we could just remove killer weapons if you want?
everyone screaming nerfs at everything lets just make them unable to attack, they just have to watch us do gens and escape. game is unfun and unbalanced if everyone cant escape 100% of the time obviously this needs to happen...
Such constructive feedback, much discussion... wow
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Yep, take away their weapons and give them to survivors.
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I mean, I've seen people say "This killer is unfun to play against because they never meme"...so may as well remove their ability to kill, and turn them into circus acts for survivors amusement.
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Well, this post is giving constructive feedback. After all these nerfs, the suggestion to remove weps is actually a not so bad idea. I have seen so much killer feedback (to help em) get neglected and the result is a another slap of a nerf.
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Whats the point of this post?
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Knowing that the Devs take into consideration every potato post about nerfing X killer, I would say this is about the same level.
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Satire is dead to you I see.
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To anyone moaning about the post doesnt provide good feedback im not being funny but no matter how many times iv posted balance changes that wouldnt break anything and would be fair for both sides and it just get overlooked because people rather just post about nerfs and complain i thought id join in. people arent interested in balance, discussions or even new ideas. the whole forum is people complaining and wanting nerfs even though they arent needed or people trying to act like theyre better than others seeing whos dick swings more...
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Take away weapons. Add dance moves. MUN-AY!
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honestly...that would be the ONLY change the devs are willing to make for killers.
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People gave plenty of constructive feedback, and the developers ignored them because their opinion doesn't matter as they aren't new players
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Jokes on you, Hag and Demogorgon doesn't use weapons.
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Hit the nail on the head, played the game for 2+ years at rank 1 constantly as both sides but any suggest i have made gets over looked or not even replied too yet theyre reasonable balance changes but no one cares or makes a fuss because its a serious post unlike everyone elses
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Only if the add Speedo Myers cosmetic.
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Oh yeah 100% Then add bunny feng and then the game is compete!