Let Me Guess Survivor Mains Want T3 Myers Nerfed Next Right???
I’m a Myers main Killer and I just had a match of swf with 2 purple flashlights 1 purple toolboxe with brand new parts, and 1 pink key. As soon as I saw the 2 flashlights I decided to bring in Franklin’s and switch my add ons to unlimited T3 Myers with a Ebony Mori just in case I got gen rushed, I’m a green rank killer and most of my matches have been against red rank survivors with flashlights and keys. Let’s just say I decided to even the odds in my favor and the survivors were not too happy about unlimited T3 Myers. I only mori’d one person and the other 3 died on hook but they gave me so much salt Mail about T3 Myers saying that was the only way I could win because I wouldn’t let them go down on two hits or heal up fully, Lol you survivor mains are funny and feel soooooo entitled and I don’t get it.
I can give you pizza. PizzaWhat special.
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Literally nobody is asking for a Myers nerf. It's not alot of fun facing infinite T3 Myers. But honestly it's that teams fault he got there.
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So glad you made a thread just to insult people. Can't wait to see what you come up with next.
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lol you think myers will be viable without ruin against good survivors, good luck hes F`d either way
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Yes, I want
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Ugh these posts make me hate the community
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Killers are not entitled to 4Ks each game.
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Why make a post about it? Why spread negativity?
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You're a strange person, lol. I mean that in a good way.
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Myers main...so scared. Infinite T3 and Ebony mori to counter "gen rush" lol. Git gud buddy. Prepared for more gen rush this week.
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Another killer thread insulting survivors. Only complainy, whine and insults from killer side. And you really think survivors are toxic?
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wait so let me recap what you said, you were angry because surv took items so you took most broken sh.. you could and for you its weird they are angry hmmmm
hell yea
btw let me show you perma T3 myers, Shes called Plague
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Bad recap. He was bothered by the salt, not the items
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How did you know the quality of their items before the game started?
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I have genuinely never seen anyone complain about T3 myers, besides people not knowing he has a more juicy lunge thinking they get bullshit/"dedicated" hit as a result.
Even infinite T3 and tombstones, one is basically playing injured from the moment he gets T3 (+ extra lunge and vault speed of course) and the latter has significant downsides no matter the form.
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salt is outcome of anger, + perma T3 and ebony is overkill xd
he has whole 1 post on forum, must be a god that sees everything
(btw he is afraid of Flashlights which are pretty much worst surv items if killer is using brain)
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Myers infinite tier 3 and mori healthy survivors is a bit much. Otherwise he is probably one of the best balanced in the game
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was about to say, he'd be lucky to get to T3 more than once before the game is over once this new patch hits
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Ill take inf tier 3 myers over iri huntress anyday, hell id take inf tier 3 myers just to verse him for a change. but i personally think keys, moris and toolboxes should be changed. keys are a free escape, moris are free kill and toolboxes atm can hit like 35% repair speed not including perks (in comparison to freddy who can now slow gens by 9% max?)
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I'm sorry ya got hate mail for that, but I don't really understand the point of this post. Literally nobody except those guys gave ya hate, what's the point of spreading the negativity to people who did nothing to you? You're being no better than them.
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Lol one toolbox = gen rush?? Now that's funny! I think you went a bit OTT in your setup, but GG either way
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I mean in your situation it is totally fair to use t3 Meyers
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What are you talking about? Of course they are.
Survivors should just give up and let the killer kill them, it's all about the killers' fun
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"haha survivor bad, killer good. Please upvote guys come on pleeaaasse"
^ That's how you sound rn. Get a life.
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i just want a boyfriend :(
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Not yet.
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That is a joke right? I've never been in a match where a Myers hasn't been able to tank up to T3, excluding those designed not to rank. His stalk ran as a good distance and he can rank to 2 pretty fast, often before he is spotted because of no terror radius T1. I bet the salt didn't come from him playing Myers, but how he played him. Killers keep saying "play as you want." But realize when you ppl play like a scum, making it boring by tunneling, slugging, camping, you'll be treated as such after. You had fun during the match, but I didn't, I'll have fun after the match making fun of you, then watch you complain on the boards about it.
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Seeing as a lot of survivors strat versus Billy appears to be "Try and spin around then get chainsawed" Id say its much more a survivor skill issue than a killer being op, that being said, he shreds new players who don't know how to loop him, so nerf incoming.
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Survivors are not entitled to an escape, any game.
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Baiting is bad man :/
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Infinite T3 Myers takes stalking all 4 survivors nearly dry. So yeah, it's kind of that teams fault if they get there.
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It does take more, but not all 4. It can be gotten in under 3 stalked. Yes, I do have Myers, I have used it, on my 2nd time playing him, no it was not hard.
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Imagine being so handicapped as a killer that the ruin balance will take you out of red ranks. I say this with whole heart:
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I dont really main a side, but I do switch to whatever has the quickest que times.
My only issue with Myers Tier 3 is when you 99% someone go find someone else who hasn't been seen and gets popped on them. To me it's unfair as a Survivor. As a killer I'm a hypocrite sadly. It's a strong move, but still BS imho.
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Billy is the one everyone will gun for next, Ive already seen it starting. then Freddy and ghostface then maybe Michael. Michael has to wait his turn.
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Op’s actually right though... so many babies are playing this game now... there’s people who think billy needs a nerf... he’s not even that strong without add-ons but saw how doctor is disappointing that way after the rework :P.
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Imagine a killer has to run 1 perk to be good at red rank, but survivors need 3 to 4 on average. I guess that killer was less handicapped in the end.
So Git Gud Scrub
All truthful statements aside. People seem to forget why Ruin was good which was mostly to deal with the map RNG. Some maps it's quite possible to lose a gen by walking to the gen you know everyone's on because of how large the maps are.