What lore do you feel the most simpathy for?

she literally got eaten alive.6 -
Wraith. Dude was just minding his own business doing his job. He never knew
Azarov deserved it. #JusticeForBingBong4 -
Trapper - Dude just loved his father, and when he couldn't be loved anymore, he snapped. Blew up the mines out of frustration and loss.
Wraith - Poor guy didn't even know. Innocence put to evil work. #JusticeForBingBong
Hillbilly - Dude wasn't even wanted. Bricked up for his entire childhood. Fed through a hole in the wall. Makes me wonder how they even remembered they had a son.
Nurse - She was just dreaming of a happy family story. After that foreman visit, she knew her life was going downhill.
Huntress - She was just going hunting with her mom. Damn elk. I hope we find that beast and bring it to the vengeful justice it should be served.
Clown - Dude basically lived on his own. His father pretty much didn't love him. He thought after joining the circus, that his life could change. Bad influences got the best of him, and he couldn't turn back.
Shape - Not much sympathy here. Killed his sister before he was ten years old. He was always a pure seed of evil, but he can give a damn good moonwalk performance.
Hag - Captured, chained up, eaten alive (kind of). Sounds like hell, and if it isn't, I don't know what is. When she finally got out, her captor got what he deserved.
Bubba - His family was out in the country, minding their own cannibal business. Even if it was looked down upon, that was no reason for the outsiders to roll around in their truck and come mess with them.
Doctor - Just a guy who loved brains. It was one of those cases where someone gets too into their job. This one got into the heads of many.
Freddy - He just loved being with and helping kids, and was taken as a pervert. It escalated to the point of Freddy v. Springwood.
Pig - She was intrigued by Jigsaw's work, and pretty much fell in love with him. So it was a bit sad watching her mentor leave her. She only followed what she believed was what Jigsaw left in store for her.10 -
That is a very good question.
Um I wanna say its a tie (for me) between Huntress, Billy, and Nurse yeah.0 -
Dwight.... i worked at a Pizza Hut as a teen. i probably woulda been glad that the entity snatched me outta there....
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The Wraith and Meg. The wraith was tricked and avenged those he unknowingly killed and meg.. her poor mother, who will take care of now.
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BLUE_APE said:
That is a very good question.
Um I wanna say its a tie (for me) between Huntress, Billy, and Nurse yeah.0 -
I feel bad for Feng and Meg. Their backstories are really depressing. For killers, definitely Huntress, Nurse and Hag.
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I feel bad for literally everybody in this game. From Meg and her sick mother to The Huntress's loss of her mother, Billy's abuse as a child, and The Hag's story of being EATEN ALIVE... All of these characters need some sort of redemption1
hag because she got eaten alive (kinda)
huntress for staying alone in the woods and she killed the girls even when she would not wanted to
wraith for his quilty
leatherface because he's just scared0 -
For the killer, Hillbilly. Not once in his life was he ever shown any kind of love. He's probable never even been hugged.
For the survivor, Meg. She and her mother were abandoned by her father, and when Meg had the chance to get a scholarship, she gave it away to take care of her mother, only for her to be captured by the entity.1 -
Talking about Killers: Amanda especially if you're a fan of the saw series as she's not an inherently bad person.
Even putting people in inescapable traps stems from her mental issues and how she feels like she didn't change and is still taking her life for granted ( going from drug abuse to self-harm) watching her mental state deteriorate as she starts to think John only saw her as a pawn was pretty sad and it's even more sad when you realise John didn't care about her as an apprentice he cared about her as family. She was just as important him as Jill.
However the worst part of it all was even after the final events of saw 3 when brought into the entity's realm after going crazy and her mental state deteriorating even more she rationalized that this is what John wanted for her and killing lynn and putting people in unwinnable traps was actually the right course of action and now she views the entity as a surrogate John.
