Do you GG EZ when the Killer has had a very bad match?



  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764

    I only write ggez if it's someone I know who was killer.

    Then they just message me to tell me to eat a dick, and we're friends again. ;)

  • SithLordLuxray
    SithLordLuxray Member Posts: 44

    Bold of you to assume us killer mains don’t want to play because of just Ruin. I don’t use Ruin, so that doesn’t affect me. It’s the toxic attitude of entitled survivors and broken gameplay that deters me.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    edited January 2020

    I only do if I'm given salt.

    I start off nice, and if they're rude to me, I flirt then gg ez.

    Edit: Just realized you were talking about KILLERS only. No I don't gg ez killers who had a bad match.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    I had this the other day. Playing as Doctor, having a play around with some fun perks, no toxic perks or addons matched against 4 rank 2 SWF survivors, clearly on comms fully kitted out with the usual SWF perks.

    I did play as well as I could, no camping or tunnelling but all 4 escaped through the hatch. As well as the realisation that I had just given them the elusive "Where Did They Go?" trophy, it was followed up with that dreaded message box, "A player has just added you to a group"

    I didn't even get GG. Just "Easy".

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    From my experience GG is mostly only ever said when the survivors win. Any other time and i am met with silence.

    From what i can tell, "GG" is just used to rub salt in wounds

  • xllxENIGMAxllx
    xllxENIGMAxllx Member Posts: 923

    Most people are simply D... this game community is one of the worst on gaming history. This game is poorly balanced for killers. Even Nurse herself on Big maps can be gen rushed easily. Why bother playing killer if you know how is the result.

    You pick a loopable killer : You suck ez pz baby killerino

    You play mori , camp , tunnel : you get insulted.

    Devs know how bad killer mechanics are. I mean being hooked and unhook can both be exploited by killers. No terror radius = no BT No DS = ez tunnel. Hook should give some immunity once unhooked a second or two. If killer camp the timer should slowing down by 50% except in chase near the hook to prevent exploit.

    There is easy way to fix bad mechanics and reduce the salt from both sides. Devs just keep listening to the survivors because there are the major population of the game. Queues is becoming longer and that's a good thing i hope that will make them realise how killers was always the bad side of the game and still is and probably always be.

    Nurse saved the game from extinction but now she isn't in the state she was. the point is just to explain as why the salt is happening , how frustrating the game is for killers and how he can be for survivors those is linked as why ez and insult is happening in the first place.

    Devs need to buff killers , fix bad mechanics exploit , fix maps and matchmaking will fix itself a bit. Rank system is a mess without name and not incensive at all. Tournament need to happen too so they can see the top tier players and see how they play both side (balance wise).

  • Zephinism
    Zephinism Member Posts: 542

    No I never write 'ez' for anything.

    If all 4 of us get out because the Killer is outmatched then I usually try and offer some advice. Generally to be met with a series of insults from the Killer.

    I still do this though as not every Killer is incapable of taking advice.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    Bad winners are really the dirt under the fingernails of gaming. They must be really insecure in real life.

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448
    edited January 2020

    i never say GG EZ, but 99% of the time i say ggs, the 1% being games that last less than 5 minutes

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,236

    Nope. Especially when that person plays a garbage tier killer that has to deal with every safe pallet on a map. That player is likely to turn around and play Spirit with a mori.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    to be honest, I have seen this ONCE in my entire 2 year DBD carrer. And I would rather prefer a survivor say "nah, I spawned beneath this lit totem, let's push through a gen first before I cleanse it". But that "gift" will be gone this week anyway.

    I never said "ez" so far. I sometimes get insulting, but not very harshly and only when the killer started to play really bad without any reason. Like camping on 5 gens left or something equally obvious. Mostly, if the game somewhat went normal but I expect post game salt, then I even wait for a first reaction before I type something. Cuz it feels bad when you type blaming sh*t and then read some apologize for unintended scenes

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    you don't know if the DC guy still reads. All the other ones getting screwed by the DC already then read an "ez" afterwards. I guess in most cases you get the wrong persons with that, even if you addressed the DC guy

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
    edited January 2020

    I gg ez only to toxic Killers or when they used overpowered loadouts and still lose with 0-1 Kills with Ebony Moris, Iri head huntres etc.

