Looking up to dodge Flashlight

Flashlights have been nerfed many times from their once OP instablind mode. That's all fine and dandy, they're okay where it's at. Except for one thing. Someone points a flashlight at you as killer, just look up and continue the chase as if nothing happened. Why is this a thing? It's just cheesy and mindless. The beam is still going at their face, it would make more sense to have to look left or right. Looking up to dodge a flashlight should be removed.
P.S. I'm a killer main
Flashlights are fine rn. The killer shouldn't be blinded when the beam hits their chin.
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down/up, left/right what's the difference? And how do you suggest "dodging" flashlight should be removed?
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It's a cheese mechanic that doesnt make sense though; they're still being hit by the light. Why not just look to the left or right?
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Let me guess you missed a flashlight save.
start the blind when the survivor is on the killers neck to shoulder to get the save.
if you try to flash him when he is moving there’s not point in trying save your charges for next time.
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The difference is it makes no sense if someone is shining a light directly at your face, but just because you're tilting up you suddenly aren't affected. It adds realism to actually have to turn away.
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It's not about saves, it's at any point when you're pointing a flashlight at a killer. This just doesnt make sense when a light is still being flashed right at your face.
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Makes perfect sense - you're not looking directly at the source of the light, so you're not blinded by it.
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If we're talking about realism, shining a flashlight at my chin isnt going to blind me. If you cant shine the light at my eyes, dont expect to blind anyone.
Also for the sake of realism... Typically people also come with eyelids and would simply close their eyes, or at most..NOT get stunned by a flashlight. Your shining a beam of light at the killer's face, not hitting them with a bat.
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then how do you use the flashlight because so far it sounds like you want to flash the killer anytime you want.
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The beam of light is still going in the face, in their eyes. Perhaps they get blinded slower for looking up, but becoming impossible to blind by tilting up makes little sense.
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Makes as much sense in that the sun outside only blinds you when you stare directly into it, rather than if it shines on your face normally with you looking strait ahead. If the sun doesnt have the ability to blind people indirectly, neither should a flashlight.
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Perhaps you should read. If the beam of light is hitting the killer's face, looking up while it's doing so shouldn't make it impossible to blind them. Looking side to side, where the light is not on their face, should be the way to guarantee a dodge. It's really not that complicated.
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What killer other than Myers is getting flashed so often?
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So survivors bodyblocking, jumping from heights and stunning a killer with a wooden pallet is realistic?
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Except that it can blind you by looking indirectly, just not as immediately. Looking up could make it take longer to be blinded, but not outright prevent a blind.
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Almost as cheesy as getting blinded at a pallet because you are unable to move your camera at all during break animation?
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My poor Joey 😢😭. (Joke)
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Way to stay on topic. I'm talking about one game mechanic, beam to face.
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Long time no see, lol
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you don't have an angle to shine it into their eyes anymore if they tilt their head up or down in order to blind them
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Hardly, you choose to break a pallet as a killer. Are you implying flashlight blinds should never work?
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The beam is still hitting their face and eyes, just indirectly. The only time you dont have an angle is when the beam isn't hitting their face/eyes
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I'm not sure how you connect what I said with implying blinds should never work. That is quite a stretch and clearly not being implied at all.
Also, saying it's my choice to break a pallet is a little misleading seeing as there are many pallet tiles that must be broken as they are completely safe if not.
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Well hello there friend!
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Have you ever looked at something bright on the horizon?
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Because your response to my critique of one specific flashlight mechanic was to bring up animations. Animations are part of the game, how is that a productive conversation?
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Yes, and it's still blinding, just not as much. I'm not saying to remove any effects of looking up, just make it a gradual blind.
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It's productive because it points out that the "cheesyness" comes on both sides in regards to flashlights. I point this out because your original posts wording implies that flashlights are weak and need the changes you point out. Me pointing out both sides of it is me saying that they are not as weak as your original stance says.
If your original post was that flashlights are not weak but they simply have issues in general and could use some reworks then my response would have been quite different.
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Okay, then i'll look down.
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And I quote, "Flashlights have been nerfed many times from their once OP instablind mode. That's all fine and dandy, they're okay where it's at." At no point was it said that flashlights are weak. You're reading things into my post. I'm specifically critiquing a specific mechanic of flashlights, which has been around for a while, and that never made sense to me.
As for the pallets, you potentially sacrifice vision for a few seconds to ensure a pallet is destroyed, and the survivor just wasted time flashing you when they could've been running.
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Just like in the game. Even if you look at your feet while standing next to the survivor who is trying to blind you, you will get blinded. It's the angle. You will get slightly blinded if survivor pointing flashlight beam at your face, but not looking directly at it. Quick question. How long have you been playing the game?
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Thats not allowed either, you have to look directly at the light like a moth
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Is this a joke?
If you try and blind me and i look at the sky you will noy blind me. It's simple. People complain about literally everything in this game. Holy crap
Also, you're not a killer main. Just saying that doesn't make anyone believe it. No killer would be arguing for having to look left or right to avoid a flashlight.
You're basically upset that i can look up, continue forward and hit you.