Talking about survivors: Feng Min honestly I kind of relate to the whole trying so hard to achieve other people's respect and admiration due to a lack of it at home despite being coined as a lone wolf at least when she's in the realm anyway she clearly does care about other people even to the point where she prioritises what day feel over her own health.
She had depression and anxiety that she might let people down to the point where she start actively damaging her own life is kind of tragic.
Also black sheep of my family myself, I kind of despise her parents just because I know from experience how showing your child very minimal affection and belief can really screw them over. To the point where they actively start trying to get that from the others even though it might put them in the best situation.0 -
The Trapper: "Father will be pleased."
The Wraith: "You turned me into a monster!"
The Hillbilly: "LEAVE ME ALONE!"
The Nurse: "I ... will free ... them ... all ..."
The Huntress: "I will teach the little ones like mamma did."
The Hag: "I'm just so hungry."The Doctor: "I like killing stuff
Don't be like the Doctor
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I feel bad for the Entity. He feeds on hope but all he gets is salt.
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For killers I have the most sympathy for Huntress and Wraith. The Huntress has a sad story, watching her own mother die in front of her eyes. The Wraith is a simple good guy gone bad type deal. Maybe put the Hag into the sympathy list as well. I have the LEAST sympathy for Myers and Doctor. Myers has always been evil and The Doctor went psycho. Amanda is a psycho ######### as well.
For survivors it is for sure Meg and Feng. Those are the two that don’t deserve the punishment. Meg is simply looking after her ill mother, pretty much giving up a future to care for her, sad situation. Dwight, Kate, and Claudette I’d also say are the more “good” of the survivors. Dwight is a spineless doormat and Claudette is just shy (ya know when she isn’t flashlighting and teabagging on the other side of the pallet). Kate is a wrong place wrong time type of deal. Least sympathy is David for sure, he’s just a douche.0 -
Killer: Huntress and Wraith.
Survivor: Meg, Tapp and Ace (Reason being because the man is just way to happy and smiles way to much, Someone like that should not be in here if they have such an optimistic persona)0 -
@ItsDaEmuDood said:
Huntress - She was just going hunting with her mom. Damn elk. I hope we find that beast and bring it to the vengeful justice it should be served.Her mother killed the elk before she died. I dont think we will ever find it.
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@MoltenBlade said:
The Trapper: "Father will be pleased."
The Wraith: "You turned me into a monster!"
The Hillbilly: "LEAVE ME ALONE!"
The Nurse: "I ... will free ... them ... all ..."
The Huntress: "I will teach the little ones like mamma did."
The Hag: "I'm just so hungry."The Doctor: "I like killing stuff
Don't be like the Doctor
The Clown: "I just want to lick your fingers, he-he-he *coughs*"
The Shape: "Dud, do you, like, saw how my knife is shining after I hit you? Here, look at it. My knife is freakin awesome."
The Nightmare: "I like killing stuff too"
The Cannibal: "Iam hungry too *oinks*"1 -
@Rattman said:
The Clown: "I just want to lick your fingers, he-he-he *coughs*"
The Shape: "Dud, do you, like, saw how my knife is shining after I hit you? Here, look at it. My knife is freakin awesome."
The Nightmare: "I like killing stuff too"
The Cannibal: "Iam hungry too *oinks*"forgot the Clown,would be more like "I will preserve your most beautiful part.", but didn't go for the movie killers since that literally ties into the movie lore. For instance the Pig is 'being tested' by the Surrogate Jigsaw (entity). The Nightmare is exacting his revenge. The Cannibal is protecting his family and the Shape... well he's just evil incarnate...
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Off the top of my head, the Wraith and the Hag. Neither of them asked for what happened to them.
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Can't Wait for the final chapter where all Killers and survivors are working together to beat entity and escape from the fog in way they looked before being transported in the fog.
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The Hag definitely
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BadassLaurie said:
Can't Wait for the final chapter where all Killers and survivors are working together to beat entity and escape from the fog in way they looked before being transported in the fog.
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Group A The Hag, The Nurse, The Wraith and then Group B The Cannibal, Huntress and Hillbilly for different reasons.