    Toxic Killer to me: Facecamping with no reason or if the survivor looped him well. Naughting after downing ppl at a regular chase.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    I'm calling bull. I have played this game for years and never once had a survivor give me a kill if I did poorly. Sorry bud but this is just straight bs.

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    No, because I am not 12.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I never say GG, EZ or GG EZ at all.

  • michipete84
    michipete84 Member Posts: 2

    The only time I EVER say gg ez is as a joke when the match ends as soon as it begins ( disconnect during load). Otherwise it is rude on either part.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    It's not.

    But I believe that you have never seen it happen. I've been playing the game quite a lot (Devotion 9) & watching streams since summer 2017 and I have seen other people do this about 3-4 times.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Why would you? It's rude as #########.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    A friendly Jeff once let me kill him after I let him rescue his friend from the hook at the end of the game. He was probably a killer main. I guess I should "pass it on".

    A Claudette or a Nea would never do that. But I'd imagine an Adam would.

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    Only if the killer chased me the entire game and I still escape

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    Lord no. Only children and people trying to be toxic would post that crap. The killer knows they did bad, they don’t need a snotty survivor rubbing it in.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    I will say GG in majority of games whether I have lost or won.

    If I lose as a survivor due to hardcore camping/tunnelling, I don't bother.

    I never feel the need to start saying ez, everyone has bad games.

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,580

    Then maybe be an entitled survivor :D and it is a bold assumption yes, because most aren't....seems how since that announcement went out there isn't many people player killer, even people have said so

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    I usually don't waste my time to message someone.

    Yes we get frustrated at games and get heated and do things we would regret doing, I tend to need to remind myself to back off and breathe, if I had a fun time, I'll keep to myself for the most part, I can understand that pain as I ran Hillbilly with my only Carburetor Tuning Guide and the considerably fast turning jug and got Hawkins, it wasn't fun and I didn't get any kills, as well as them being a squad who hook rushed and flashlight camped, I got a few saws but it was mostly M1, I still played well.

  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471

    I'm on Xbox so I can send messages specifically to the guy who DCed. There is no post game chat on console.

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378

    I play on console, so I dont have to bother with endgame chat...I do however try to message people after a game for a good play, if they let me go, or if they were good sports due to people DCing etc.... I'll write a short but nice message and if they respond back in kind, I'll wish em luck.

    People who "GG EZ, LUL" are the bane of videogames and I have no patience or respect to someone who wants to be a douchebag.... Those types of people already display that behaviour during a match....extending that to chat/messages is ridiculous

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    The only kind of people who write gg ez are childs, or childish adults. It's like t-bagging at the exit gate. It's not even good sportmanship.

  • DeadVision
    DeadVision Member Posts: 30

    No, because I'm not a doucbebag. Being messaged "gg ez" (and it comes off as cocky and overconfident) after a bad game of killer aggravates me further, so I'd rather not stoop to that level and say it to other killers even if they tunneled, camped, etc. However if it's just "gg" then I'll suck it up and message them back, wishing them luck next game and all that.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,522
  • chase131119
    chase131119 Member Posts: 839

    Only if the killer playing like an absolute ass.

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    I had a survivor do this to me once, they had an insta dc as soon as the match started so I farmed with them, and this guy wouldn't leave through the gates, the entity took him

  • KaceSpireh
    KaceSpireh Member Posts: 112

    Honestly whomever says GGEZ BABY KILLER to me in the end of the game I just imagine them as the post in @Bluefangs

  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835

    When my opponent clearly had bad game I usually say nothing as they already feel like crap.

  • VicThor
    VicThor Member Posts: 347

    It think it’s childish to send a message like that. The other day a survivor added me on ps4 just to tell me ‘EZ genrushed ‘ and I was with an anti heal build legion. Sometimes I ask survivors why they t-bagged, cause I want to understand if I have done something insulting.