Please Stop
When the devs say something that you don’t like or something like that, don’t use Ruin nerf against them.
In fact, don’t use any nerf against them.
Actually, Don’t use ANYTHING against them!
It’s really annoying when they say something like “We listen, and we care” but then people start attacking them with “You didn’t care about Legion or Nurse.”
”You didn’t care about Ruin.”
You dont care about killer fun, you only listen to baby survivors!”
and it just goes on and on and on. Just please stop!
To be fair, like in a discussion with a wife (this is a joke, no pun intended), gamers act based in past actions that somehow are alike to nowdays discussions to let the Devs know they didn't solve something the way they wanted trying to get the "fixing" to a better place in the future, but yes, it doesn't help at all, what I do is, if I complain I give a suggestion with it hoping it can help solve the real problem.
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Welcome to the internet! Good luck on your are going to need it!
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Perfect spirit!
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So dont call out people for making bad decisions?
Interesting. This IS a public forum for discussion and voicing complaints, isnt it?
Also, double posting this thread? Come onnnnn.
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Why this thread is double?
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Honestly, a complete mistake. Didn’t even notice it was. Thank you for letting me know, though.
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I think it is absolutely correct to point to situations where the devs didn't listen, and to ongoing issues with the game. Of course don't just do that, you need to be more engaged, but I kinda get why some people aren't. There have been so many alternatives suggested, so many ideas, so many people with hundreds and thousands of hours in the game have spoken out against the changes that BHVR just barreled ahead with. This is the situation of someone who's in charge and says "I know better" when a subordinate suggests something, and the person in charge turns out to be wrong.
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I'm sorry but what do you expect? Ruin was by far the most controverse nerf in this game since nobody asked it and It was a very popular perk. Still recent. About Nurse and Legion... well, they really don't care. Every action has consequences
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Compelling argument
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Well what do you expect when they only listen to one half of the community and then state the change is down to survivors having fun?