten so bad unless I am forced to stay because I am playing with friends, I either die on hook or just DC, she is the only thing I DC from. Even a mori can be interesting and I'll play it out even if it's unfair, it doesn't make it so I can't play the game at all.
Yeah and they might hit someone else briefly, but come right back because they know you are trying to get the trap off, and use that as an excuse to say they didn't tunnel they left you...for all of 8 seconds.
I don't think she is OP or anything like that, she just sucks all the enjoyment from the game and turns it into a gross slugging, tunnel fest.
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It is not RNG in how you get your traps off.
If it was predetermined which box got the first key, how would that change you having to pick?
It uses RNG to PLACE a key, but RNG has NOTHING to do with removing them.
So saying "using pig and her BS unreliable RNG traps", is misleading, as it has nothing to do with them actually working.
Besides, the devs have SAID its not RNG.
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Nah my tactic is fire and forget. If you happen to be that person who believes RBT equals immunity to anything and stays on a box while I run by in a chase I'll either knock you down or hook you, but otherwise your not on my radar I got better things to do. If you get screwed by the RBT that's on you and the other survivors though. That has nothing to do with the killer outside of addons, but mostly it's the problem of the Survivors if someone dies to a RBT.
I think I got a few recorded games if you would like to see me play.
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Well guess what, it is. Sorry you can't process that fact. It places the key by RNG but THAT'S THE SAME THING. It's still random what box will get it off, leaving a chunk of the match to just blind luck. That's stupid, it's a god awful mechanic, and another example of bad design.
So yeah saying "using pig and her BS unreliable RNG traps" is not misleading, it's 100% accurate.
These are the type of people generally playing pig too, hence why I don't deal with them anymore. They refuse to see anything wrong with it, just furthering the problem.
No, it's another case of trying to pass blame. They ACTIVELY chase you off the box and seek you out, they don't stumble into you- and then they follow you from box to box making sure you can't and if they can down you again they will, if you have DS they will just leave you there, and keep up that form of pressure to a point you literally don't actually play the game at all, you spend all game on a hook, on the ground, or at a jigsaw box until death.
Also getting screwed by the box because you manage to escape a tunneling pig and use a bunch of jigsaw boxes, only for it to not be ANY of those randomly selected boxes, and then dying just because of that is a load of bull.
I have seen very VERY few decent Pig players who are not obnoxious and unfun; let alone that can admit issues with the killer's kit causing issues. She's the worst killer to play against in the game, only thing that might be worse is a camping Bubba and even that is a maybe from me personally.
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The rng can just screw the killers game also. Traps is the only thing she has and seeing someone take it off first box is just ridicilous.
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I think at this point your just irrational because of past experiences, but I can understand that.
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What if, instead of the key being in a random jigsaw box, there are 2 keys you need to get and you can get one out of any box. Her ultra rare add on could require you to get 3 keys. This gets rid of edge cases where Pig gets screwed because you get it off in the first try or you get screwed because you need to search 4 or 5 boxes.
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Exactly, it's stupid.
I disagree, I think it's most of the pig mains who are irrational. My friends I all play with hate her as much as I do, only difference is they have a bit more patience with it than myself. I can recognize Pig suffers from the RNG problem too, that she isn't the strongest killer by any means, and that there are probably some people who don't channel her absurd tunneling potential- thing is there doesn't seem to be a lot of that coming from the people going "OMG PIG SO CYOOT BOOP THE SNOOT" when confronted with the other side of things. That seems far more irrational to me.
I can safely say for example, that if they re-worked the boxes to not be some RNG/Luck nonsense, reduced her tunneling capabilities, and buffed her in the process while they were at it; I would enjoy playing both as and against her a whole lot more.
That won't solve player attitude, but it would solve most of the ammo they use to be toxic.
That's something, I think part of it is the RNG aspect of it, but I think the other part is how hilariously vulnerable it makes you, it basically screams tunnel this person which is why so many pig's do it. Also like they said above, if a survivor runs the killer past you, because they are some awful pubbie, you are going to get downed or knocked off that box all because of someone else's recklessness. In SWF it's not as bad but solo's it's incredibly frustrating.
Still, Pig shouldn't be punished immediately by luck either, it's a dumb mechanic as a whole.
A lot of people have pointed this out; yet they are the ones who are irrational for doing so; and not the people going "Yeah this is totally luck based and not based around any sort of skill at all- that's fine"
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You can't solve the RNG issue of her RBT and Jigsaw boxes. That's quite literally how she was created for her stall potential. How would you propose to fix her RBT while still giving her the same lvl of stall. That's a combined total of
(12 seconds - Y) + Z x 4
Where Y is RNG skill checks and Z is travel time.
Only time I see any of the behavior you have listed is at low to middle ranks, but that's not just a Pig based attribute that's almost every Killer who's new to the game or bad. Though we can argue this l day because you may of personally seen tons of Pig players do it since her release vs where I rarely see it.
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I imagine it would need a pretty large rework.
Also it most definitely is not low to middle ranks only, in fact the lower ranks are actually usually not so bad, I've had toxic ones with like 3000+ hours in red ranks.
It's a killer who has mechanics that cater to awful styles of gameplay, just like how Bubba does. Does that mean every bubba is a troll who face camps? No, but a lot of them do. Thing is that usually DOES stay in the lower to middle ranks I find, the problems with Pig have been universal.
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Your party hat is getting a tampered timer in it for that slanderous remark
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Bacon! errrr I mean uuhhhh....
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I am immune to Pig these days. Unless I am in SWF, but then I don't even try and survive I just help my friends get more bloodpoints; they respect my hatred of Pig because they were there for all the games that spawned it.
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I often throw the game to Boop the Snoot. Luckily I'm a swf 4 man so they all know imma get that Snoot... Plus I hate most pigs playstyle on console so more reason to Boop and bail!
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I thought it was about the new update