I pity both because they were corrupt, and didn't intend to be in this predicament. Group A was tortured from what we know, and the Nurse has been here the longest of the killers. I remember that being said in a written down Q&A. The Hag is a body of revenge because being eaten alive. The nurse just wanted to heal people. The Wraith died trying to save someones life.
Group B is full of people who have stunted emotional maturity. The Cannibal has been brainwashed and used by his family, and is acting out of fear of others. The Huntress was taught to look at everything as prey, and deeply desires a daughter to protect because of unresolved mother issues. The Hillbilly was taught to view himself as a monster ever since the young age of developing object permanence. He knows nothing but that sort of treatment. All three were shown that people are evil at a young age, and into adulthood they still lack the ability to even the reason to try and understand or trust their prey.
The Trapper could arguably be said to not be a terrible as some of the others. He was killing for his father, so he may be doing it out of love and not fear, and that means he isn't a complete sociopath. His rationality is whats at fault, he didn't understand it was wrong if it is in the name of family and love.
Amanda is next in line. She thinks it all makes sense and needs to happen. She didn't start off wanting to kill either I suppose, but she snapped at her own moment of having a near death experience.
The doctor has some signs of possibly being good, or a at least initially reasonable person, but only by connotation. His history implies his mind started to twist and he started doing harsher forms of torture. But then that shows his interest in the activity and desire to continue his line of work. He's probably one of the worse. Michael is a souless body that is possessed by evil in some films, and in others a sociopath who can't sympathize or feel to an extreme and just kills because he can. Freddy is implicitly a pedophile in the original and explicitly in the remake. The Clown just enjoys killing and is a creeper with fingers.
And last is The Spirit who I very much so have sympathy for. She appears scared and angry and confused, constantly switching between these emotions and responding erratically. I don't think she knows what she is doing or is fully in control. Even if part of her wants to do this.
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Spirit because of the many feelings she has. Im at my limit with my feelings and cant control them too.
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Killer wise.
Amanda, Spirit and Huntress
None of these is on this is really bad they've all had ######### just go downhill in there lives which led them to the whole being part of the entity's killer game.
Anna essentially has the mental age of a child on top of that having no grasp of social concepts essentially being a wild child. She does have a caring side for kids specifically girls even though her mental age and lack of social awareness kind of gets the people she cares for killed.
Rin essentially was trying her best with a struggling life and because her dad snapped her life essentially was cut short in a very agonizing way it's not hard to see why she would be consumed by the need for vengeance.
Amanda is it necessarily a bad person she just had some very deep issues and probably needed a therapist not a self-righteous murder mentor. In fact the main reason she even put people in unwinnable traps was pure projection because she thought that she didn't change she assumed that no one else could so there was no point in fully testing them.
( Btw I love John but I think it's bull that he doesn't consider himself a murderer when he definitely is)0 -
Survivors wise
Feng Min,Bill and Meg
Meg pretty much didn't do anything wrong was trying to care and her and sick mother mother. Then the almighty entity decided to be a massive douchebag and snatch huh up into eternal torture.
Bill is great man who actually cared for those around him even to the extent of sacrificing his life and even then he doesn't get to rest peacefully he's forced into the entity's sick game but he still tries to protect all those around him
Min is pretty much a young woman who picked up a passion and strive to be the best at it. However the pressure of failing her fans and her family cause anxiety which made her become obsessed with perfection which pretty much sent her life in a downward spiral has her obsessive training caused her to lose sleep and do the one thing that she was afraid of doing failing. The worst part is this was pretty much all instilled into her by her family rejecting her and seeing as her as a failure because of the pursuit she tried to do.0 -
@thenurse1248_PS4 said:
BadassLaurie said:Can't Wait for the final chapter where all Killers and survivors are working together to beat entity and escape from the fog in way they looked before being transported in the fog.
Sounds impossible. BEHAVIOR WE NEED A MOVIE