Is the hook tech a bug?
Guess it's time to become a "1 Hook Wonder" :D
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It was mentioned on the recent Q&A ( when discussing how they changed hook tech. They said "at one point even something like being able to crouch under the hooked survivor came up" but essentially they say they decided against that. So somehow they accidentally managed to put that in anyway.
So no, it's not intended. You almost certainly won't get banned for it either way.
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Window tech is not that anooying for me tbh, maybe on console, but if you turn fast it is a overkill for tthe surv
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Exactly! that's their fault for doing that, if you stay there i'll stay there as well, I have 2 people to kill >:3
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Still gonna wait for them to say something.
Look at the tractor killer tech, it finally got intended in the oni patch, so let's just wait.
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Intentional or not, is not really the point.
The point is whether it's going to stay or not, and afaik there are no plans to change it currently.
As I said, the same thing happened with the Harvester Tech, it was in the game for a long while before it was recognised as an actual "tech", then officially recognised after it got added back into the game. This "tech" may or may not go the same way.
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Thank you for the clarification!
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those two techs are not really comparable. The Harvester tech is a mobility trick that allows the killer to reach a position more quickly, but the survivor can still manage to move around the Harvester - in other words, neither the killer nor the survivor are stuck in a situation where if one of the two parties don't make a move the game is (momentarily) stalled for them.
The hook tech instead is a survivor making himself untouchable by the killer. This situation can, and will, be abused in several ways, the most dangerous being to troll the survivor on the hook: just use the tech and hope the killer will stay there to camp the survivor, while the two others go on doing generators. Eventually, the survivor using the tech will run away (maybe by using sprint burst, to avoid any hit whatsoever) and the team mate being trolled will die on hook. And no, that's not the same as "not unhooking a survivor anyway", since in this latter case the killer is free to go pressure the map and/or hit any other survivor.
Even if you don't want to troll the survivor, it's still something somehow similar to a hatch standoff: the survivor has always the upper hand, either the killer accepts the loss of the survivor on the hook, or he has to accept that possibly 3 to 4 generators will be completed by the time the hooked survivor die (...admitting the swf team don't manage to save him last second anyway).
Every situation where the game can be stalled with no counter play other than "ok, you won, I'll do something else" should be promptly addressed, otherwise let's just put back the first iteration of Legion online, it's the same thing: trade a lot of time for a hook.
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I don't think its fair to compare using the killer's lunge to make a very small jump that make total sense physicaly to exploiting disappearing hitboxes to phase through reality.
There are a few instances of the killer's hitbox vanishing for legitimate reasons of preventing hostage situation. But I can't figure any legitimate reason as to why window and hook "techs" exist to begin with.
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The same reason why harvester tech exist.
And the window one you can easily counter it by waiting a sec or moving your camera fast.
The hook tech has counters as well, you can fake leaving the hook and then comeback and hit the rescuer or just trying to make it seem you are going to hook the survivor and then drop him and go for the other guy.
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Yeah - It's being countered by being deleted from the game.
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It's actually incredible that people advocate for things like this and "window tech" tp be considered features.
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Do you think the Combine/Tractor tech is a feature?
Cuz if you're fine with that, then you should be fine with Hook/Window Techs.
Either way, I don't like any of them. They are cheap and cheesy.
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Wasn't that removed, then later put back in because the devs thought it was ok / provided a counter to an otherwise safe area?
Whataboutism aside, the devs have clearly identified hook tech as an unintended occurrence that will be patched.
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This is a quote from Almo on a thread about the hook tech from earlier today. Should give a good idea on the devs view on it.
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@LordGlint shows how much changes in a month :)
Never say never and all that!
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I hear ya. I submitted this as my question for the Q&A, so if my question gets picked... it'll be more widely seen when the devs say it on stream.
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It is actually just a mere problem with the game's collision detection. While it isn't bannable, I wouldn't be surprised if it gets patched out somewhere down the road.
Thank you AaronPlaysTV/Ayrun for such amazingness.
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About as much tech as the clown bodyblock.
Apearantly this one aint bannable, not sure if the clown hook bodyblock was.