Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

New day, same toxic players

Let's see, every day it's the same toxic behavior that doesnt get banned by the devs, dont know how many times it needs to be said, tunneling, and camping are NOT a strat, they are pure toxic behavior and tunneling doesnt have a counter. Before are you tunnelers try and say borrowed time or ds, delaying the inevitable is not a counter


  • X_Scott
    X_Scott Member Posts: 137

    I don't understand the oral pleasing motion survivors make. It makes me uncomfortable. You let one go and they kneel by your groin and bob their head.

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    It's fine, annoying when it happens to you, but fine.

  • X_Scott
    X_Scott Member Posts: 137

    Jesus, that really is the same vest

  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624
    edited January 2020

    This right here is why DBD is trash for solo Q. I ran a huntress on the game for a solid 5 minutes, while absolutely nothing got done because noobs can't do ruin gens. I almost even finished a gen before I got found, which would have been the only one of the game.

    They proceed to get 3 man slugged trying to hook bomb, and complain I left them all to die while the huntress tried to sweat for the 4k. I just stood on a door and got out for free because it was the game map.

    Post edited by Mandy on
  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    I haven't went to that stage yet, soon though....soon

  • Number22
    Number22 Member Posts: 27
    edited January 2020

    Is it really not accepted by the Devs? I'm honestly asking, I don't know. I always get annoyed when killers camp or tunnel me, but I always thought it was a legit strategy/style of play that is annoying/weak but not against the rules of the game. I figured if it were there would be some sort of preventative measure or at least some sort of penalty or punishment. I'm wondering now, does anyone know for a fact it's condemned behavior and frowned upon? That changes my whole perspective lol

    EDIT: never mind, just realized you said toxic behavior that doesn't get banned. I thought you said does get banned. Never mind lol

  • kreeper124
    kreeper124 Member Posts: 496

    The devs dont do anything about it as they are legit strats. Not good strats, but strats nonetheless. Easiest way to punish that behavior is to just do gens

  • Number22
    Number22 Member Posts: 27

    Yeah, I re read the comment and realized that I read it wrong. He said toxic behavior that doesn't get banned. I thought he said does get banned. I edited my original comment to make it clear

  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624

    You can only really complain about facecamping. Getting tunneled means nothing if you are running DS, or are good in a chase. I can usually punish any killer trying to tunnel me off the hook, just by running them around for so long my team can finish a lot of gens.

    If anything, getting chased all game is optimal if you are good at looping, because you will know what areas all the pallets have been used at, and can make sure you use them efficiently.

    It is pretty annoying to run a killer for 4-5 gens, just to get hit once with NOED, and die for it though.

  • Number22
    Number22 Member Posts: 27

    I misread the OPs comment and thought that he said "toxic behavior that does get banned." I re read it and realized he said "doesn't get banned." I was like what? Hahaha

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249

    Actually it's not toxic, it's smart. You just sound like you need some practice looping. Ambushing and divide and conquer tactics, especially picking off the weakened players is the most efficient way to thin the ranks. If you're getting caught in those snares over and over, it's you that needs to ask yourself why. What can YOU do to make it less likely an issue. No Killer in their right mind is just going to let you walk away from a hook, especially if you're injured. It would be the complete antithesis of what they are expected to do as Killers. Just because you don't think it's fair, doesn't mean it's toxic.

    Constant teabagging and flashlight clicking after stuns, face camping and hitting hooked survivors, sending nasty messages, all of these are toxic behaviors when done to excess. Ambushing unwary survivors by setting traps, or patrolling the area around a hooked survivor, or picking off the weak links/injured survivors, especially those that are obviously less skilled at or entirely poor Loopers isn't toxic at all. It's smart, efficient, and exactly what a good hunter would and SHOULD do to bag their prey.

    DS, DH, BT, UE, Breakout, Lithe, SB, BL, BO, and even WOO, are all great ways to break a tunnel, as is stocking up on fireworks during events, or bringing flashlights. As a survivor, it's your job to always be aware of you surroundings. If you're hooked, while you wait, you should be looking for the best escape route, preferably one suited to your current perk set, and understand that rescuers are accepting the risk of getting hit to save you, should it be necessary.

    That you count camping and tunneling as toxic tells me you haven't learned to differentiate good camping from bad, and you probably aren't great in a chase. Getting caught isn't some magical thing the Killers just pull out of their hats. At some level, you made it possible by making a mistake. Fix those mistakes, and you won't get caught. Not getting caught is the easiest and most effective counter to both Tunneling and Camping, two very effective and thus very common tactics.

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249

    To be fair, as a Killer, getting looped around that long is frustrating, and the feel of said runner getting NOED slugged is extremely satisfying. That said, I'll still likely carry you to the door or hatch, if for no other reason than you absolutely bested me and deserve it. Unless you teabagged me a lot after stuns, and then I'll let you crawl out by yourself. Either way, I'ma still slug ya, given the chance. Lol

  • mylesmylo
    mylesmylo Member Posts: 354

    As much as toxic players are annoying, less face it without them, lobbies would be even harder to get into 😂

  • mylesmylo
    mylesmylo Member Posts: 354

    Yeah I'm the same, if I clearly just didn't perform well, and I get that pesky survivor down at the end without noed because I don't use it lol but yeah if I get them down and gates are open, I'll take them there, sometimes I even open the door for them, I might chase someone all game and suck hard at getting them, I don't chase them because they have annoyed me, I chase because it makes it interesting to learn how to do better when your up against a survivor who knows how to run you around. So I always let them go, because I don't want to be a salty dbag that finally gets you down and camps lol then you get left behind looking like a idiot because you know they gonna ds you if they get unhooked 😂 I know I have lost, so I'm not going to sweat over it