The Krampus - Killer Concept

Piekenier Member Posts: 17

Concept Art

Lore Idea:
A kind old man called Nick Klaas, or another play of words on Saint Nicholas. Always ensuring the children of his small town got gifts during Christmas, even those from poor families. However he noticed that more and more children started to take all they had and were gifted for granted, they were losing the Christmas spirit. Perhaps even being the target of harassment of said children he became bitter and cruel. Eventually giving out gifts for a final time, this time deadly gifts before disappearing and being taken in by the Entity.

Ability: Krampusnacht
• The Krampus can use his alternative attack, which has a charge time of 2 seconds, to instantly put a ‘Naughty’ Survivor in his sack if he hits them with it in a special lunge attack.
• Survivors in his sack are unable to escape the grasp of the Krampus if they are ‘Naughty’.
• Survivors are not carried on the shoulder but in the sack, with the legs sticking out of it.
• Can wrap Generators, Lockers, Pallets, Totems and Chests in paper from his sack which takes 2 seconds. Survivors can’t interact with these objects before first tearing the paper off.
• Survivors will not be able to see whether a Totem holds a Hex perk if it is wrapped with paper.
• Pallets which are already dropped can’t be wrapped in paper.
• Ripping off paper will take 3 seconds and will give a Survivor the ‘Naughty’ status.
• ‘Naughty’ survivors will glow for the Killer.
• Upon receiving the ‘Naughty’ status the aura of the Survivor will be visible to the Killer for 10 seconds.
• ‘Naughty’ Survivors will keep their ‘Naughty’ status until they are hooked

• Urban Detection: Crouching while within 4/6/8 meters of the Killer will show the aura of the Survivor to the Killer.
• Witch’s Friend: Gain a token each time a Totem is removed. Hitting a survivor will make you lose a token and inflicts a 25/20/15 seconds bleed-out timer on the survivor. Gain vision of the survivor who destroyed the Totem for 3/4/5 seconds.
• Hex: Foolish Greed. The survivor which removes this totem will have 1/1/2 of their perks randomly taken away. The Hex will now occupy a Dull Totem if available. If no Dull Totem is available the ability will deactivate and the survivors will have access to all their perks again.

Add-ons Idea:
• Can wrap Windows and dropped Pallets.
• Can wrap Hooks and Dying State Survivors. The latter can no longer move.
• Can wrap Exit Gate and Hatch.
• Increases time to tear off paper.
• Increases time of aura reveal.
• Inflicts diverse debuffs to 'Naughty' Survivors (blindness/mangled etc.).
• Stunning and Blinding causes ‘Naughty’.
• Distraction and Protection causes ‘Naughty’.
• Crouching (T-bagging) within 4 meters of the Killer will cause ‘Naughty’.
• Able to hold multiple ‘Naughty’ Survivors in your sack. Movement speed is lowered for each additional Survivor carried this way.
• Increases movement speed against ‘Naughty’ Survivors.

Christmas will soon be coming and what better way to celebrate it than with a Christmas killer?


  • FinLadd
    FinLadd Member Posts: 190
    It is a good idea but some of these abilities are Lil bit op... But maybe its a good thing
  • Piekenier
    Piekenier Member Posts: 17
    edited August 2018

    Thanks! And yes I was struggling with the precise numbers but ofcourse that can only really be determined by playtesting and further balancing. Maybe there should be a limit to the things he can wrap in paper though I'd rather alter the duration it takes to wrap in that case.

  • WeraRaptor
    WeraRaptor Member Posts: 18
    edited August 2018

    I like this idea really, could be a really cool Christmas DLC thing. I love the lore, and the play on words, this has a lot of potential for sure.

    I can only really see issues with the time, like for an example, having the Naughty status and then the kiler seeing you for 10 seconds, that's a little bit too much. and too OP, I'd change it so that any survivor with the Naughty effect can be seen with an aura by the killer if they are outside his terror radius. Also, I think that only things that affect the killer straight on should give the naughty status; eg, blinding, stunning, opening exit gates, and possibly a much shorter Naughty status on involved survivors when a generator is complete. Don't give the Naughty effect for constant t-bagging, this killer would be "The Salty" then, lol.

    Also, it could be OP as the killer seems to be able to wrap everything. I'd change that to him only having 3 or 4 rolls per game, so that he has to think about what he wants to wrap, and then to balance that, changing the time taken to unwrap from 3 to 5 seconds, and having non-benefitting and difficult skill checks.

    If a Naughty survivor is in the sack, perhaps rather than not letting them escape at all, they can, but their wiggling is 50% slower and are stunned when they get off for 1.5 seconds less than the killer is.

    Urban Detection: Change distance to 3/6/9 metres (bit too OP)
    Witch's Friend: No survivor vision, that wouldn't be too good, the maps are so dark/have repetitive environments (like trees) that it wouldn't be useful if you were trying to find them, and then not really for anything else.
    Hex: I feel as if this is wayyyyy too OP, to balance, maybe if this happens, the killer's 1/1/2 perks get brought down to 1st tier with the survivors removed perks, and/or the killer slows down a bit.

    Don't let the killer wrap hooks or dying survivors as that would be so unfair, as well as dropped pallets or windows unless there is a strict limit on that wrapping paper.

    Overall, I do actually love this idea, it has a very unique twist to it, something I feel the game needs in order to be more dynamic and creative.

  • Rannigan
    Rannigan Member Posts: 2

    lol yeah I just made a post saying this would be an amazing Christmas chapter for DBD!

    dunno if I am allowed to link it here but here goes!

  • 8obot1c
    8obot1c Member Posts: 1,129

    Hex: Foolish Greed should disable 1 perk for 60/120/180 seconds randomly.