How is the hook exploit still a thing?
First off, yes, it IS an exploit
Survivors being able to get behind the hooked person and be nearly 100% safe is ridiculous and should've been removed ages ago now. Devs just changed ruin with one reason being it could be extremely strong with little risk on the killer's part, so what about this? I'm rank 1 killer and rank 2 survivor for context, and whenever a teammate does this, I will go out of my way to make sure they die, or facecamp them while checking my phone. It's insane how this is still in when things like Nemesis Legion were caught so fast.
This is not okay and anyone who does it and tries to say its a "tech" are braindead monkeys
edit; covered names even tho they deserve to be called out
Completely agree
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Move to side of hook, look at hook pole, swing. Tbag the downed survivor for being an idiot.
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Bug-team: We have found another bug sir!
Devs: Does it benifit survivors?
Bug-team: Ehm yes
Devs: That's not a bug that's a feature!
Bug-team: *whimper*
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reminder this is still a thing and really needs to be addressed as to whether it’s intentional or not
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People crouching under a hooked person in front of the killer just by accident. Alright then.
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As far as I can see Devs have not taken an official stance on this, by “intentional” I’m referring to being able to do it at all.
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or facecamp both.
you can not get any better value from a facecamp than this!
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Of course it's intended. As infinites were until it happened to the devs, as were instablinds, until it happened to the devs.
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It's not even that big of a problem. It's easily countered, just look more towards the hook and swing.
Quit complaining and learn to do stuff yourselves. I don't even bother with this "tech" as survivor because it's a trash "tech". It usually always ends up in me getting hit
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We're aware of the problem and working on it. The fix turned out to be more complex than expected, so it's not slated for the imminent release. As usual, I can't comment on when it will be fixed, but we will definitely fix it.
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Thank you!
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Nice, thanks for replying to this :)
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"Just look at the hook and swing" 🤦♂️
Me: "oh shiet the killer is on my left I better move right a bit so the hooked survivor takes the hit"
Well that wasnt hard to counter now was it?
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God I can't wait until a few killer techs get removed :).
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How about banning people who participate in this, then? With video evidence, it should be bannable. Plenty of people have been banned for exploits.
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Well then bait it XD.
It's not hard, stop expecting survivors to be bots
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why are you commenting if youre going to be negative?
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What "killer techs"? The issue with comparing this to killer techs is, none of them are unfair nor do they leave the survivor helpless to do anything about them.
The hook exploit is not a tech.
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How are the two similar at all?
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I was being sarcastic lol
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The only cheesy Killer Tech I know of is the "Grab Happy Doc" exploit where you enter treatment mode and spam M1 as fast as humanly possible for easy grabs. I used to do this all the time to win hatch standoffs.
It's being removed with the doctor rework sadly.
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Oh, so when devs specifically state something is or isnt supposed to work that way, is a tech or an exploit, we cant really trust their word.... good to confirm this!
Not that I think it should be a viable strategy, but still.
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Well you should. Both sides don't care about each others' fun. That's why both sides play as scummy as possible to the other
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And even then, it wasn't even a tech. Everyone knew you could do it. Besides, it was always more effective (and easier to pip by) shocking anyone and not allowing them the unhook rather than grabbing them xD
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Exactly. The Hook exploit isn't a tech nor a exploit as it is terrible at being both.
I agree that it shouldn't exist but this whole thread is ridiculous killer bias at it's finest
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Well at least you all now have proof the devs aren't survivor sided. The survivors are given a fun, skill based feature that is countered easily by skilled killers and a few killers complain about it and it gets removed. Survivor sided devs btw.
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Thats why it’s called an exploit and should be fixed so that it cannot be used
idk where the gap in logic is coming from but it seems pretty simple to me
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I actually appreciate the satire in your post. Good job.
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Surprising answer, thanks for looking into it.
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Mfw I play both at Rank 1/2 and generally play more survivor
but yea I totally didn’t include how I get my teammates killed if they do it, totally didn’t write it all out from the start I’m just a bias killer main
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Like what, pray tell, is a killer tech
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Stand in line with the hooked survivor and swing at the pole itself. They d/c half the time when they find out they can still be hit.
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Wait hook tech is an exploit but sandbagging is perfectly fine?
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You're record so far will more likely be that the fix will make it easier for survivors to do this since it's frustrating for new survivors to get get by the killer when trying to unhook someone.
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oh my bad homie lol
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I out of the thousand games I have played. Have only be let go by the killer a select few times.
And most of the time it wasn't cause of my team or me.
It's mostly
"Your name made me give you hatch"
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Lul, have a look at your history on these forums. Most of your comments reek of survivor bias. Talk about pot calling the kettle black. 🙄
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That's the keyword.
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Ban people for crouching under a hook? Whaaaaaaaaaaat? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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And? You're still a supercilious hypocrite. You sit there and ######### on people for their typical killer main posts, but then proceed to spew typical survivor main comments/posts.
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Whatever buddy
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I find it hilarious how all of you are complaining about this "exploit"
No one had a problem with the old hook tech but as soon as the old one got removed and this one got found out every killer main starts to ######### and whine in this thread.
I'm not saying anymore on this matter. Have a good discussion all
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yes how dare people want an exploit removed kekw
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Was the Legion double blade exploit great in any form ? Absolutely no, and it was rightfully fixed as soon as possible. The trapped in basement bug also was treated fairly quickly. Why would an obvious error like this "tech" be fine because it has counters ?
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Is this really an exploit...? I mean, as killer that has played against this kind of players I can always get them from the side of the hook and they gave me a second hooked person with close hooks whyle no pun intended patrolling the 1st hooked person. Are they actually "unreachable"?
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Many won’t agree but it’s a legitimate strategy to use the hooked survivor as cover. If you care about emblems this won’t punish you for being in close proximity because the survivor is in the vicinity. Also being downed and crawling left and right of a hooked survivor is essentially the same as using a structure/pallet to prolong a chase and one slip up will get you picked up with the exception of one map that I know of and won’t say because that is complete BS where you literally can’t be picked up while a survivor is hooked. Rarely the killer will leave you crawling under a hooked survivor because you can easily be faked out but if they spot someone else or walk away a bit then you can potentially pull off a Tenacity/Unbreakable play.
The Turtle crouch doesn’t make them invincible and the longer they stay there if you don’t have something like hatchets or manage to land a hit then they are just screwing themselves and the person on the hook.
The moment they go for the unhook it’s not possible to get back to their original position and look how fast you grabbed them.. what happened in that clip actually worked in your favour 100%.
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They're not really "unreachable", as the one on the hook will eventually die. It's not a way to hold the game hostage.