What you want is either the blind or i have to turn in almost the total opposite direction. A complete joke of an idea
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True, but the upwards angle won't ever reach a full blind. I'm saying that it should eventually blind, even at a slowed rate.
I've played since the June launch, 800 hours.
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"At no point was it said that flashlights are weak"
"Flashlights have been nerfed many times from their once OP instablind mode."
You are asking for something that would be a substantial buff to flashlights. If you thought flashlights were still strong you wouldn't be asking for a strong buff to them. The change you want is much more than a quality of life change.
Pallet break already has a cost of time to break, why does it now also deserve losing vision for a few seconds as well? Do you currently think pallet breaking is too strong? If blinding at the pallet was a complete waste of time survivors wouldn't do it, but they do and for a reason. They gain more out of it than the cost of the time it takes them, so to say they are wasting time in exchange for that blind I think is a bit of stretch.
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It does.
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Not a joke. It's simple. the light hits your face, you aren't craned at a 90° angle, bud. If you were a decent killer, you'd know you only have to turn slightly right or left to avoid a light altogether.
I most certainly am a Killer main. If you can't handle simple disagreements and cognitive dissonance, I guess that's a you problem.
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So a slight turn is greater than the equivalent motion in an upwards direction. My god
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Nerfing something that's OP makes it weak? #########, are you even reading what you type?
Also, this is not a substantial buff at all. You can still just as easily turn left or right and get the same effect. If you disagree, you could just say that instead of blowing things way out of proportion. It is a buff for consistency that in effect doesnt change much, because you can still look the other directions.
As for pallets, you're blinded for part of the destroying animation where you weren't attacking anyways. Survivors have less time to escape, but they gain points and some confusion to possibly mindgame the killer; that's the tradeoff. They don't gain nothing, they just dont gain the distance that sprinting away would've had.
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Ok, so in sake of "realism", Demogorgon just should be immune to flashlights, Myers, Ghostface, Trapper, Nurse, Oni, and Leatherface should all have a reduced effect from flashlights because of their masks, and Doctor should just be instablinded constantly because of his headgear. You have to take gameplay and balance over realism sometimes.
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"Nerfing something that's OP makes it weak? #########, are you even reading what you type?"
That isn't what was said.
You said they were not OP anymore, so we are not talking about nerfing something that is OP.
"Also, this is not a substantial buff at all. You can still just as easily turn left or right and get the same effect."
You can still be blinded from the side so you'd have to "almost" walk backwards. I think that is substantial.
"If you disagree, you could just say that instead of blowing things way out of proportion."
I don't believe I've blown anything out of proportion. This has been a pretty calm and normal conversation.
"As for pallets, you're blinded for part of the destroying animation where you weren't attacking anyways."
Not entirely. You have enough vision to see there feet and know what direction they are going.
"they just dont gain the distance that sprinting away would've had."
"but they gain points and some confusion to possibly mindgame the killer"
So we agree that blinding at a pallet is not a waste. They gain points and if done correctly confuse the killer about where they went which can potentially be worth more than the sprint distance.
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Sure, I get it, realism was a poor word choice. But explain this, why is looking left or right not a better alternative? Looking up is silly.
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because sensitivity would then play a bigger part in it, i hate having huge sensitivity but with it set on high you would never get a blind rotating that fast, ups fine. hadnt played in 3 odd weeks yet seconds game boom 2 flashlight saves
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So you would rather have survivors blind you?
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so apparently when someone flashes a flashlight at you and you look up. the light beam ricochets off of your chin and into your eye sockets.
mm. makes sense no?
nothing wrong with the way evasion works right now
*eye roll*
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I never dodge flashlight even with the Hag, thank to franklin's demise :D
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If you want to get realistic, almost all the killers are much taller that survivors. So when a survivor flashes you they arent starting at eye level, they are having to aim upwards. By looking up depending on distance the angle at which the beam hits your face could indeed be greater than 90 degrees thus allowing killers eyes to not come in contact with the beam of light.
Now the angle decreases based on distance but so does the effectiveness of the beam. The further away you get the harder it is to blind and the more accurate you have to be.
You can argue that shorter killers would be more apt to get blinded as they are more likely eye level with the flashlight. However, much like how different killers seem to have longer lunges based on weapon length, the developers have stated that all killers have the same reach as far as weapon hits regardless of length of weapon. I think that's lazy design but my opinion isn't important.
The devs say that all killers have the same reach for weapons, so i would argue that they would do the same for flashlights. Making all killers have the same flashlight angles and such.
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You're making it seem like a small nerf to looking up would substantially change the balance of the game, but it really wouldn't change a whole lot. Also, I'm not even saying to make it as immediate blinding head on, just gradually. You are definitely exaggerating the moonwalking though.
As for the pallets again, feet are one visual cue, sound is another. Just being blinded doesnt take the killer out of commission completely. As for blinding at pallet, I'm saying it is an option but not necessarily a good one unless you are against a killer that's bad at tracking. Sprinting away is a guaranteed gain for that situation.
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"You're making it seem like a small nerf to looking up would substantially change the balance of the game"
No, I don't feel like I'm implying that. I'm just saying that buff to flashlights would be much significant than you think it would be and that flashlights are already strong enough.